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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. Imagine you had went for hot pot with your Chinese girlfriend , instead of a sandwich, and whilst she was flicking rice into her mouth with her chopsticks ,and talking with her mouth full you accidently bumped the broth cauldron spilling the boiling mixture all over your legs . Imagine she then ran away from the situation , not knowing you own a car , because she could not take the indignity of getting on the tube with you and left you with the bill . So in great pain you managed to get to a 7/11 where you treated your badly burned legs as best you know how , with ice and cling film, giving yourself time to get the burns treated by a doctor and if that wasn't bad enough no one stopped to ask if you were ok or in need of help .

  2. You can only be a 'winner' or 'loser' if you have entered the competition.

    Why on earth would someone who wants to be a 'winner' come to live in Thailand in the first place?

    Exactly . Even if you wanted to be loser why would you come to Thailand in the first place .

  3. I worked in Glasgow many years ago and I was totally confused as the waiters in the Chinese, Indian and Italian restaurants I went to looked as though they came from the respective countries but they all spoke with a strong Glaswegian accent and I had no idea what they were talking about.

    If you throw in deep fried Mars bars, deep fried haggis and mutton pies it was a strange old place, but the beer was good.

    We used to throw the pies at Firhill , mostly at Queen of the South supporters.

  4. So I was right he was not rude at all, he was just British.... Clears it up... :jap:

    Ok Mugg, I liked your comment so much I had to incorporate it into my signature line. :lol:

    LOL, he was a brit, I knew it!

    This is a great quote, I am stealing it as well!!

    What is a Brit?

    Is he English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish?

    I am from Dorset first, English second and British third.

    It is all tribal, ask any Scotsman.

    I know a few coal black celts .

  5. The wife and I designed our house.

    We bought 2 steel press to make interlocking blocks together with a vcd on how to do. Hired a father and son to make the blocks. When they were trained they made about 300 a day.

    Hired one village guy to do all the concrete work and another to do the wood work - both "skilled".

    One guy with "papers" (and recommendations) was hired to do the electric and together we plan the "what & where".

    Was on site every day to monitor and correct all the wrong turns.

    We started the build in October 2004 and moved in May 2005.

    At lot of extras have been done after, and I guess the house will never be "finished" :rolleyes:

    The workers and management considered - I'm satisfied with the "end" result. :D

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    Bergen ,

    That's a fab house , Norwegian wood ?

  6. Let us drink to the Fifers, !! and take a moment for all others who died with the conviction . Francis Joseph Healy -in the water off the coast of Italy surived . John Richard Manning , in the jungle o' Burma - Survived

    I loved old Franco for his belief that I was an OK lad and , Glasgow Toll Cross , was the start of the start .

    tyger tyger

  7. I hope Bobby Sands, and the others, who's death established murder as the norm in British Prisons find nirvanah .

    Could you go a chicken supper...?

    The bravest thing that Tony Blair ever did was to betray honest and decent people into the hands of terrorists. I couldn't have done that, and from what I've seen on this forum, there's scarce few of our fellow posters - particularly the Americans, who seem even more bellicose than the English, that could have done so. But, in the face of extreme provocation, to turn the other cheek, and take the long view, and work towards peace...

    For all that he was a smiling hypocritcal dishonest toady, if the peace in Ulster is a lasting one, then we ought to admire him (Tony Blair, not the <deleted> terrorists... How much more credible was Gerry Adams when his words "were spoken by an actor?")


    Puir Ulstremen .

  8. I hope Bobby Sands, and the others, who's death established murder as the norm in British Prisons find nirvanah .

    Could you go a chicken supper...?

    The bravest thing that Tony Blair ever did was to betray honest and decent people into the hands of terrorists. I couldn't have done that, and from what I've seen on this forum, there's scarce few of our fellow posters - particularly the Americans, who seem even more bellicose than the English, that could have done so. But, in the face of extreme provocation, to turn the other cheek, and take the long view, and work towards peace...

    For all that he was a smiling hypocritcal dishonest toady, if the peace in Ulster is a lasting one, then we ought to admire him (Tony Blair, not the <deleted> terrorists... How much more credible was Gerry Adams when his words "were spoken by an actor?")



    SC ,

    peace in Ulster Peace to all athiests dinnae ken or fight , Well is the bairn greeetibn yet


  9. It's not only farang, I saw a Chinese guy screaming orders in English at the staff in an 'off the tourist trail' McDonalds this morning. ;)

    He was maybe English, or American, or Australian. Like catholics, you often can't tell, just by looking at them.


    Just imagine the future . Wealthy PRC people , factory owners, holyday makers etc , in the US or UK screaming insults , in Putonghua, at caucasian youth working in the local noodle shop because they don't know their fan from their min and pak choi from ho choi .

    Nah that's not going to happen is it ?

  10. I prefer to sup rather than pound although I occasionally quaff and often kneck . My rate of consuption is the sum of multiple factors including , the number of kilometers ridden to find , the patter , and the musak .

    eg ; Luke rides 60km on an old honda daleam to his favoured watering hole , the bar lord and one other customer and a mangy old soi dog are confiding , there is an 80's compilation cd playing . Does he sup , quaff or Kneck .

    jeezuz it's a bit early .

  11. Does the main man minister guy require a particular accent to be impressed upon his boys ?

    Probably best to cover all bases and have one brummie, one geordie, a scouser and a glaswegian ;)

    Chuck in a bit of mid Atlantic and them we huv a winner .

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