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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. Anyone remember SARS -Severe Acute Respitory Syndrome ? It was a killer , people drowned as their lungs filled with goo , at first it was spread through airborne snot droplets then as the virus peaked it was spread through shit in sewerage sytems in blocks of flats . The shit was literally running down the walls . Wash your hands before eating . If you can .

  2. Driving with the international Driving Licence in Thailand has a lot of advantages for small things: when stopped by a Policeman, he cannot read your licence it is a big embarassment for him so he generally prefer to let you go....

    That goes for Toys'R'us cards too .

    • Like 1
  3. I got mine down the road at Det Udom ,

    I needed

    My british drivering liscence ( it was in very poor nick , a bit of pink washed out paper ).

    The proof of address , the one with your photo on it , I got that at Phibun ( I was given another proof of adress thingy and had to make a second trip to Phibun to get the right one the next day ).

    A medical from a local doctor .

    My passport , with non O visa 2 years back to back . They did want proof of 3 years residence and weren't very comfortable with me not being retired .

    Some passport photos.

    I didn't do any tests and the lady was very friendly the second time around.

    Good luck out on the road .

    Edit ; Det Udom is about the same distance from Ubon as Glasgow is from Kilmarnock .

    Ouch- Please don't mention Kilmarnock !! ;)

    What's at Det Udom ? I thought the office to make licence in Ubon was just off ring road ( near all the car showrooms ) ?

    I've got the newer credit card style UK licence - hopefully thats going to be ok.

    Thanks for the warning about the proof of address. :jap:

    Cheers, SG

    Aye , Det Udom has a liscence office . It is on the 24 opposite the new court just before it dog legs . The lads at TC kitchen in Ubon were debating wether Ubon or Det was easier . At least you can get a second try .

  4. I got mine down the road at Det Udom ,

    I needed

    My british drivering liscence ( it was in very poor nick , a bit of pink washed out paper ).

    The proof of address , the one with your photo on it , I got that at Phibun ( I was given another proof of adress thingy and had to make a second trip to Phibun to get the right one the next day ).

    A medical from a local doctor .

    My passport , with non O visa 2 years back to back . They did want proof of 3 years residence and weren't very comfortable with me not being retired .

    Some passport photos.

    I didn't do any tests and the lady was very friendly the second time around.

    Good luck out on the road .

    Edit ; Det Udom is about the same distance from Ubon as Glasgow is from Kilmarnock .

  5. You saw those belts with pockets ?

    I had a better one made in robust leather for 1000 baht,

    and in one of those pockets i carry a knife in a quick draw,

    that knife has a button that trigger the blade, and when i draw my thumb will be right at it.

    I had the belt 2-3 years now and it's as good as ever.

    Probably gonna cost 1500 now, but a thief would absolutely alert you trying to get anything.

    Those belts at market cost perhaps 400, and will wear out in 3 months, but i think it would be a good idea to buy a couple for you to find out how you want it arranged before having the best you can think of hand made

    I bought a snake skin belt from a guy in the bar once . It was really nice and had a secret zipper compartment that only customs officers and police men knew about , but it did look really cool and went well with my zebra skin brothel creepers .

  6. Next time you should actually order some CHINESE food...you know, the stuff some 1.5 billion Chinese people in China actually eat and not some bastardized concoctions that people eat back in Blighty or the USA :lol:

    Amusingly the western countries love "Chinese food" yet if presented with actual Chinese food the would refuse to eat it as its "not proper" chinese food !!!!

    Well, that's not really true. In the US where I lived we had 2 kinds of Chinese restaurants. One was the fast food place, and yes, made for western tastes. But we have many authentic places, my favorites being Szechuan.

    I was working over in Macau last year for a local firm and they showed me some amazing food . These were spit the bones on the table shops, a tad filthy , and beer was prominent on the menu , but the food , oh the food .All sat at round tables we had goose stuffed with sticky rice , turtle baked in its shell , steamed garoupa seared with hot oil, deep fried duck tongues ,chicken knees , deep fried battered crab , steamed prawns , duck and chessnut stew and it went on like that . It was all prepared country kitchen style and served in heated earthen ware bowls . All washed down with Tsing Tao .Top food and cheap . I had lived in Hong Kong before but never come across some of these dishes . Maybe the culture is dying out , like the tutles .

  7. I will have ago at pickled onions , thanks for the recipe . Try sun drying tomatoes , it is easy .

    In the dry season ;

    cut the tomatoes in half

    lay them on a tray skin down

    sprinkle with rock salt

    sprinkle with some dried oregano or thyme

    put them out in the sun

    they should be ready in a week or so and can be dry stored in bags or in a jar with some olive oil .

  8. I was informed , on another thread recently , that the wats only partially cremate the dead and the bones are left mostly intact .

    The bones are often retained and placed in the walls of the wat, dispersed at sea or just kept in the house.

    It always find it amusing after the ashes have been laid out, and adorned with clothing, to see the clamour to try and find a piece of bone. You are considered very lucky if you find a tooth.

    I would regard that as morbid rather than amusing Cardholder.

    Never hang around for the actual cremation - leave with the rest of the herd. Certainly don't come back to pick over the bones!

    Yeah , come to think of it there is a bit of some old venerated uncle in one of my wife's amulets, a bit of his forehead , skull as I remember .

  9. It's not pastiche but pastitche - that should make it easier for you

    The rash has cleared up then?

    only on the bit of the tit

    I think you are getting a bit confused there, my bad, the pasties I meant are the Cornish ones, the type you eat, first syllable pass not pay.

    I will have to complect on that one .

  10. .... there's no S in racism.



    All I can say is .....

    The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, is it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

    You'll be telling me there's no s in spellchecker next.

  11. Tony Blair of course.

    In a jocular thread such as this swearing is acceptable, but using those two words is disgraceful


    Getting back to speech patterns, I noticed in a different thread you said you are Scottish, can I just ask, is your user name how Sean Connery says 'pastie' ?

    I thought it was because he's pastiche prime .


    In the beggining was the sound "

  12. One nasty post has been removed and some, but not all, off-topic posts have been removed.

    I seldom get down in the area being discussed. I know there are a number of well-educated Africans in Bangkok and I know several who are teachers--and quite good. I also know that they won't go down in that area at all.

    Yes well this is not a racist post against anybody and was never meant to be it was only an observation that was made having not been to Bangkok in years. it could well have been about the increase in any race of people or the increase in stray cats :D

    Runaway boys mostly . Pops , your rascism is no excuse for your limited vocabulary .

  13. Some guid news SC...having arranged a wee session with ma cousin back in Auld Reekie for late March. I'll need tae buy a camera so all suggestions welcome on that front.

    Obviously in the spirit ay the thread any ridiculous suggestions will be treated in the appropriate manner. Kenwhitahmeanthaddyyabam?

    I'm lookin' forward tae it bein' honest...its bin a while.


    We've still not confirmed Diggers is still there, since Patsycat never turned up last Christmas, I think.

    I doubt I'll have the money for the planned Chinese New Year trip, so March is a possibility, but I've bought my ticket to HK for the sevens at the end of March already (though not the rugby ticket...)

    I doubt it'll be practical to get a ticket for the Six Nations games; Calcutta Cup is up first in February and Scotland are away in March, first in Dublin, then to Paris. SO actually, that would be better, since I could show my support for the Regions.

    It might be five years since I was in a pub in Edinburgh.

    Anyway, in the spirit of the thread...



    Well it's still there as far as I know. My last visit was before a friendly against Australia wher we got well beaten as usual; my mate and I wore kilts and Aussie cricket shirts because they were gubbing the Poms in the Ashes


  14. The BIB used to have regular pogroms of the 'Soi Africa' area when the population would drop precipitously for a couple of years. I haven't heard of this happening for several years but I'm a bit out of touch with the local news there.

    <deleted> is a pogrom????

    That's when all the different , stand out types get rounded up by the military police and sent off to gaol or stalags . It has been used in the past in ethnic cleansing . A nasty business by all accounts.

  15. As the Chinese do , drink green tea , hot or cold . Drinking coffee will heat you up . In the hot and humid months I avoid coffee , even if I need thecaffiene , that is because when I drink coffee I feel my body heating up. The Chinese herbal system differentiats between heating and cooling foods . Eat salad and greens and avoid fried meats . I wish I could .

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