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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. I used bring in 10 l sometimes 12 l flying in from Macau . It was plastic fantastic and in wine boxes . I got searched but the guy didn't recognise what it was . He was more interested in the box of liquers that I had bought for the oldies in the soi . The customs bloke believed he had caught me with some kind of drug in little bottles . He was a bit embarrased when he found it was a box of chocs . Or something like that . I always had tins of kippers , olives . chorizos and stuff and they never questioned the wine boxes .

  2. The mechanism of the syphon is not clearly understood...., Also if the point of leakage is at higher pressure than the outlet, which it will be, the leakage would be water out not air in.

    By many perhaps including the professors here, but the physics are straightforward. Why will any leak be at a higher pressure than the outlet? Any leak above the inlet level will destroy the siphon.




    As I said cohesive forces and gravity are the prime causes of the action. As to leaks, the outlet must be at the lowest pressure.

    A big long leaky tunnel ?

  3. Im nae fae glaisgea Masel but there was a nice wee bar way down past the end of sochiehall st where all the natives of the western isles used to hang out, had a few nights there when I went to the annual fishing exhibition at the SECC, after the bar we were off to the ceilidh at around midnight, if I remember correctly the ceilidh was held in an old ex church,, my the whiskey used to flow like water on them nights

    Outstandin, ahv no been tae a guid ceilidh fur a while, yev pit me richt in the mood

    The Ben nevis , or maybe the one one across from the Park Bar .

  4. Village life, good and bad, most farangs are just not cut out for it. My village is a closely backed border village of around 300 homes [huts ] and everyone is related. Great for my 2 little ones as it is really just one big family. We have no front door, only doors are on the bedrooms, people come and go all day and night. Keep my ice box in the front of the house on the soi and never had one beer stolen. Don't hear the chickens, speakers and muffler-less motorbikes any more. My brain has tuned those noises out.

    Biggest problem I find is dealing with the simple mindedness of the locals. They refuse to do anything differently than their fathers did, but when I say if you want western things, cars, TV etc you need to do things in a better way, they just shrug. FIL puts bills in the car clove box with a Buddha medallion on top. They will go away, then there is a panic when they come to cut the power off or the bank is phoning demanding payment. I maybe different then many as I make my living here and know if the workers started think of tomorrow instead of what's happening now, things would be much easier. Won't hold my breath. Every thing is living in the moment, don't bother to put the rifle away, just leave it in the baby's cot. why bother having brakes on a motorbike etc. That's life. Jim

    `Jim ,

    see ye in January , a dram maybe ?

  5. Oh the pipes .

    All the best of times ye Scots !

    What a coincidence that you posted that clip, I was reading the plaque outside the Tron theatre last night stating " Stan Laurel " played here.......anyway here's one of my favourite youtube clips.

    I have a mucker in Hong Kong and his uncle is in the march . Magic stuff , my young son loves watching L&H . Thanks for the music .

    Edit ; I could murder some smoked haddock

    I'll have some for my breakfast on Saturday morning, delicious!! until it starts coming back on you blink.gif

    India pale ale , half pint, should wash that down nicely .

    Glasgow on a Saturday was down to the barras , a deep fried macaroni and cheese pie , a bit of bargain hunting and and then far too much to drink in the Squirrel , a stagger down to the Scotia for some afternoon rock a' billy and a taxotheque homeward . So it went .

  6. Quick update for anyone interested :-

    Documents required to obtain 1 year ( temporary ) driving licence at UBON RATCHATANI office are as follows :-

    1) Original passport + 1 copy of photo page + 1 copy O-A stamp + 1 copy departure card.

    2) Proof of residence from Phibun immigration office. * CAREFUL ! - make sure you get the version with your photograph on it ( you need to supply 2 x passport photos ).

    3) Original driving licence from your home country + 1 copy.

    4) "Doctors" letter stating you are healthy - available from shop near 7-11 on ring road ( approx 100m from licence office ). I very much doubt this guy is a doctor but his form is accepted by licence office without question. Charge TB 60 but get your wife to approach and ask price BEFORE you appear or you will pay "farang rates" i.e - considerably more !

    At the licence office I was asked to take a colour blindness test, then they take your photo and you pay TB200 and that's it !

    10 mins later and you leave with your new Thai licence.

    Lovely lady behind counter made the process easy and fun. No boring videos to watch or trips to Embassy in Bangkok required.

    If you want both car and motorbike licences TWO copies of all documents and two fees are required.

    Please note this is for UBON office - other offices MAY insist on International Driving Permits and letter from Embassy as proof of Thai address.

    Safe driving one and all. :jap:

    Any idea if you are able to obtain a Thai License on a Tourist Visa in Ubon?

    Don't think it's possible. Lady at Phibun immigration said you need a Retirement Visa to get the confirmation of residency letter.

    No letter = No licence i think. :(

    A non O marriage is ok at Det Udom , I payed 500 twice at Phibun returning the next day to apply for the photo graph proof of residence .

  7. "and a depth of ten kilometers"

    Is that a misprint or is it actually realistic? :huh:

    Misprint or not, why stop there? Tunnel through the crust and beyond. Seriously though, the tunnel that would lie below sea level at both ends have any kind of chance?

    My thoughts also.

    Of course this plan will incorporate the well documented , " Pataya Water Spout Effect " , to thrust the water skywards via the existing ancient spout shafts about 3km offshore .

  8. Oh the pipes .

    All the best of times ye Scots !

    What a coincidence that you posted that clip, I was reading the plaque outside the Tron theatre last night stating " Stan Laurel " played here.......anyway here's one of my favourite youtube clips.

    I have a mucker in Hong Kong and his uncle is in the march . Magic stuff , my young son loves watching L&H . Thanks for the music .

    Edit ; I could murder some smoked haddock

  9. Have no idea what you wanted to say, however, the number of patents is one of the only practical ways to measure innovation.

    And if the number of patents is very low - it's an indication of a lack of innovation.

    And on a different note:

    All "life changing" inventions / innovations in the past 300-400 years came from what we call the "West":

    After travelling through asia for 20 years, you soon come to realize that some of the things that were invented in the West hold a very high probability of being ideas that were actually taken from Asia.

    Such as?

    The um eh er mm, um um umberella !

  10. Another aspect of village life is the use of bicycles for tranportation of persons . A lot of these bicycles are , at best , knackered . My father in law has an old sit up and beg bone rattler caliper brakes and all . He glides along effortlessly , a dignified otogeranium sporting a pork pie hat . When I get on it I am swerving uncontroled all over the soi and end up horizontal . Then there's bikes with one pedal and then there's bikes with no saddle and then there's bikes that have been adapted to resemble mini marts . They would make a great bunch for a sunday run .

  11. We could start a "Village Life Thread Preservation Society "

    Thank you Mr Davis .

    So, you profess to know who I am? Well, you got the first letter right but then so could a two-year old as it's in my username.

    Your reply is typical of the negative ones most posters here are referring to.

    Check your PM's.


    Simon , no offence or negativity intended , a mere pun without profession to your good self . I was thanking a certain Mr Ray Davis for his insight and honesty and great songs . The Village Green Preservation Society was the name of The Kinks album portraying a changing England . A thread in the making - What is changing in the village you live in ? Is it for the better or worse ? Opinions anecdotes and so on .

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