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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. OL:A wireless router !! Crivens I'll bet that plays havoc with his moustache.

    S: I can't imagine Richard Briers with facial hair. Could you provide a pic?

    OL:I was thinking Windsor Davies , " because we is British , we gets up off our backsides and defies the sun ."

    S: I wondered what he was up to in KL....if the gang's all there well....which panto are they showing this year?



    It is whispering grass with Lofty


    I'm leaving the pantomime to join the circus - it'll be the biggest show in town, with my old mates from HK - as seen on television (Crimewatch 5).

    Its not a travelling circus though... but I'll still be commuting.


    EDIT: I've never actually lived in Glasgow, and I doubt there's a publican in Scotland would remember me now, which is probably a good thing - for them, at least.

    Well SC if you don't have a bicycle to cut about on here's wishing you a classic holyday .

  2. excellent story, that's what we want to hear...

    now, when I was first married I watched as my new wife prepared gaeng som and it had a strong smell but there was a load of garlic so I said: 'can't be too bad...' but it was horrible and the smell of old socks couldn't be rid of for a few days...then the neighbors started to complain in Abu Dhabi as it stank up the whole building...but, it is my wife's 'comfort food' and she is my beloved so OK...and we have separate kitchens now at home anyway, hers is outdoors on the terrace...never knew that bamboo shoots could smell so strong when cooked...

    Oh and it cleans ye right out .

    Here's my dear wife hanging up the garlic and sour sausage .

  3. A wireless router !! Crivens I'll bet that plays havoc with his moustache.

    I can't imagine Richard Briers with facial hair. Could you provide a pic?

    I was thinking Windsor Davies , " because we is British , we gets up off our backsides and defies the sun ."

    I wondered what he was up to in KL....if the gang's all there well....which panto are they showing this year?


    It is whispering grass with Lofty

  4. Alternatively , I grab the bottle and in frutration smash the top of the kneck off . Then I filter the water of life through an old sock , preferably with no holes , into a bucket to much aplause from my fiff raff chums. The good auld days .

    :drunk: xcusemeisthertoopeezinaplause?

    dam_n these new contact lenses...firaminutethereahthochtyeweresantaclause.

    I prefer to drink straight from the tap....although don't try this if you have sensitive teeth.

    I take you've heard of the Fiff Raff splinter group that has surfaced on TV ?

    I heard SC sent the landlord of his old pub in Glasgow a wireless router for his Xmas. The rest is history....or might become so....as we know its never written by the vanquished

    A wireless router !! Crivens I'll bet that plays havoc with his moustache.

  5. Alternatively , I grab the bottle and in frutration smash the top of the kneck off . Then I filter the water of life through an old sock , preferably with no holes , into a bucket to much aplause from my fiff raff chums. The good auld days .

    :drunk: xcusemeisthertoopeezinaplause?

    dam_n these new contact lenses...firaminutethereahthochtyeweresantaclause.

    I prefer to drink straight from the tap....although don't try this if you have sensitive teeth.

    I take you've heard of the Fiff Raff splinter group that has surfaced on TV ?

  6. excellent story, that's what we want to hear...

    now, when I was first married I watched as my new wife prepared gaeng som and it had a strong smell but there was a load of garlic so I said: 'can't be too bad...' but it was horrible and the smell of old socks couldn't be rid of for a few days...then the neighbors started to complain in Abu Dhabi as it stank up the whole building...but, it is my wife's 'comfort food' and she is my beloved so OK...and we have separate kitchens now at home anyway, hers is outdoors on the terrace...never knew that bamboo shoots could smell so strong when cooked...

    Oh and it cleans ye right out .

  7. I know it must be a supperstition .

    My family have been living in Hong Kong the past months, in a little flat, and we bought some furniture from IKEA , beds and a sofa and so on . When we were buying this stuff we took care to measure it up so that it would fit the confined space we live in and we played at houses . Now , when I came home from work today the beds had been turned around to face in the opposite direction from previous . Wife and son had used his plastic pirate toy compass to determine the four cardinal points and now our sleeping directions have our heads pointing westerly . What's in it ?

  8. One for Naam if I may. Do you think if I position those extractor fans that were discussed in another thread as indicated below, it will be sufficient? Many thanks :jap:

    i see a problem Mr Bo! you don't seem to have a the usual roof overhang with "air-intake eaves" (side walls are going straight up touching the roof). if that is the case your two fans can't extract anything but will be chopping air... except if there is an intake which i can't see.

    solution: install both fans on one side and have wooden louvers made for the other side.

    Thamks Naam.

    It's difficult to see in the piccies but there should be plenty of air flow in the roof space. in the piccie with the father in law, you can see the light shining through the space that will allow air into the roof space. The brickwork is just upto the cross members of the roof steel work on the sides. I still have to choose how I am going to finish it off on the outside under the eaves but it will have vented boards. I also like the idea of the louvres :jap:

    Something like this house has?


    It is the scaffolds that amaze me every time .

  9. I like the way our open midden has grown into an eggplant and tomatoe orchard from all the som tam leftovers .

    Upon returning from a mushroom gathering expedition with my wife , her old dad , a gentleman always , cooked up a geng het in a small pot . Het pueng , pak teo , prik , nam pla , geua , all in boiling water for about five minutes . It was splendid . It was simple . It was delicious .

  10. Imagine you had went for hot pot with your Chinese girlfriend , instead of a sandwich, and whilst she was flicking rice into her mouth with her chopsticks ,and talking with her mouth full you accidently bumped the broth cauldron spilling the boiling mixture all over your legs . Imagine she then ran away from the situation , not knowing you own a car , because she could not take the indignity of getting on the tube with you and left you with the bill . So in great pain you managed to get to a 7/11 where you treated your badly burned legs as best you know how , with ice and cling film, giving yourself time to get the burns treated by a doctor and if that wasn't bad enough no one stopped to ask if you were ok or in need of help .

    Hehe very funny post. Nice one. :lol:

    Welcome to the twilight zone .

    Lucky you had your socks, or you'd have had to go thirsty.

    I was trying to find that post to quote in another thread where someone was suggesting real men drink from funnels, not glasses


    "Alternatively , I grab the bottle and in frutration smash the top of the kneck off . Then I filter the water of life through an old sock , preferably with no holes , into a bucket to much aplause from my fiff raff chums. The good auld days .

    :drunk: xcusemeisthertoopeezinaplause? "

    I had to tool about to find it .

  11. Imagine you had went for hot pot with your Chinese girlfriend , instead of a sandwich, and whilst she was flicking rice into her mouth with her chopsticks ,and talking with her mouth full you accidently bumped the broth cauldron spilling the boiling mixture all over your legs . Imagine she then ran away from the situation , not knowing you own a car , because she could not take the indignity of getting on the tube with you and left you with the bill . So in great pain you managed to get to a 7/11 where you treated your badly burned legs as best you know how , with ice and cling film, giving yourself time to get the burns treated by a doctor and if that wasn't bad enough no one stopped to ask if you were ok or in need of help .

    Hehe very funny post. Nice one. :lol:

    Welcome to the twilight zone .

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