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Posts posted by AndersSN

  1. would you like to biuy a cat?

    Did you mean BUY? (sarcastic comments works best if you spell correctly)

    I want a cat for my 3 year old daughter as cats are a great way for children to learn about responsibility and reading body language.

    So anyone in the know?

  2. There is a really nice factory in Ban Tawai. They make their pieces, everything from a 3 meter tall Buddha head to floor boards, out of colored concrete.

    I forget the name and it's really not easy to find either. But if you turn left of Chiang Mai Hod road towards BT u have to turn left over the small canal when u r about to leave BT. The it's 5 min on small roads past a temple.

    Sorry I can't be more specific and good luck.

  3. As Pedr from the Old Belle mentioned to fork out 6000 for a licence fee seems a bit crazy seeing most games kick off at 1.45am (except for the first week).

    Let's see how crazy it sounds when England start doing well and win a couple of games..

    Christ your optimistic. England will do well to make it out of the Group Stage IMO. If we did win it, rest assured ill buy you a beer!!

    As for bar options what about Mad Dog, The Wall, Chiang Mai Saloon, Zoe, Smile Bar, Dutch Delicious, Living Room, Bar Eve, Dragonfly, etc....does anyone know if any of these places intend to show the football?? As for Thai places doesn't that Kumni Chiang Mai Restuarant (near the old Rasta on the moat), stay open late for the footy, cant imagine them not showing it!?!?

    Very interested to find out if any of these places are showing the games.

    Johns place might be showing it???

    Dragonfly Bar is in negotiations with police on how much it will cost to stay open.

    I will let you know how it goes.

    • Like 1
  4. Binjalin, attendance at Walen is very good. Teachers are smart, intelligent and very pleasing looking and learning at the Walen school is real joy.

    My idea of pleasing looking is short skirt, tight top and high heels (and that's just for guys). Is that really what your teachers look like?

    Or is it just bulls... rhetorics like the rest of your spiel?

    Anders, so I understand you have not had a demo lesson yet. Please come and try for free and you be the judge if the teachers are to your satisfaction or not.

    I'm actually fluent in speaking reading and writing, so no thanks. And before u get started I'm not interested in becoming a partner either, your used car salesman rhetoric made sure of that.

    I can offer you a demo lesson though. I have a master in business communication and your skills in that area needs improving ;)

    • Like 2
  5. Binjalin, attendance at Walen is very good. Teachers are smart, intelligent and very pleasing looking and learning at the Walen school is real joy.

    My idea of pleasing looking is short skirt, tight top and high heels (and that's just for guys). Is that really what your teachers look like?

    Or is it just bulls... rhetorics like the rest of your spiel?

  6. Gorman obviously doesn't understand the difference between paid advertising and spam. He also thinks bad publicity is good.

    Maybe he'll understand if we (those of us who don't like spam) boycott his service and tell everyone we know to do the same.

    No, I said no publicity is bad publicity.

    Would you prefer email advertising or speaker van advertising?

    You should talk to the many Facebook shareholders about that. The fact that the share is dropping and the publicity that follows has caused the share to drop even more. Bad publicity with a bad consequence.

    And when it comes to spam vs speaker wan. If you asked people what they would prefer, to get shot in the head or stabbed in the heart, you would get the same answer from 99,9% Neither. Which is why both types of assault and marketing is illegal many places in the world, do people doesn't have to make a choice that is obviously illogical.

    So now you're comparing advertising to getting shot in the head or heart. Your argument appears to be weakening.

    I hope you are being willfully ignorant. Because if you are not, you are making yourself look foolish.

    But just in case you are not, here is what I did: I did not compare the seriousness of the two kinds of potential criminal activity, I displayed the faults in your question by posing a hyperthitical question that included the same dilemma of supplying two equally undesirable (albeit, I admit, extreme) possibilities that no normal person would see a point in choosing between.

    • Like 2
  7. Spam clearly works or else the market would have gotten rid of it a long time ago. Spam will hurt your image, but help your bottom line. Up to you.

    I half agree. In my opinion, and that of many others apparently, spam does hurt a business' image. As a business owner I can see the reasons for using this form of advertizing (though I don't and won't use it myself). What I don't understand is the defensive/argumentative response by Gorman to people's complaints. This surely aggravates the initial annoyance, or creates a bad impression when there was none to begin with. Wouldn't it be more respectful, and more helpful to the business' image, to answer complaints with something like:

    I understand that some people find email advertizing to be annoying. To those people I apologize, but it most cases this is not a problem and "spam" is simply an affordable and effective method for me to promote my business. If you wish to stop receiving emails, please let me know and you will be removed from my list.

    See the post immediately above.

    I do agree with your comments.


    Again, depending on where in the world you are, that's not true either.

    There was a big case in holland last year where two companies were fined 660.000€. The only article I could find in English is here: http://ksforum.inboxrevenge.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=4418

    This is from OPTA's own website, quote: The fines OPTA imposed in 2011 totaled more than EUR 1 million for violations of telemarketing regulations. Source: http://www.opta.nl/en/news/all-publications/publication/?id=3590

    Directly hurting the bottom line!!!

    We can only hope that the US firms up their CAN-SPAM act to European standards so this nuisance can be stamped out.

  8. Depends on the intersection. Some you can and some you can't. Look for a little Thai sign (no english) just before the lights. Some allow turning while others say you can't and mention a fine.

    will look out for that then, after ive looked out for the 'fuzz'

    It's a rather small sign, white background with black Thai lettering........easy to miss if you're unaware of it.

    You can see one as u approach the intersection by Pantip plaza from Changklan Rd, you are not allowed to turn left on to Sridonchai Rd at red.
  9. If you don't like getting spam, you shouldn't use the internet.


    Wow that's very adult.

    So because I don't like shoplifting I shouldn't go to shops? And because I don't like people tailgating or speeding I shouldn't use the roads?

    By your argument we should let people who behave antisocial, immoral or directly illegally run the world.



    Ha ha ha. My 2 1/2 year old daughter argues better than that. At least her no will be followed by something like: I don't want to wash my hair or I don't want to go to kindergarten :D

  10. Gorman obviously doesn't understand the difference between paid advertising and spam. He also thinks bad publicity is good.

    Maybe he'll understand if we (those of us who don't like spam) boycott his service and tell everyone we know to do the same.

    No, I said no publicity is bad publicity.

    Would you prefer email advertising or speaker van advertising?

    You should talk to the many Facebook shareholders about that. The fact that the share is dropping and the publicity that follows has caused the share to drop even more. Bad publicity with a bad consequence.

    And when it comes to spam vs speaker wan. If you asked people what they would prefer, to get shot in the head or stabbed in the heart, you would get the same answer from 99,9% Neither. Which is why both types of assault and marketing is illegal many places in the world, do people doesn't have to make a choice that is obviously illogical.

  11. I think it actually goes: There is no such thing as bad publicity

    And when it comes to carbon footprint. Do you think that because there is no smoke stack on your pc or exhaust on your mobile that they don't leave a footprint? Google for instance have been under massive pressure because of the amount of servers they have all over the world to provide us with fast search results. So don't kid yourself, if you have a website you are contributing to global carbon emissions.

    Pretty much whatever you do nowadays leaves a carbon footprint. You can either leave a big one or a small one, using the internet to promote businesses leaves a smaller footprint and is therefore the moral choice.

    I could say that you eating food or drinking water contributes to your carbon footprint but I won't be that petty.

    Funny that you use the word moral.

    Sending out spam is actually illegal in many countries including the EU. So by sending out spam you are not only breaking the law but also being immoral.

    Seems to me a case of: if standards are good then double standards must be twice as good. :D

  12. Ok I understand that some people find 'spam' annoying but lets look at the big picture.

    a. as they say in the business... no publicity is bad publicity and;

    b. environmental awareness. Would you prefer advertising letters through your letter box? Think of all that paper and those trees wasted.

    I think you'll find the saying is "bad publicity is good publicity" but i am sure your anagram is near enough.

    and I actually make 10bt a month collecting junk flyers from superstores, so it can be recycled, its not a problem.

    Thank you for verifying my anagram, much appreciated.

    I am conscious about my carbon footprint and the environment thus I see internet advertising as the moral choice. I said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't want to read the advertisement, don't.

    I think it actually goes: There is no such thing as bad publicity

    And when it comes to carbon footprint. Do you think that because there is no smoke stack on your pc or exhaust on your mobile that they don't leave a footprint? Google for instance have been under massive pressure because of the amount of servers they have all over the world to provide us with fast search results. So don't kid yourself, if you have a website you are contributing to global carbon emissions.

  13. And why would u want citizenship?

    Unles of course u plan to die in Thailand like a Thai. I.e. not leaving Thailand to visit the rest of the civilized world.

    Visas for Thai citizens are a nightmare, so unless your home country allows dual citizenship, going home could be a real problem.

    Good luck

    Do any first world countries not allow dual citizenship? I think Germany does not.

    but my wife has Thai/US & it helps in many ways.

    As a US citizen I would jump at the chance to obtain a 2nd passport

    Plenty of European cuntries doesn't allow dual citizenship.

    Mind you. If I was from the US I would want a 2nd passport too. Plausible deniability an all that. (yes I'm actually not American, here look I'm Thai, my passport proves it...) biggrin.png

  14. Another vote for retirement rather than marriage. Even the immigration officer told me that.

    Compared to retirement, a marriage extension can be a walk on the dark side.

    And next year when they decide that anyone on a marriage extension for 5 continuous years will receive Thai citizenship ............. you won't and I will.

    When you talk to a competent immigration official (not a lazy one) and ask what visa you should be on, the answer is always the visa appropriate to you being in Thailand. If you are here because you are married, you should be on a marriage extension.

    And why would u want citizenship?

    Unles of course u plan to die in Thailand like a Thai. I.e. not leaving Thailand to visit the rest of the civilized world.

    Visas for Thai citizens are a nightmare, so unless your home country allows dual citizenship, going home could be a real problem.

    Good luck

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