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Posts posted by AndersSN

  1. I gotta say I love my new Ipad and so does my daughter, it´s perfect for keeping her entertained in the car and it´s going to be a blessing when we fly home to Denmark later this month.

    And yes it´s expensive and doesn´t play flash, but I don´t need it to.

  2. At the moment there are about 3-400 people queuing ti get their hands on the new IPod 2

    Rumor has it that only 300 are for sale. I'm no 67 in the que :-(

  3. Hahaa you do have a point there my english grammar needs to be improved,then again i dont pretend to be anything educational for anyone.My plan is to move to Chiang Mai soon.My question is can someone reccomend me a nice friendly international school if possible based on the Montessori principal in CM >?

    if not what other international school in CM would be the most laid back international school in Chiang mai..I mean not to long school days ,plenty of art,sports and with lots of play time in between the school day .my son is 7 years old and is fluent in eng thai dutch.

    Unfortunately I don't think that I am allowed to include a link to their website but, if you Google Panyaden School, Chiang Mai I think that you might find some 'food for thought'.

    Call me a thrill seeker, I'm boldly going to post it and to hell with the consequences!! : http://www.panyaden.org/


    You have done it now Winnie!!!!

    You mad cow you.....

  4. Anybody punished for the Santika tragedy?

    The owner and manager are doing time.

    I know this as a fact because I actually know the owner and was offered the job of managing the place the Autumn before it burned.

    Dodged a bullet there fore sure :blink:

  5. Try Bakuri.com Danish company with office in CM and thai prices

    No offence as Im not sure if this is your company but there is a spelling error in the title tag for a start. There are many other spelling mistakes all over the site aswell. A top10 guarantee for each keyword is impossible unless you know the popularity of the customers keywords. Also no timescale is given for how long it would take to achieve this.

    I don't mean to attack but the amount of people that get ripped off by people claiming to be able to do SEO is at a ridicolous amount now and extremely unfair. If youre gonna use an SEO company, (which you don't really need to), research it, research it research it!!

    If you want a simple website for yourself or your company try wordpress. (http://wordpress.org/) - not the .com version. Everyone uses it now, probably some of your favourite websites too.

    You'll have to read up a bit on how to install it so you can design on your comp but if you're not really much of a coder but have an idea then there are thousands of ready made templates which you can tweak. Its a good place to start.

    No offense taken as you are right in it is not my web site and it is really bad English.

    To be fair though the guaranty is that you don't pay for your keywords until they are in the top ten.

    I must say I disagree with you when it comes to how easy it is to do seo. I find it time consuming and a pain having to keep up to date with changes in google's algorithms to make sure you keep your positions.

  6. If you are not concerned about cost, it might be worth asking for an international package.

    These gives you separate speeds for domestic and international connections and are a lot more stable than the regular connections.

    My ex neighbor has one with TOT and he claims that it's very good. They generally don't advertise these, so you have to ask specifically.

  7. If you where a Thai with only a Thai passport you would know how hard it is to get a European UK or USA visa just to as a tourist so your lame idea of punishing the Thais for thier imigration lows will not really work since they already quite being punished.

    This is just not true, If you marry someone from the EU and have their child it is very easy to own land, work and get citizenship in the EU.

    I'm pretty sure wealthy Thais have no problems getting tourist VISAs either.

    That is not true at all.

    Denmark has just passed new legislation that as a non EU citizen you have to fulfill a myriad of criteria to be eligible for permanent residence.

    This includes educational level and prior jobs as well as prospective job possibilities. I.e. Denmark only wants immigrants who are needed and not just freeloaders.

    Being married with child will help, but if you spend your life in a rice field in Isan and a bar in Pataye you have no hope.

  8. as we all know, were only guests in this country, and if they want us out, they will use any reason that's handy, regardless whether it's law.

    they don't give 2 jots what the rest of the world thinks or cares, be careful.

    When 'guests' come to my house I treat them with courtesy.

    When uninvited people come around, I probably treat them like........whistling.gif

    An if your 'guests' take a shit in your couch or come on to your wife?

  9. The BIB have been going about the LK area holding meetings with bars saying that that an increase in tea money would help them to look the other way. they are to meat with a certain group at a certain boxing venue tonight.

    They must either really like me or be setting me up.

    No such conversations in my bar, and if they came I would probably just give them the extra money anyway, it's not worth the hassle for the peanuts they ask for now.

    They have been going around warning that a bigwig BIB is in town so shutting early Thursday - Friday would be prudent.

    It may depend on which side of the street your on.:lol:

    I'm obviously on the right side :blink:

  10. The BIB have been going about the LK area holding meetings with bars saying that that an increase in tea money would help them to look the other way. they are to meat with a certain group at a certain boxing venue tonight.

    They must either really like me or be setting me up.

    No such conversations in my bar, and if they came I would probably just give them the extra money anyway, it's not worth the hassle for the peanuts they ask for now.

    They have been going around warning that a bigwig BIB is in town so shutting early Thursday - Friday would be prudent.

  11. girls girls girls, if you ain't gottem, you'll not gettem!


    <deleted> my dear friend, as you well know!! Girls open a huge new way to get ripped off in the bar trade: If you want to open a bar, get stuck in and do so. Chiang Mai;s bar scene depends on a couple of new guys with new ideas setting up every year: that's why we have such an amazing wealth of bars and restaurants in town. As has been mentioned above, if you don't have a Thai partner, get a good lawyer- Sunbelt Asia has been mentioned - their rates are expensive, but I gather they get results. The other thing is: be different! do something the others don't do! Expats will support something innovative. Good luck and don't let people put you off.

    BTW: if you can persuade David Oxen to play his keyboard in your bar, it will certainly help your business- I've tried, but so far he won't bite!!!!

    Our Millwall Fan is 100% correct on one point, is that girls do open a huge new way to get ripped off in the bar trade. These women are problematic, full stop. This means that a bar owner has to be of a certain type, well seasoned, a bit of a thug himself and well experienced in dealing with his employees. If not, they will end up controlling him perhaps with devastating consequences for the owner. Also taking into consideration that whatever new ideas you may think of, these may not be permitted within the adult entertainments industries of Chiang Mai that has been highly restricted by the authorities. What goes in Bangkok and Pattaya cannot be compared with Chiang Mai.

    I doubt if there is anyway a farang could legally own a bar solely in his own name. In any event it will cost him a truckload of cash to find a trustworthy lawyer whose life ambitions is to safeguard the owners interests.

    You could do what many of them do, that is use an up front Thai name and insure the nice policeman or mafia pal never runs short of tea money, which is illegal. That`s OK if you don`t mind becoming involved with criminal gangs.

    My advice is, unless you have a wealth of experience in this game or know a trustworthy man that does and can show you the way, it is common sense to leave well alone.

    Now, would I lie to you?

    Awesome, I have never been called a thug before. And here I am more than two years later still making money by treating my girls nicely, but then again what do I know?

    As for the rest, if I could go back in time I would have put my money nearer Niman and done something for Thais. More because of the steadier month to month income than issues dealing with bar girls.

    But if you are serious about starting something, you can pm me. I've been through most of it myself, including Thai Ltd etc.


  12. Across from Summit Green Valley Golf Course I find no sign of construction except on the smallish plot next door to the new Hooters.

    As in the international chain with girls in tight outfits?

    Loi Khro watch out ! ! ! !

  13. I had one from there yesterday and the extra 6" would have to be free to make it worth it to me.

    I ate a 6" and was still very hungry, and at 129B for the first 6" and 80B extra for the next 6" it's just too expensive for my taste (pun intended)

  14. My daughter is now 1 year and 4 months old and full of energy and life.

    Unfortunately we live in an area with no other kids her age to play with, and all though I know that the parents are the best teachers a young kid can have, she is so excited when she is with other kids that I would like her to have more interaction so she can learn some social skills.

    I have made a search in the Chiang Mai forum for nurseries and my understanding of the posts is that place like: NAPA, NIS, TONKLA and Kiddy Bears are only available from 2+ years.

    Is this correct and if yes, what are the alternatives for my daughter?

    Thanks, Anders.

  15. I love the fact that the BIB was very adamant about the beer condoms, no condoms with logos allowed.

    What's next? Having to remove the labels from the bottles? seeing the Chang label on the beer you are drinking might intise you to have another, that is after all the reason it isn't allowed on the condom or any other place in the bar. :-o

  16. Just a quick note.

    If you are going to watch the games in the Dragonfly and arrive lateish. Because we are on Loi Khro we might have to down the shutters, but don't worry we'll be open just knock.

    And if in doubt give us a call

  17. The what Bar was a nice alternative music bar, but since the previous owners sold it, it's become a lady bar which probably wouldn't interest the OP.

    I wouldn't believe this part of the post if I was you, he is obviously after your business at another's expense.

    The What bar is definitely not a lady bar (I know because i have one just across from it), there is only two girls working there, and always in staff uniform. It used to be a popular place with the younger crowd and I used to like going myself, but during a succession of owners it has gone down hill.

    If you had walked past there at midnight last night, you would understand why.

    ...and, and!!

    He is probably referring to the twp lady boys that sometimes turn up but doesn't work there.

  18. Your Long story is full of of clearly stated conclusions based simply on observations. No real facts or anyone telling you anything. There were many possible scenarios for any of your stories. But I don't buy your conclusions.

    so what would be your conclusion if a friend who walks beside you has a bag full of fireworks he just bought at a stall confiscated by 2 "market policemen" just 20 meters away from the stall where he bought them? One would think the police would close the stall or confiscate the items there if they are illegal - wouldn't one?

    You are following the police and see them handing the bag together with other bundles of fireworks back to the very person who sold them you a few minutes earlier- what conclusion would one come up with then?

    It is an obvious scam and a very profitable one.

    But Cnx surely you realize that you will only be believed if you have video evidence along with a signed confession of all parties involved.

  19. The what Bar was a nice alternative music bar, but since the previous owners sold it, it's become a lady bar which probably wouldn't interest the OP.

    I wouldn't believe this part of the post if I was you, he is obviously after your business at another's expense.

    The What bar is definitely not a lady bar (I know because i have one just across from it), there is only two girls working there, and always in staff uniform. It used to be a popular place with the younger crowd and I used to like going myself, but during a succession of owners it has gone down hill.

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