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Posts posted by AndersSN

  1. If I were you I would hotfoot it to Bangkok to the Bhumijad (spelling?) hospital near Sukhumvit. One regular poster on this board goes there often and swears by their treatment and professionalism. Send me PM if you need more details. And best of luck to you.

    Incidentally, you can fully recover from small strokes. The common treatment is wayfarin (spelling?) which thins the blood, not baby aspirin! Strokes, for those that do not know, are caused by a burst blood vessel in the brain. Large bursts, thus flooding an area of the brain with blood, are dangerous and can cause dysfunctions such as word retrieval, memory loss and partial paralysis. Go easy and get some good advice, please.

    That's the Bumrungrad Hospital on Soi 3. It has a web site.

    If you go there, you must have your passport to register.

    Sorry, but strokes are not caused by burst blood vessels, they are caused by OBSTRUCTED blood vessels, which deprives the cells of blood, and they die.

    Actually you are both right.

    There are two main kinds of stroke, ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke.

    Ischemic stroke accounts for about 75% of all strokes and occurs when a blood clot, or thrombus, forms that blocks blood flow to part of the brain. If a blood clot forms somewhere in the body and breaks off to become free-floating, it is called an embolus. This wandering clot may be carried through the bloodstream to the brain where it can cause ischemic stroke.

    A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel on the brain's surface ruptures and fills the space between the brain and skull with blood (subarachnoid hemorrhage) or when a defective artery in the brain bursts and fills the surrounding tissue with blood (cerebral hemorrhage). Both result in a lack of blood flow to the brain and a buildup of blood that puts too much pressure on the brain.

  2. There is (or was) a place that does embroidery on the inside of the moat.

    I can't remember exactly where it is, but it's on Sri Poom Rd between the corner of the moat and Chang Phuak Rd.

    It's a narrow shop next to a shop that does stickers and I've seen them do advanced multy color stuff.

    Good luck

  3. Thanks for the help. Sorry for lack of details - that was mostly because I dont know. Dont really have a preference on auto or manual - is there a price difference? Right now I've been driving a borrowed Wave 100cc. Its been fine, except when hills are involved (hence the desire to slightly jump up in cc's).

    I leaning towards new, because of fear of getting ripped off since I dont know much.

    Where is the best place to buy a new one?

    If you are girl hunting you need a Click, Air Blade or PCx.

    No street cred for guys who ride Waves or Dreams ..... these are viewed as bikes ridden by poor or old men.


    Maybe if you want street cred with bar girls.....

    Any decent thai girl will expect u to drive a car.

  4. Around the old bus station in the center of town you'll find rental shops as well as song tows and tuktuk's.

    I have done the trip from bus station to bus station in less than two hours in my car. This can only be done late in the day when there isn't much traffic and you know the road. If your driving yourself for the first time expect it to take 3 hours plus.

  5. Went with a friend the other night.

    Nice looking place. Attentive smiling staff. Good view of the river. A bit too hot for my liking as the ceiling fans fail to reach the best seats.

    The Thai food is definitely geared towards tourist. It was good food. But if u like Thai food for what Thai food is, then this it not it.

    If I had guests from Europe that I knew would not enjoy the local cuisine, but still wanted to try it, I would properly take them here. And I'm sure they would enjoy it and go home and tell their friends about how wonderful Thai food is.

    But I will not go back on my own or with a girlfriend as there are better options for Thai food facing the river.

    • Like 1
  6. Interesting how the cheap Charlies can turn any thread into a matter of money. As elektrifried has said you can always get cheap khao soi cheap and the dogs wont eat it.

    So what does that make you? A hi-so wannabe?

    U sound like you have Been here long enough to absorb the part of Thai culteren where ones self esteem is measured by the ability to flaunt money.

    Discussing and comparing the quality and price of dishes should be a natural thing in a food review. In my experience most "real" Thai restaurants have a signature dish that they do really well and are know for. I know several place like this in cm and I will visit these places depending on what I'm in the mood for.

    I havnt been to the river house yet but have driven past it several times and I like the look of it. I havnt heard anything here that will stop me from going and trying it out. (maybe exept what sounds like paid for promotion from Dolly)

    • Like 1
  7. On the subject of khao soy, there is an excellent restaurant of the same name in Niman soi 7.

    Beautiful place, nice ambiance, and their signature dish is delicious and priced at around 60 bath.

    Try it if you like khao soy

  8. OK, I'm not going to touch the male/female stuff, but I'm glad it brought out some debate.

    The Grandview was great. She had been there before a long time ago and loved it, especially the crepes. The food was good, not expensive, and we both left with a smile. She ate more than I did. Then we went to Doi Suthep Temple which she thoroughly enjoyed. We were then going to go to the movies, but we were still soaking wet and she was worried about freezing in the theaters so we came home. We then gave each other "mutual" presents. rolleyes.gif After that we napped and she then did my laundry. She seemed content as always.

    She has an appointment for hair, manicure and pedicure later this week. She said she had a wonderful time, and all's well.

    Plus we got splashed a lot which added to the fun day. We thought we would be safe in a songtaow going up to Doi Suthep, but the water throwers have excellent aim at getting their entire buckets of water through that 1 foot wide window opening. Got wetter inside a songtaow than on the motorbike.

    I told her about some of the funnier posts on here (going to Big C's food court, chicken on a stick), and she thought they were hilarious.

    Glad to hear it all worked out...

    Now, if I could only find someone who would do my laundry... whistling.gif That will never happen I'm sure. I've never met any Thai women in all the years that know how to clean or wash clothes and most can't even cook. But my g/f is a gourmet chef, that's for sure. That is when she feels like cooking!

    Wow you must meet some very hi-so girls, or very very young girls. In my experience those are, for obvious reasons, the only girls that can't clean/cook.

    Glad to hear the OP had a good "rewarding" time :P

  9. Have you considered thinning out your belongings.

    For most of my life I lived that way where I could not let any thing go now I am munch happier and freer by following the simple principal if I Can't walk away from it I don't buy it.

    Agree with this. I moved to Thailand with only a hand luggage.

    I moved to Thailand with a toothbrush and a pack of condoms.

    How many toothbrushes ago is that?

    Since I know u have children I'm assuming that u still have the condoms...

  10. There is a sheep petting zoo on the road to Tak.

    You can see the famous White Cock ceramics factory.

    The Wat Phra That Lampang is quite nice and has a large chedi that can also be seen in a camara obscura temple room (no females allowed in this part of the temple though)

    I would second golf though as the main attraction.

  11. I got real close to Mr. Thaksin once during Songkran while he was still PM. He was in a truck going around the moat; the Mrs. shook hands with him.

    I met his son at an FHM party in Bangkok back in the years when he still owned Man Shity. He gave me his business card, him being director of something or the other in the club, and told me it would give me the use of his lounge. Needless to say I never got the opera unity to use it :D

  12. why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

    Exactly. The subject could just as easily read, ' what kind of moron brings a $2000 video camera out on songkran '.

    There are definitely a number of "celebrants" that are just looking to annoy someone, but as someone who knows absolutely nothing at all about cameras, I would assume that no one would be crazy enough to bring one into a water fight unless it was waterproof. Maybe things are not as negative as they appear.

    I brought my camcorder to Songrkan a couple of years back. It is not waterproof but it was protected as well as possible and it did survive the day unscathed. But my experience was very similar to the op. I was well aware that I was taking a risk bringing the cam because accidents do happen, but I was surprised by the willful attempts to by some to try and get water under the protective coat. I guess that these people like some of the posters here think that destruction of other people property is ok because it happens during a festival.

    But that people are stupid and inconsiderate doesn't stop at video equipment.

    I brought my daughter for the first time this year and we had a great time. I was a bit worried as she normally doesn't like getting her face wet when I was her hair, so I was ready to take her home straight away if she got scared. But she took it like a pro and have the feeling that washing her hair will post no further problems.

    I did see one incident that made me upset though. As we were walking home hand in hand, down Loi Kroh, there was another father walking in front of us with his child on his arm. He was waving his hand at people trying to stop them from spraying water at his child. And from the looks of it having success as well. Until he passed a place full of foreigners. At least one of them, after he had passed and had his back turned, sprayed water straight into the face of the child. When I walked past the guy had walking into the bar and it looked like someone was going to get punched. Can't say I blame him.

    And for those that will say: well, you shouldn't bring your small child to Songrkan. You are really arguing that Songran should only be for people with the stamina of a werwolf on steroids, the agility of an east German gymnast and the mindset of a British hooligan.

  13. sounded like the local samurai gang

    That was my first thought as well, except, to my knowledge they don't target foreigners.

    I could be wrong though, actually I'm wrong most of the time, but I'm wrong with so much conviction that people think I'm right :D

  14. There are high end eating holes in Chiang Mai if you really want to go there, but why bother when there is so much yummy local food available at sensible prices. As for steaks; who needs them? The only really good steaks I've ever had were in the US and Brazil. Overated meat dish in my opinion.

    Spend around 250 baht on a rib eye steak from Rimping and grill it yourself. As good as you would get in Aussie.

    I'll second that. 250B will buy you 300g of nice Oz T-bone at Rimping, super nice.

    • Like 1
  15. Itinerary received and change in game plan guys.

    ughhh just got my itinerary, my flight leaves at 850pm on the 13th and I have to check out of my apartment on the 12th because the apartment office will be closed 13th-15th (get deposit back) anyone know of a cheap apartment close to the airport?..and how hard it is to find transport during this time?

    the taxi phone number will be handy, im assuming 5pm-8pm on the 13th will put me right in the middle of the kill zone. No matter where im at.

    Really need a hotel close to the airport, any recommendations greatly appreciated.

    update: i have a few things i need to get rid of before leaving:

    Airport Greenery hotel is very close. It's on the corner by Airport Plaza. U can find them online.

  16. There is a dealer right by the entry to the train station that has some new tigers and you can get service there too.

    Not sure all that they have in stock, but I am sure they can order some things if needed

    Worth a try


    Thanks, I'll give it a try

  17. Sorry I can't be much help, Anders. I saw one 4 months ago when I was looking for a bike in Chiang Mai, but it was gone when I went back later. I'm now out of the country and won't be back until November.

    Thanks anyway.

    Who looking out for you cat while you are gone? :o

  18. Tiger Boxer. No longer sold..I've got one but you can't have it! They do now sell an F4. PM member mbox who used to sell them via an online shop - he may know of some 2nd hand ones available able.


    So that's why they are not shown on their website, tigermotorbikes.com if anyone is interested.

    The bulldog looks quite nice as well. If I was British I might get one just because of the name :)

  19. It makes me wonder about the people who made the decision to hold the election in Songkran week.

    This weekend is a 5 day weekend in Bangkok followed up by Songkran weekend. So I know for a fact that many Thais use the opportunity to have a long holiday, for some in CM. combined with the influx of foreign tourist that always arrive for Songkran, it seems insane to deliberately hurt local businesses by forcing them to shut or operate without a full inventory.

    A couple of my Thai friends own establishment on and near

    Niman and they really upset about this.

  20. I am thinking about getting a new bike, and although my friends laugh at me for it, I really like the police bikes.

    I think that are called Tiger, but I'm not sure. I have never seen them in any dealership and no one seems to know where they are sold.

    Any help would be participated.


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