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Posts posted by AndersSN

  1. I love Pepsi, but all the places I go to only have Coke.


    Pepsi and Coke have entirely different tastes, to compare one to the other is like calling all high alcohol drinks 'whiskey'


    You put that in on purpose right?

    Still makes me laugh how "some" Thais refere to all high alcohol drinks as whiskey

  2. Ristr@to (Ristretto) opposite Kasem store on Nimanhaemin is run by the 6th best barista in the world (don't know where the top five are located licklips.gif ), according to the man himself. Last time I was there he was in the process of starting a barista school in that location. Don't know if it is up and running yet but you could try there. It is worth the stop just to have the coffee and watch him at work.

    On of the other top barista lives and works out of Oslo Norway. Used to get my midday coffee there daily

  3. I once had a dream the night before and international football game that Denmark would win 3-1 away from home. I even dreamt that the third goal would be a deflected shot.

    Put a 10er on the score at odds 20-1 and won.

    I wish I had more dreams like that.

    Denmark winning 3-1 away is a major phenomenon in itself!!

    I'm converted. biggrin.png

    Hey watch it you, that's fighting talk :-)

    And I'll have you know that Denmark beat Portugal 3-1 away from home and at home as well.

    But this was against Belgia back in 95' and the thing is that Denmark had already beaten Belgia at home in the qualifier with the same score.

    So I properly just had the dream based on the that game.

  4. I once had a dream the night before and international football game that Denmark would win 3-1 away from home. I even dreamt that the third goal would be a deflected shot.

    Put a 10er on the score at odds 20-1 and won.

    I wish I had more dreams like that.

  5. Just so that you're well informed, here's True's iPhone 4 page:


    Here's AIS:


    DTAC shouldn't be discussed here as they do not have 3G coverage in Chiang Mai.

    Just for reference the prices on trues page are out of date. i just found out to get anything close to the plan they offer on there i have to pay 300 more baht than whats advertised.

    A colleuge got the 599 free package last week, so that should still be correct.

    really? is it the same package though? because they still have the free package, but the stuff you get with it isn't the same. I just went into the store at airport plaza and they told me that one expired 2 months ago...do you have any idea where your colleuge got the package?

    He got it in Airport Plaza, but I don't know what was included sorry. I'll ask though

  6. ดังกล่าวขณะเดียวกันนั้นเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจได้รับแจ้งจากเจ้าหน้าที่อีกชุดหนึ่งว่า นายกมลฯผู้บาดเจ็บได้เสียชีวิตแล้ว

    This sentence from the article clearly says that the offended is deceased. Especially the last bit: เสียชีวิตแล้ว siia chee wit laaeo. Siia chee wit is the formal phrase for passiong away and laaeo mens already, ie. already passed away.


  7. Another bar? My advice to your friend is not to go into business here unless he can provide a unique product that is very difficult to copy because of superior quality or the expense of the equipment to produce it.

    There are lots and lots and lots of hobby businesses in Chiang Mai run by people with other incomes who are willing to make little profit or even lose money. If he is not in this situation, he should be very, very careful.

    One of the best businesses for foreigners who have a lot of expertise in food preparation is a restaurant. If their food is really excellent, it is hard to copy. Marcos, the Dukes and Butter is Better are all places that have beaten the odds and make a good profit because their owners know what they are doing.

    However, they still have the problem that there are lots of Thai places selling a meal for less than 30 baht and hundreds of Western places selling food for very little profit that they will be unfavorably compared to - even if their food is much better. If a good restaurant's prices are much more than the places that are not making any money they will be criticized for being "too expensive".

    When their food is really superior to other restaurants, they will still thrive, but not to the point that they would somewhere where rents are much more expensive (which would keep large numbers of hobby restaurants from attracting customers who do not know any better or are indifferent to good food and happy to eat swill if it is cheap enough).

    The world economy sucks, the floods have scared many foreigners off from coming here - especially the ones that spend money freely. IMO, anyone who starts a business here now, better have a lot of expertise, a really good product and a lot of money to get things going. You can still make decent money in Chaing Mai, but it will not be easy.

    Or buy an existing business with a proven track record, so you are (more) certain of making money from the get go.

  8. Just so that you're well informed, here's True's iPhone 4 page:


    Here's AIS:


    DTAC shouldn't be discussed here as they do not have 3G coverage in Chiang Mai.

    Just for reference the prices on trues page are out of date. i just found out to get anything close to the plan they offer on there i have to pay 300 more baht than whats advertised.

    A colleuge got the 599 free package last week, so that should still be correct.

  9. I can only speak for the Truemove unlimited WIFI and I find it worthless... They somehow programmed my iPhone to automatically connect to any Truemove wifi network (without a password) when I come into range... But usually these networks range and speed suck... So for instance if you are in Siam Paragon your 3G shuts down when the wifi kicks in... but if walk too far from these wifi routers the speed slows to a crawl... If your in a car and drive by a Starbucks your 3G will shut down and the sucky wifi kicks in...

    I would like to know how to disable my wifi from auto connecting to these networks?...

    Try selecting the network and then click Forget This Network, that should do it.

    Or turn of WiFi when you leave your house, that also does the trick.

  10. I've just got TOT wireless put on at home but don't have a pc to access it there. I'm trying to connect to the net via my iphone 4 but am having no joy. Any ideas? Should i speak to TOT next? I fear the language barrier in these types of situations will add hours of pain haha.

    Is the modem actually on and connected to the internet? Did they install it for you and put in username and password in the modem setup? Did they check it was working before that left?

    Can the phone see the network and can you connect to the network? Do you have to type in a password?

    If the answer is yes to all of the above you can try a network reset: Settings - General - Reset - Reset Network Settings

    Or try and connect to the modem directly by entering the modems ip address in Safaris address bar, it should be something like this:, and check the modem setup.

    thats what happens when you buy iphone stick to samsung then all these little problems will never happen in the first place such an over priced peace of kit and substandard

    next to samsung

    LOL always love haters pitiful comments, really helpful.

  11. I have the standard True modem that came with the subscription and it's crap. I went to a store to buy a new modem and when they heard I was on a True subscription they told me that their modems didn't work with True.

    Can this be true? I thought as long as you have the password etc. then you could use any modem with any supplier. But I did believe them at the time as it seamed very unusual that they should recommend me not tp spend money in their shop.

    Anybody know?

  12. I want to make the move from Nokia to iPhone 4 too. I'm looking for a special like they do back in the states where you sign up for the year plan and they give you the phone cheap or let you make monthly payments on the phone. Anyone heard of any promotions like that here?

    Not in Thailand - As close as you get is you get a slight discount on the phone when you commit to a 1 year contract !

    I think I saw the discount in the true shop being 4000 baht discount on the phone if you sign up for a year.

  13. Sorry hijack your thread abit.

    My 3Gs home buttom is not working properly where can i find a honest reliable shop in CNX to get it fix ?

    My last inquiry was at Airport plaza quoted me 500baht without looking at the phone says have to change the home button which might not be the case as it might be some contact issue.

    @ OP, trues 599 free package is pretty good, I have it myself and the free internet usage is nice to have.

    @shopboy, Airport plaza, a couple of shops down from Tom Laycut hairdresser, the place has an angled entrance and blue signs, I don't know the name.

    Had the back glass and home button changed on my iPhone 4 for 1800, took 20 min, good price I thought.

  14. The Taxi-Meter is I think an insider joke in Chiang Mai. None of them have meters, or will go for a metered rate. If you ask "but... it says "Taxi-Meter"... they'll laugh. One of them even explained to me there's no way he'd make enough money if he actually had a meter.

    I think it's quite funny too: To not offer the one feature that receives the most attention in your advertising. TIT :D :D

    Maybe they would have more customers to drive around if they actually used a meter.

    I don't use them because they are normally a lot more expencive than a tuk tuk, but I would if they were cheaper. Ahhh air con.

  15. Try Chiang Mai Plastic near Warulat market.

    And there is a store on the old Lamphun Rd that sells kitchen supplies. It's on the left hand side about 200-300 meters after the Mahidol intersection

  16. just want to watch anything that in english or with HD quality and wont cost a futune... didnt unsubscribe truevision in bkk yet. have to wait till the water goes down. new home everything new , no internet yet (usingmy phone for hotspot from now)

    You could try finding a previous post about dreambox, that might be what you are looking for

  17. Are you serious? 20 Baht is too expensive for a ride around town for you? I don't hear the Thais complaining. How much do you think it costs to fuel and maintain a songtaew? Those people that drive them are hardly getting rich. Come on... They usually stop around 21:30 but will be out later on holidays.

    Forget about the A/C buses. They are too sporadic and unreliable. We researched the whole thing and planned on taking it one day and we waited for close to 90 minutes. Never came.

    I saw the buses around town, usually empty.

    I could never figure out if they stopped anywhere or you just flagged them down.

    Anyway, Songtheaws are great and most journey's end up being 20 Baht....a bargain.

    I wonder if the OP remembers the 50 satang Bangkok buses?

    Go easy on the poor guy. He properbly lost all he owned in the BBK floods....

  18. Many local folks would be happy if all dirty bars at LK were gone, what kind of tourists like that kind of places anyway. I'm sure farangs can find their Thai brides else where. These people treat all Thai women like prostitutes.

    Ya de da de de....

    The tourist you refer to only meet Thai women in the tourist business, and hence treat them all as such. It's a shame that so many people leave Thailand thinking that all Thai women are for sale.

    In fact your grievance should be with the Thais, the no money no smile that accompanies a lot of the tourist trade, is just a nother version of what few girls do with faring men what many more of their 'sisters' do with Thai men.

  19. Well I heard... that there is/was some big police from BKK in town, and that caused the midnight closedown / shakedown. And if you already have to enforce midnight closings, why not harass some people you don't like along the way.

    Also heard that some / all (?) bars knew about this well in advance and were planning to close at midnight.

    You heard right

    I could see why this might motivate the police to crack down on underage drinking, noise, disorderly conduct and bars staying open past the legal closing time of 1:00 a.m., but is there any logic in forcing bars to close earlier than required by law? For that matter, is it legal to close a place that is operating legally?

    They are actually enforcing the law. It is illegal to sell alcohol after 12 o'clock, a lot of places pay tea money to the police for the privilege of opening longer and selling alcohol during this time.

    But sometimes there is a new sherif in town or some high placed official visiting and then they have to be shown as enforcing the law. Hence the warning and the "shake down"

    Happens every year at some time, business as usual.

  20. Well I heard... that there is/was some big police from BKK in town, and that caused the midnight closedown / shakedown. And if you already have to enforce midnight closings, why not harass some people you don't like along the way.

    Also heard that some / all (?) bars knew about this well in advance and were planning to close at midnight.

    You heard right

  21. It usually goes with the territory.

    Fundamentalists of any sect = brainless bigots. smile.gif

    Agreed. It's true isn't it. Thre mindset seems to be the same among fundamentalists of all religions. Either you're with them or you're against them. And if you're against them you're one of the Devil's Party.

    Sounds like G. W. Bush

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