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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. It’s $300…let it slide….he must be an addict so help him with his rehab
  2. Most bothersome is someone police or property owner went thru his things and stole items/cash… that is the biggest crime in this story…I hope his story spreads like air pollution in this country
  3. When I read the headline, I said to myself that this will involve a pick up truck…
  4. My own observations over 25 years here….20-25% vehicle drivers are bad drivers meaning they make road driving mistakes daily…motorcycles and cars are two separate systems trying to share one road…it just doesn’t work
  5. Not under control give the driving conditions….it’s always human error
  6. How you figure? People die at 5 times the fatality rate in thailand than usa when you standardized the data dud you deduct motorcycle deaths in usa? Probably not
  7. People spend more money on private vehicles b/c it is convenient…now they are going to take PT to save 200-400 baht a day… and add undetermined amount of extra time to their commute…PT is already stressed due to lack of promotion and adequate infrastructure idiotic idea…same as fire engines going around in CM spraying the air The idea will have no bearing on AP…a completely failed air management program in place…resignations of top officials would be a better idea
  8. Has he been on an expired visa for 20 years? It shows you how easy it is to disappear in the Thai culture
  9. At least the dogs won’t litter the beach like Thai people Does it state on the beach that dogs mush be on a leach or under the control of the owner or banned on the beach? I doubt soi dogs comply with whatever the signs says
  10. The whole point of roundabouts is not to have stop signs/signals
  11. It is not normal to pass anything bloody after a proper colonoscopy unless one has problems
  12. More like protection/persecution from Trump as he wants revenge for being found guilty on numerous charges and first US president as a convicted felon The guy still peddles Obama wasn't born in the US and he didn't lose the '20 election...He has said that keep saying untruths over and over again, there are enough fools out there who will believe them...
  13. Evolving Guideline doesn’t mean regulations and rules… what bothers me most is who presenting these seminars - tax advisers… why can’t Thai gov representatives able to explain these so called guidelines? silly to put into effect Jan 1st 2024 when things have not been well thought out and questions cannot be answered and no process/markers been laid out kind of like collecting taxes from the local Thai population - currently doing a pissed poor job of it
  14. It’s a Wonderful Life
  15. Too many people, third world attitude, lack of commitment and no proper protocols and programs worth a damn are in place to deal with AP
  16. This one is a medical incident not an accident… mental or behavioral actions were wrongly made to a cause an accident as it could be you or someone else leading to one’s injuries/fatalities wonder why no details released
  17. Name a better multi cultural Democratic country than America? Democracy is always fragile but US economy has enough checks and balances in place to survive Trump/Musk the next 4 years....The biggest at risk will be foreign policy and American allies. Adversaries will gain ground
  18. Are you saying $$$ first over safety? I wonder if the tourists will have to pay for any damage to the kayaks if they were even recovered or lost at sea?
  19. Why was the lorry having repairs? Why so much smoke and mirrors in the article?…the bottom lin is the driver was going too fast for the conditions thus not under control…no different than someone tailgating…an accident waiting to happen
  20. I see a banked curve...why do people call it a corner? First thing i noticed were the first two cyclists just ride right by...like it is a common occurrence? it might be... Who knows his qualifications to ride/situational driving? It's all speculation....
  21. serious assault? not enough for them to deliver their passengers to their final destinations b/f filing a police report. I must of missed the part about injuries receiving medical care/first aid? I am surprised the foreigner agreed to 5K baht. And what was the police cut since no one asked? And define insufficient? says who?
  22. This is a very misinformed post…this activity is just the opposite of exploitation…it was created b/c of the circus acts that the other types of elephant parks over the years catering to mainly Asian tourists and naive westerners…. many of my home exchange people in CM requests this type of elephant interaction vs riding/playing soccer/painting/moving logs parks that still exist today… Hope you educate yourself on the different types of elephant parks….
  23. does going against traffic mean going the wrong way so if the pick up driver drifted slightly into the emergency lane where the wrong way cyclist was, then tough s++t. He probably done that every day of his life cutting corners on the road to his convenience. Finally, it caught up to him. A good case study for the thousands of motorcyclists who go the wrong way daily... Good example of not taking driving seriously and not following the rules of the road. And life goes on in Thailand...well, maybe not for everyone!
  24. He probably had no idea or even think it might fall over the road...And that is the scary part.....can't cure stupidity
  25. We have no idea the facts of this case so one can draw no conclusions what so ever…too many unknown variables Generally speaking, anyone who thinks pedestrians have right of way has clearly doesn’t understand the unwritten rules of driving in thailand… Today at immigration at the fairly new crosswalk with signal, I was not even to the medium yet and the two cars who I had just crossed in front moved forward thru the crosswalk with 9 seconds remaining and 4-5 pedestrians coming from the other side of the crosswalk to enter where I just walked they clearly ran the red with pedestrians in the crosswalk with remaining time…and what message are they telling the cars behind them? Very dangerous situation who are in the crosswalk on a green signal with remaining time that it’s okay to go for cars when it isn’t total disregard for pedestrians creating high risk of getting hit if as a pedestrian if you think you have the right of way…it was unbelievable defying common sense and safe driving…drivers just don’t comply and don’t care
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