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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. Always alcohol always no education always bottom feeder in the working world…. Average run of the mill Thai women have very few choices unfortunately
  2. better to sub a golf club for a gun in their drills....
  3. Water board the d**k teacher and then ask him how was that lesson?
  4. Because he is characterized as a foreigner and the culture wants them to be guilty more so their own citizens to crimes… either until he breaks or the police find evidence to convict him, he should be treated as innocent…. how long can he be kept w/o evidence or charges?
  5. We have had 5 golden retrievers over the years in CM so have experience with various vets…good and bad experiences even with the same vet/hospital… the university small animal hospital seems to be the best for complex issues but did misdiagnose one time with us… the hospital on the way to the airport adjacent to McDonald’s had the same experience where they saved one dog with a proper diagnosis and misdiagnosed another leading to her death… The problem I have found with pet clinics is they diagnose only up to the limit of equipment they have when they should refer out… just like humans, best to get a 2nd independent opinion either to validate or to question the initial diagnosis…. I use/rotate 2-3 places based on gut feeling and now 20 years of experiences….don’t fall in love with one place.
  6. Bristol, why don’t you answer the question the other way around…. why is there no respect for bicyclists by car drivers here? I know a number of cyclists in my own compound…a question of respect or fear? They won’t ride with me in the surrounding villages b/c of immense fear about driving behaviors here….they won’t leave our own moobaan…it has nothing to do with cyclists’ respect.
  7. Lots of speculation but maybe the LB’s local lover was jealous of the Russian?
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