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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. When I got my first booster (Moderna) at Ram, I did ask about 1/2 dose and was told that their policy is full dose only…1650B my guess is they don’t want to go into the business of splitting doses…so maybe they just reduced the price given that any resident can get it for free now at selected places?
  2. Why didn’t he just get a tourist visa from the start? And then extend it 30 days…. follow the KISS principle…
  3. Original visa as every year since have been extensions of that visa….
  4. Are you admitting that CM doesn’t have a modern or reasonable PT system? one can get around by piece mailing it…dominated by private scooters or private vehicles… bottom line is they don’t have a coordinated well thought out PT system…it just the way it is and it’s not going to change as they are pumping money into widening roads in a one step forward two step back mentality… PT in CM not part of any visionary plan…just the way it is
  5. Thailand is a cultural compliance culture….it is not a regulatory compliance culture. they only copy health and safety regulations from the west…this is to appease the west…they have no clue on how and why these laws, regulation and statutes come to fruition… they have no understanding why these rules exist and the importance of the rules….nothing but a paper Tiger as they don’t follow thru with inspection compliance, enforcement and legal accountability/punishment it is really a big joke…
  6. A budget of $15M for 2 planes costing $207M? It ain’t happening b/c 1. Usa doesn’t want China anywhere close to these planes and 2. That is no budget…7% down? Thailand doesn’t have enough up front cash or collateral for the usa to risk thailand defaulting so easily once in possession of these planes… this is just “pie in the sky” talk with the big boys….and thailand has not earned a seat at the table… stick to hosting LIV golf tournaments…
  7. Why was he granted bail? why so little on the injured? Very expensive and very long recovery process to take care of burn victims…more will die…who is picking up the tab? is weird I have to show more money for a marriage visa extension than this guy who killed multiple people and injured severely many others
  8. Off the bat they mix land value and foreign condo purchasing…another poorly written article
  9. We all know he deserved it….witnesses in her defense will step up and she will be given community service…. this is what I want to see more of in thailand - accountability has consequences…he finally met his maker…. one less pick up off the road…. see the mother is also violent….the mango doesn’t fall far from the tree…
  10. Both the gov and owner are equally at fault for many mistakes….the owners for knowingly converting to an illegal business and the gov for not following up with proper inspections and proper licensure… And neither will be thrown to the wolves b/c the legal/prosecution are cut from the same fabric… why very little changes from one bad incident to another…the culture allows them to flourish w/o proper enforcement/punishment which in turns people know they can get away with as much as they can… simple comparison - driving on Thai roads
  11. Reinforces a true alcoholic… Instinct over thought…put him in the drinking and driving camp
  12. The fire marshal/gov is legally responsible for checking and maintaining this establishment is legally responsible for meeting fire code egress, type, capacity and building materials…. Both major parties (owner and fire dept) are to blame…one step further, since I was in health and safety, employees and patrons say they recognize the fire safety danger but negligently did nothing about it b/f an incident? But now complain after?
  13. Burned victims never fully recover - a blessing for some if some over the burn thresholds don’t make it
  14. You have to-when exiting usa, you must produce a usa passport (lets say for a child) at security control…they want to see one PP not 2 at that point….they got irritable if you hit that control clerk with 2 PPs.
  15. Just plain ignorance…. similar how Thai public health says a covid person must wait 3 months b/f getting booster yet western literature says get your booster asap after one has fully recovered from covid especially with any future overseas travel… no one challenges authority here so poor public health policies arise from incompetency/uncertainty
  16. I just one box of 20mg just this week….good to know so I better stock up for my upcoming overseas trip
  17. What a terribly written article - way too confusing and illogical charges? if the cop was attacked by an armed suspect, the shooting was justified…a warning shot was above and beyond or maybe just a bad shot?
  18. Has to be more to this story - finally goes to the police after 4M disappear over time? one bad incident whether 10k or 100K and money not replaced by bank = new bank
  19. Yes I love it…blaming pedestrians who cut off drivers b/c they are trying to cross the road….what about educating and training drivers that pedestrians have right of way? so first look for them and allow them to cross by stopping…I absolutely hate the blinders that drivers have about disrespecting pedestrians…there is no relationship that exists between drivers and pedestrians outside of fear….so pedestrians avoid crosswalks, intersections etc and respond by darting across anywhere on the road by judging when cars are coming…very dangerous and unnecessary practice surprised by usa 3rd…after driving the last 20 years here and going back to the usa every year, it is like night and day…. it is a pleasure and relaxing to drive in the usa b/c I know exactly what to expect…no tailgating, no wrong way drivers, pedestrian/bike cyclist right of way, no passing in the slow/emergency lane, rarely red light runners, and most of all, most people moving at the speed limit vs in thailand too many slow drivers AND too many fast drivers… biggest difference - system driving vs individual driving let me add that I would say 75-80% drivers in thailand are okay but when you have 20-25% bad drivers disrespecting the rules of the road daily, one has dangerous driving conditions every single day
  20. Did you go elsewhere to get a booster after having covid? searching the internet says it’s perfectly safe to get boosted after having covid as long as you are well…they say that covid gives you a boost of only 3-4 weeks… Not a great hospital policy….too cautious ends up being bad medicine
  21. Over Age of 60 for 20b..for ever person in the car… on a bike I was waved through after I showed my DL
  22. Very pleased with the 2 scopes at Ram over the years…has one doctor that does them… one price for everything unless you need extra lab work one thing not to do is stay overnight…it is strictly outpatient and after waking up, walk out of the recovery area on your own
  23. Planning dept = no vision aug and sept wettest 2 months of the year….maybe turn the hole into a fishing pond?
  24. Good God - with all the detective and CSI shows on TV these days, people always revert back to Colombo… Can I speculate and say the majority of the readership is 70 and over? I rather hear that Jack Lord is investigating the case….best theme song of all of them.
  25. What’s the point of having expensive watches? Easy to target and steal…was he planning to sell here? Keep overseas if that is your business…
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