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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. Venice Beach compared to any Hawaiian Beach? Actually most other CA beaches are equal or more beautiful than VB… this story has no credibility
  2. The Jazz is NOT the choice of vehicle one wants to be in when involved in a road incident probably involved some combo of speed, poor judgment and lost of control
  3. Just a BS excuse to cover up poor driving behaviors - really laughable to avoid driver accountable at all costs
  4. Just ask for the 30 day exemption and you will need to get it extended for a month if you have to depart on Oct 15th…or you will be on overstay for six days…
  5. Big difference between sponsorship and adoption…
  6. I wonder what the captains of these long tails discussed about life preservers and their ability to swim….
  7. When I hear drain I think confined space entry requirements…. another regulation not to comply with….but let’s keep wearing our masks on motorcycles and in nature areas ckueless as what’s important safety measures and what isn’t bottom line - no lessons learned b/c these types of incidents (not accidents) are not used in follow up safety training exercises….why? No one is held accountable for injury or death or not following proper protocol why is it sad or terrible? It is expected - just another day ”never confuse activity with achievement”
  8. Anyone else keep their watch in a bag? I wonder what the cabbie would have done with the bag had he not been monitored by security camera?
  9. In an early article, both were swimming and stated they ignored lifeguards warnings. When the Thai doctor saw other man in trouble, he swam over to try to save him and both became victims. I wonder what version is correct? I still have serious concerns about the lifeguard procedures and equipment here. Timing is everything in drownings. They pulled them out after their deaths. When their bodies washed ashore? Why not before?
  10. How about riding in a garbage truck in the West….he will learn they use a container system with mechanical lifts so only one driver per truck…different color bins for source separation everywhere thailand does many things right…..solid waste management/litter control is not one of them….
  11. You must come from one of those non California states… Anytime I book an airline flight on line, one is required to supply passport information…
  12. Like U turns, street wiring defines Thai culture….
  13. Sorry but a u turn is a u turn regardless of where is on the road… “don’t confuse activity with achievement” applies to how the gov trying to fool the people that they are doing something in making a difference…a shell game strategy Quite familiar with CM on u turn management…they closed a number of them so on road sections like saket road and Mae jo road, the lines are even longer to u turn which affects people’s impatience and increases poor decision making when to go… blind u turns still exist…instead they could have staggered them so one could have a full view to turn vs staring at a large pick up trying to make their own u turn Blind u turns on roads with 90 km speed limits equate to a uncivilized culture all for the sake of saving money by not investing in smart signals which one always prioritizes with engineering controls over administrative or human controls…shameful in the 21st century
  14. Why do you even associate with a loser? still has a huge immigration problem…actually a fugitive on the run… he is a liability to anyone who comes into contact with him… it was not an accident; it was Karma….
  15. This is unacceptable….staff shortages? These positions are in high demand…. a well run org never gets to this level….
  16. I would never do both eyes at once…just too much of a risk…. do one and evaluate…then the 2nd after you are pleased with the first
  17. Ratchada did my left eye 7 years ago…she had a CMU professor assist her so not sure what that was about…don’t know if common or my situation was unique….didn’t ask or follow up about it No issues with left eye since procedure…
  18. Prepayment is the only way to go….also lazada could learn a few things about fiscal responsibility…to customer pay in cash upon delivery is beyond stupid…. the tech is there - use it
  19. Happy, the US Supreme Court issues opinions on the constitution. It cannot and does not make law…only the US legislative branch can issue actual laws… that is why half the states will eventually ban abortion thru their state legislature and the other half will continue to allow abortion at various time intervals…it gets down to interpretation of laws by state legislation by writing detailed regulations and rules of enforcement…
  20. Pence and his ultra conservative base are nothing but hypocrites… they preach historically minimal fed gov interference and control and leave things up to state and local gov to make decisions Now after an ideological Supreme Court rules in his favor, he has the gumption to sprout a national abortion ban? Hang Mike Pence is the only thing the insurrection mob got right…
  21. Hey richard you make it sound like these fathers want the babies? my guess is 80% of men don’t want a baby especially if the couple falls in the working class/poverty classes…so don’t put the blame solely on women…..do you mean like all the deadbeat dads out there where women who do have a baby and forces them into poverty w/o any economic and social support by the man? It’s an epidemic in usa….now you are adding 1.5 million children to a culture that don’t want them and can’t afford them…the republicans will be first in line to say no to expand social services and Medicaid yet they are the ones b/c of their flawed ideology that will cause this demand. absolutely nothing wrong with economics being a vital part of the decision making process…
  22. Has developed and is developing is far and few between…. good chance it will never come to market as a legitimate proven product….
  23. The definition of sqwak - to complain or protest noisily or peevishly…. fYI - saline is a medication…one knows that if one works in the field or took the time to look it up… one is entitled to one’s own opinion but not to one’s own facts…
  24. International travel to/from Asia is sky high; tourists won’t be coming nor expats going home this summer
  25. You choose a hospital by the dept/doctor not by the name of the hospital…. To bitch and moan over 300B in medication charges is a bit too much and one has way too much time on one’s hands i had a total hip replacement at Ram - estimated 350k and price came in at 300k….Bkk hosp gave me a 450K so I chose Ram since same doctor… while all hosp over Medicate and charge ridiculous med prices, room nursing and physician prices still much much lower than West….you come out way ahead b/c Thai health culture makes their profit thru medication charges…their choice not ours…. Bkk hosp neurology on my avoid list b/c gave me a 16k unnecessary blood test w/o warning me the costs but made a big deal about telling me about a 6k procedure test…. everyone will have negative experiences with hospitals eventually but some have legitimate complaints and yet others have ridiculously petty complaints…. Again, choose a hospital by its Dept…Ram has an excellent Gastro dept and will use them again in a heartbeat…why sweat a few hundred baht extra due to inflation or whatever they say…you have much bigger worries with energy prices up 40 - 50% globally…. Try renting a car in the west or buy now international any Asian airline tickets….
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