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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. Their goal will be the first Asia country to have their subs all electric….
  2. Your barriers are flimsy and are designed to break if hit hard enough… I went thru our monahan’s gate’s arm the other day they give way let me tell you…for him to stay on the tracks is incredibly stupid…he should have jus plowed through as one does a quick cost benefit analysis in their mind… never stop on the tracks let alone abandon your stopped vehicle
  3. Unless he is an arms dealer, less worried about an old collector of guns than a younger anti social loner who recently bought 1-2 high powered rifles….if your concern is he is going to use them against the community in some fashion fBI has extensive profiles of at risk gun individuals who would actually use them vs people who threaten
  4. They don’t have trees in isaan….
  5. He killed 2 and seriously injured another…his occupation doesn’t matter in application of the law… The punishment should have been determined already on the books..the judge showed immense favoritism and biased w/o thought of the lives the driver ruined Hard to respect this culture….
  6. Don’t ride a bike and don’t ride at night is could place to start
  7. Let me get this straight - you want to ban a bred (which needs to be evaluated) by shooting them and all soi dogs? Yet your means of killing them in fact needs to be highly controlled if not banned outright… more of a problem in thailand Guns or dogs? you speak with fork tongue
  8. Look no further than the guy who knocked up a 15 year old….no where to be seen or held accountable for his behavior… rotten apples produce rotten apples…poor genetics and poor environment equal no chance to positively contribute to society
  9. So what happens had he dressed up as that cop who killed all those kindergartners? how would the Thai culture handle it? one has to be sensitive even if it’s not your culture…and it’s not even thinking outside the box…just common sense and being respectful
  10. Drinking alcohol and allowed to carry guns when off duty? not very becoming of police or military if there are not policies in place…
  11. Why didn’t they add road safety to the agenda to solve in one meeting….
  12. Maybe you feel if 310,000k baht is not enough, what is appropriate? anything above zero should be appreciative… why do westerners always like to frame in a western style philosophy? This was not a court awarded amount due to a crime, wrong doing or negligence…
  13. He threw a punch….he didn’t swing a 2x4…. Was his intent to do bodily harm with a punch? The good news is there is lots of evidence when one punch kills someone and how that is classified….just follow similar cases for charges sounds like the wife gave a lot of bs about nice car, wish I had one, stopping for directions etc if in fact motorcycle hit Porsche accidentally or not…her credibility is shot
  14. And would they fine a guy jogging between heavy traffic? I doubt it… the reason blocking traffic is ridiculous… most motor bikes are blocking traffic and vehicles double parking please cite a specific section of the driving code relating to this behavior?
  15. She was a drunk, irresponsible in losing her key card and physically assaults a person… may she take a bath in the ocean as nature always bats last….
  16. Thailand only cares about tourists and it doesn’t matter who or where they come from… they have no backbone for determining what is right or wrong…their gov’s structure same as China and Russia..let’s not forget that…
  17. And exactly why thailand at the bottom of SE Asian countries trying to learn english…
  18. I thought Trump was the orange clown?
  19. Why is this news? Because it involves a Falang?
  20. I have been here 22 years and never been bit by a dog and I am a cyclist…a few have chased but I turned on the after jets… oops forgot….I tried to remove a dirty bone from my first GR and he accidentally broke my skin….that one doesn’t count
  21. I will say that had this scenario been in the usa, the shooter would also had shot his wife and possibly shoot himself if pursued by police w/ no escape….
  22. Was a dance teacher….walking on the street at 3am? Do good girls do that in a sex swamped area? just like a jogger at 4am….bad things happen… how about using common sense?
  23. Yes, no TM 30 to do when you return to the same address…but one must have the previous TM 30 stapled in your passport as evidence indicating the address one is returning to…
  24. Is half the police force undercover? Never in uniform and always young males… if detectives, that means a pecking order and years of proving themselves always baffled here by the appearance of so called police
  25. List what is important to you and side by side compare those items in usa thailand and another country… lots of money vs lack of money can really influence or even distorts one’s outlook
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