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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. Serious assault case but no let’s focus on some foreigner with a kick to the back of a Thai doctor….
  2. If there is a structure in place for public hospitals, why not expand it to include private sector and have it funded by the private hospitals and set up as a separate entity? What you are describing is an industry w/o checks and balances thus hide/cover up mistakes and errors…but more importantly, never learns from errors to prevent future mistakes…bottom line….should/must be held independently accountable by a third party…self policing doesn’t work effectively for health, safety, environment, food, pharmaceutical, domestic animal/wildlife and nuclear to just name a few…
  3. Medical malpractice is determined by doctors and lawyers not by patients, family or people with an opinion there are 4 parties involved…the patient and their medical legal lawyer/firm, the attending hospital/medical staff , the second or follow up hospital/medical staff and finally regulatory body in thailand that is responsible for investigating and monitoring bad outcomes and procedures when in question…participant 4 can also dole out penalties like removing licenses and privileges etc…civil and criminal penalties will be handled by the court system if the case is brought to court by the number 2 party I don’t know how thailand works but you need to play the game and follow proper protocol in whatever system is in place…don’t expect it to be like the west where one has more transparency and more checks and balances in place (that’s my assumption based on working in a western system where lawsuits are frequent and court cases/settlements are abundant best thing to do is to hire the best medical legal firm and do your homework…let them handle the whole process..and you can be an active participant by monitoring their behavior professionally, medically and legally via a 2nd law firm if need be…be sure any law firm one hires has medical expertise on staff or via contract… culture leads to differences and how things are processed/done so patience on your part will be greatly needed along with your determination if one (you and law firm) feels a wrong has been committed
  4. Thai gov is so incompetent…because they can’t figure out how to get the economy rolling, they pick low hanging fruit like retired expats who are bringing in money to spend repeat spend not to horde… Why in the hell do you want to tax a group who in turn is putting the money into the economy? ir makes zero sense…it’s like the bar scene when having low volume of customers raise drink prices rather than offer discounts to attract more customers Mind boggling….
  5. I have some nice black bear meat for you - better to eat rare
  6. Lack of sustainable development and tourism management are why thailand while in the top third globally will never sniff top 10 tourist countries way too much greed and lack of vision keep thailand on the stationary bike - don’t know how to move forward
  7. Are they competent at analysis and investigation? just a question
  8. When you associate with lowlifes, you attract low life behavior… choose friends and relationships with intellect and common sense….
  9. Should not even had written the story w/o not reporting cause of death… what’s the point?
  10. At least he didn’t kick him in the back and drawn protests
  11. Son and daughter need to get her fit to fly and then deal with housing/care issues upon return… I know in canada one must reside X months b/f receiving gov health coverage so could also be a barrier to overcome in UK
  12. Why is this important? So you want to act the Thai way and put your head in the sand b/f people are higher up on the social pecking order? Typical non democratic way of dealing with an issue in a dysfunctional law and order society
  13. Generally, it is superior in 3 ways - critical thinking, knowledge based and more importantly it is tied to getting a career/better jobs…do you know how many run of the mill college grads in thailand work in blue collar positions with zero advancement opportunities? “ put down your phone…You can clear the table now” min wage in Ca for a Day - $160 …in thailand 400 baht or under $13
  14. Coming away with tar on one’s feet is not acceptable after a beach walk… some people have standards/expectations and others don’t
  15. The wife’s job ends at 2am? So he then invites her to show off as his trophy? bad characters in a bad environment so he deserves whatever punishment he gets….he caused his own demise…at least he fits the image of a prisoner
  16. Any foreign resident or non Thai citizen voted in the last election?
  17. Alpine settings are the best whether in Europe or North America….combined with strong environmental regulations that preserve those environments Do you need a visa for your home? why such a defensive posture? Do you feel threatened that someone expresses something that thailand doesn’t have?
  18. Deserved to lose it given the lack of precautions…stupidity runs rampant
  19. They have been neutralized….end of story
  20. Would like I see the standardized data to whether non-Thais residents commit more crimes/bad behavior vs. Thai residents? like in America, I suspect it is much less illegals immigrants vs legal residents
  21. I think he lost the argument….many lessons to be learned from this one
  22. I think he lost the argument….many lessons to be learned from this one
  23. What’s the charge and what the range of penalties?
  24. What’s the charge and what the range of penalties?
  25. What’s the charge and what the range of penalties?
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