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  1. As she just restarted her job after quitting herself, 1 month compensation is enough. You can sue but won't get more.
  2. First, we get all the BS you were a prisoner for 6 weeks in Pattaya and now you want to but a condo there?
  3. You can't afford these places.
  4. And what have you done in your life? White likes Phuket.
  5. Doubt they teach kickboxing
  6. Tell that to the countries at war.
  7. "There must be at least two witnesses present during the recording of the video will. These witnesses must also sign the will." How do they sign the video?
  8. Don't know if you mean a school but do you know the difference between kickboxing and muay thai?
  9. No, she didn't have good sense otherwise she wouldn't buy and sniff things from total strangers. She would also not use hard drugs in a country where the penalties when getting caught are high.
  10. They don't teach kickboxing in high school.
  11. Was it a Thai? As it was your first time i doubt you could see / find out the difference between Thai's and people from surrounding countries.

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