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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. It will be in the PDPA law, which will be effective after a 2 year delay. It concerns the protection of personal data of individuals. I haven't looked at the penalties but the ones in Europe with GDPR, which is comparable, are massive.
  2. Probably that you need to pay for a chair and table when you want to use them on the beach (like everywhere else)
  3. So where is your solution? Create an excel like here: Michael Saylor (MicroStrategy) Portfolio Tracker (saylortracker.com)
  4. If i would take a dog again (which i can't at the moment because i couldn't give him/her the care/time they needed), i wouldn't blame other people for my lack of involvement.
  5. You being tight and want all the comfort and refuse to pay for it, isn't helping the local people to make some money.
  6. If you already cut your ties with your home country why would you apply there and not get an extension over here?
  7. So why are unvaccinated people the highest group of people dying from it while their % of people is the lowest?
  8. It was peaceful? tell that to the 6 countries who got bombed on a regular basis by the West, led by the USA.
  9. The sad part is that the religious people who are against abortion (kill a human being) have no problem buying guns and using them while one of their 10 commandments says, thou shall not kill.
  10. Then watch the video and don't make stupid comments.
  11. Are you for real? Never heard of fight at Football, AFL or hockey games?
  12. People why try to be funny but know nothing about Thailand: The 10 Best Libraries in Bangkok - Discover Walks Blog
  13. They will never learn, luckily they have an unlimited supply of thoughts and prayers.
  14. Why would you want to experience poor Thai peoples life? If you have money you can have a great life here.
  15. 1 coffee in an hour and needed 2 WIFI accounts, lol.
  16. No, pay for the chair and table if you want to use them. Otherwise drink and eat while you walk.
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