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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. I pay my invoices with a debit card in Thailand, costs me nothing.
  2. I like street art but this looks nothing like it, very bad quality. this is proper art: https://www.facebook.com/groups/149698931835055
  3. The family i am talking about (3 brothers, 1 sister) own 200 condo's in BKK, loads of land. Sold a plot in Ratchadapisek area about 10 years ago for just under 400 million thb. Know a couple of other people in the South of Thailand too who don't flash their money. Know quite a few who do show off.
  4. Some do, some don't. Know very wealthy Thai people who walk around in shorts and drive an old motorcycle, others drive in 30 million thb cars.
  5. Then it baffles me why he is selling while he is expecting that it will raise in value again.
  6. If he paid with Bitcoin isn't he lowering his BTC investment total every the time he uses it?
  7. Nope, 20 rai in the South of Thailand, sell to Chinese.
  8. Think you missed a post where it said 8 people committed suicide because of their losses
  9. It is not an investment for me, it is for my kids so they never have to worry about money and can do what they really like. I work and get a good payday. Together with my pension in the future and 2 other businesses, i am sorted.
  10. These cards are not legal in Thailand anymore as crypto can only be used for investment. Matter of time before they are withdrawn.
  11. I don't care what you believe, i am living the good life.
  12. Land will always hold value, you are talking nonsense.
  13. If i remember right he was asking how to default on his mortgage
  14. My wife's land for my kids, i have enough money for myself. My wife makes more money than i do. I am not thinking it, we have it for years already. Revenue is over 9 million per year.
  15. It is illegal to pay with crypto in Thailand.
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