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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. I am in Thailand and don't have anything to do with English law, that should be a learning point for you as others stated this before but you keep rambling about it.
  2. No, it is Thailand related as I live here and have multiple properties. No rent, people are out in no time, whatever you think their rights are. Besides when having a right is one thing getting it is another. You have no clue how it works here.
  3. English law isn't Thai law. I don't have a mortgage and not paying rent voids the lease.
  4. The people who rent sign a contract in which it states when they need to pay the rent and what the consequences are if they don't. Not paying rent ends the contract. Then I do what i want with it. Hell will freeze over before I get a problem with the police.
  5. It is my property, i can do with it what i want.
  6. I don't want your location. Asked where people in financial problems could "rent" from you. So as the good Samaritan you are, you would be able to help them.
  7. Get a rental contract from your ex wife which states you don't pay rent. Bring your lawyer next time.
  8. That is nice. Could you give the location, so people in financial problems could live there?
  9. I am willing to take that risk as it is minute.
  10. Then move to something cheaper. Don't bring other people in financial problems.
  11. ROFL, you are going to present posts from non medical trained people to your doctor? You should get second hand opinions from a doctor.
  12. I open the door of your condo, move your things out and change the locks. Then you have to sue me which means you have to pay a Thai lawyer. This would be a bigger hurdle for you than for me as if you can't even pay the rent for your place to live, how are you going to afford a very long court case? Over and out.
  13. What you believe has no legal value at all.
  14. Yes, that means you have to pay rent.
  15. For people that refuse to pay for services rendered that would be a problem. Not for decent people.
  16. Putting some glue in the lock takes seconds.
  17. "I paid one month and promised to pay in full in two weeks. I then found a note on my door saying I would be locked out in 7 days" Now it is your neighbor?
  18. No idea what you are on about.
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