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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Best to divorce like others said. You don't want to end up with problems caused by her after leaving.
  2. Doubt you get a new book, I have a digital work permit for about 3 years from Bangkok (BOI one stop center). In the digital version is no space for your address.
  3. It means they can throw you in jail up to 5 years. You don't have a clue about the law.
  4. None of your links says otherwise then what i told you. People get released from jail early or reduced sentences on special occasions (birthday king or queen) all the time. Nothing has changed on hard drugs.
  5. Kratom was legalized too, same class drug as marijuana before.
  6. Nothing has changed in the law about class 1 drugs (cocaine, heroin). Doubt you get a work permit.
  7. Stop working from home and rent a co working place. This way you meet normal working people where you can start to chat during coffee breaks.
  8. Not disgusting at all. Happens in the Netherlands too. My mother got a hospital bed at home and very strong pain killers. This way she could spend her last days with family in a familiar surrounding, not bothered by other patients or visitors. When she had enough they helped her ending her life.
  9. Yes, he PRETENDS to represent the common man but in real life he conned them many times out of their money and refused paying them for their work.
  10. Trump is not a threat for the election at all. Most sensible republicans won't vote for him.
  11. Asean Now is for sale, you could buy it and get rid of the ads.
  12. How old are you? What kind of work do you do now? What sort of experience do you have? What sort of visa are you on?
  13. Proof is in the indictment, stop your lies and start reading the evidence.
  14. Talking about delusional from the indictment: "The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack." "On two occasions in 2021, TRUMP showed classified documents to others"
  15. From the indictment: "The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack." "On two occasions in 2021, TRUMP showed classified documents to others" Everybody who defends this traitor deserves jail time too.
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