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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. Put the SD card in your own phone first of all.


    Then use a USB cable to connect to both the phone and and computer. It'll show up in Windows Explorer as a device like any other. I've got an old Motorola phone which has a lot of pix on it which I wanted to retrieve and that was identified as XT1068.


    You might see a question appear on your phone to allow access so just tap "Allow". If you don't see anything at all, double click the device to open it and you should be able to browse to the folder containing your files.


    If when you open the device all you see is a blank space drag the menu downwards from the top and you should be able to see a message which says "USB for file transfer". Tap that and you should get window where you'll be able to see an option called "Transfer files (MTP)". Tap that and dismiss the message. Go back to the PC and you should be able to browse the memory card.


    If you don't see the "USB file transfer" option (see screenshot) unplug the USB cable from the phone and then plug it in again. Drag the menu downwards again to proceed. I've attached a screenshot of the "Transfer files (MTP)" options as well.



  2. Russia's main goal in supporting Al-Assad is to retain its Russian naval base in the port of Tartus. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union Russia has been losing influence in the world and naval power is difficult to project if the only ports you have left are those in the land locked Caspian Sea.


    Tartus allows naval ships to replenish supplies and maintain a presence in the Mediterranean. It's not going to give that up without a fight. 


    Having facilities available in Tartus also limits Turkey's influence in the region. Russia has now deployed its latest S400 surface to air missile system in the Hmeimim Air Base not far from the port and has threatened to shoot down any Turkish aircraft attempting to threaten Al-Assad. 


    Since the Russians aren't renowned for subtlety and probably don't give a damn about what Western powers think these massacres are likely to continue unabated unfortunately.


    As for the refugees it's about time the predominantly Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait and the UAE do their bit to absorb the hundreds of thousands of their fellow muslims made homeless in the region.

  3. On 9/24/2016 at 6:01 AM, jacko45k said:

    Why not?

    That is what discussion and compromise is all about.

    Perhaps it is time the EU leaders who the UK did not elect stopped telling the UK what it can and cannot do!


    It's GB that will have to do the compromising though simply because it's not down to the European Commission to take the decision. All 27 member states have the right to veto any deal if they don't like it. The Visegrad Four which comprises of Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia has already said that they will veto any deal which doesn't allow their citizens full free access to the UK.


    GB can go back home and have a rethink and then come back with another proposal, but it all takes time.


    in the meantime international companies with their headquarters in the UK will become very concerned at the lack of progress and may relocate to other EU countries. That will result in significant job losses which will affect the value of Sterling. That in turn makes government borrowing that much more expensive. GB has already lost its top rate AAA rating and if it's reduced again it'll only add to the pressure to capitulate and accept that the inevitable.


    GB can stick to its guns and switch to WTO rules. But that brings tariff barriers and mountains of red tape with it. Britain will lose its passporting rights to the single market which will be disastrous for the City with major banks shutting up shop and moving to Amsterdam, Frankfurt or Paris. Sterling will slide to an all-time low making the cost of imports that much higher which in turn will stoke inflation.


    The BoE can raise interest rates to try and combat rising inflation but it will lead to higher borrowing costs. Businesses will go bust which will lead to even more job losses.


    So I'm afraid to say that Britain needs Europe, not the other way around.


  4. I remember a few years ago inviting some thai bird out to lunch but within minutes of entering the restaurant another five girls turned up. She'd apparently invited all her friends without telling me.


    After we all sat down, I started asking each of them their names and when it came to the girl in the middle she said to me "Me Pong". I just couldn't keep a straight face.

  5. 2 hours ago, Basil B said:

    Was this for not staying where he stated on a TM landing card one has to fill out on arrival?


    If it was because he was not staying where he stated when doing a 90 days reporting then hardly a tourist...


    What makes you think he wasn't a tourist? As stated in the article, the police did a check on September 13 and presumably visited the hotel where he mentioned on the TM landing card he would be staying but didn't find him there.


    But since we're only on September 25 now, it hardly fits the category of 90 day reporting.


    I wonder though whether the police traced his whereabouts using the tracking utility on the SIM cards issued to tourists.

  6. There's a company called Android Enjoyed which trades online selling Samsung smartphones at discounted prices.


    However, the NSW has issued a public warning to potential buyers not to do business with this company since they don't have a physical presence in Australia and the phones they sell won't work properly on Aussie networks. https://www.finance.nsw.gov.au/about-us/media-releases/public-warning-do-not-deal-digital-skies-group-pty-ltd


    I was following a thread in another forum where a user had bought a Samsung S4 mini only to discover that it couldn't be updated because it had a custom OS. Samsung was only willing to help for a substantial fee plus postal costs.


    The user managed to get his money back after filing a complaint with NSW Fair Trading.


  7. 7 hours ago, Anthony5 said:



    I remember last time they did such a test with 10 cameras in Bangkok for 1 month, they registered 76.000 offenders, though in my opinion a camera that can detect helmless riders is an early April joke.


    And who's going to process all those license plate captures? Even competent data typists will likely only be able to process 1,000 a day. And then they send a letter to the address the bike is registered to? Thai addresses don't seem to have letter boxes I've noticed. It's just an open box nailed to a post outside the building and anything in it can easily blow away. Talk about incompetence.

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