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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. Putin has too much power and isn't afraid to wield it. Anyone perceived to be a threat is either shipped off to a penal colony as happened to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, or murdered as was the case with investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya

    Challenge the State and you challenge Putin directly. He's in it for the long haul and until his supporters turn the other cheek, or world opinion brings too much pressure to bear, his critics will be silenced in no uncertain terms.

    RIP Boris Nemtsov.

  2. Why doesn't TH offer a lottery system similar to those found in many many other country. 6/49 type where one can pick their own numbers at 711 etc?

    The current system is to say - straight from the dark ages.

    I think you're referring to ball games aren't you.

    The Thai lottery is a paper ticket which, incidentally, they also have in the Netherlands. https://www.staatsloterij.nl/loten

    With the Dutch system at least, you can choose the last digit of a six figure ticket, but that's all.

  3. Dumb questions. How can such a senior officer not have security clearance? How can an immigration police delay departing flights selectively ?

    Something strange here.

    Yes, those were my thoughts as well.

    Immigration can delay passengers from boarding if they don't have the correct documentation, but delaying a flight purely on a whim? I don't think the immigration has that authority.

  4. i am thinking malbytes antimalware is a darn good free one

    but YES some catch things that others don't and some may be false positives

    having said that, my malbytes antimalware wont load today and i went through all of the chameleon tests

    so back to square one

    is Kaspersky the best pay for program?

    also loading newer software versions on xp is no easy task (a back up machine)

    i wanted to go back to avira but could not install

    and man take a look at the policies these days

    you loose ALL privacy

    Malwarebytes has a special tool to remove Mbam from your system completely which includes all its registry keys. Suggest you use that to uninstall it and then reinstall it using a fresh downloaded setup file.

    N.B. The uninstaller also removes your license information. So make a note of that before you run the uninstaller if you have the paid for version.

    In addition, I suggest you install Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit to prevent drive-by malware infections. More on that here: https://www.malwarebytes.org/antiexploit/

    • Like 1
  5. Taking Truvada as PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) are both very effective. This was the biggest news at the 2014 international AIDS conference. In the PARTNERS study, a very large study of Truvada use, found no transmission among people who took it at least 4 times per week. No transmission, zero. There is still a theoretical risk, but no actual transmissions in that study. I this study, the OP says "The two infections in the Truvada group were in men who stopped using the pills after more than a year in the study". The people who contracted HIV had stopped taking the Truvada, so they were no longer protected.

    This is not unsafe sex. This is another option for safe sex. It is actually less risky than using condoms, which the US CDC says have a 12% failure rate.

    The other major study presented at the 2014 AIDS conference was that people who have HIV who are taking medicine and have no dectable viral load (measurable HIV in the blood) do not pass HIV. This study found zero transmissions of HIV from people who take their pills regularly so they have surpassed the HIV virus in their bodies.

    The people who are spreading HIV now are the people who don't know they have it. Without medicine, the virus is much easier to transmit to others. With medicine, it is very difficult. Those with the highest viral loads are the recently infected. This calls for more testing, and immediate treatment upon HIV diagnosis. In Thailand, most doctors wait until there are signs of immune system depression before they start treatment. Earlier treatment would decrease the spread of HIV. Treatment is prevention.

    I wouldn't recommend anyone take drugs for something that they don't have. Most heavyweight medication has side effects and in the case of Truvada, not very pleasant ones: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenofovir/emtricitabine#Adverse_Reactions

    Truvada is also not going to alleviate other more common infections such as NSU and the safest way to avoid any of them is to use a condom.

    That said, if you get to know someone long term and you both take an HIV test, then it should be reasonably safe to have unprotected sex.

  6. I dont agree with the posts above.

    If these girls have been groomed, they are victims of a sort.

    They are going to end up as sex slaves, not warriors.

    I wonder who is doing the grooming? The local mosque?

    I'd agree with you except all three are straight A level students which implies they should have enough sense to be able to distinguish right from wrong.

    Your point about who is doing the grooming is a valid one though. I wonder why that aspect isn't being investigated.

  7. I remain shocked that anyone could actually believe that Putin would risk a thermonuclear war over a failed state. Failed in every respect.

    absolutely, at this very moment I am in Russia and discussed this issue with some businessmen. They say that the conflict in Ukrain is limited to the east where 80% of the population is Russian. They want for these people the status of Federal State within Ukrain. That's all. If tomorrow the Russians in east Ukrain lay down their weapons they will be killed by the Ukrain army. I don't claim this is the whole truth, I just want to let you know how my contacts perceive it.

    If 80% of the population of eastern Ukraine speak Russian and want to be part of that country, let them go emigrate there!

    Ukraine would very likely reclaim its sovereign territory which it has every right to if the rebels surrended, but the country wants to join the EU and no way are they going to jeopardise their chances of achieving that by embarking on a killing spree.

    The businessmen you spoke to are just being brainwashed by the bs the Russian media is churning out at Putin's behest.

  8. What a screwed world we live in...with all efforts, experience, creativity and own money you set up a business, try to make it profitable and you can't choose the people you want to work with to make this happen?

    because you end up with a society that will not employ black people or women or gays, for example. Discrimination will occur if it is not regulated.

    Do you propose that society may discriminate because of religion? What about gender? Race? Sexual orientation?

    Obviously, and the law accommodates for this, some jobs require a person who is specifically NOT something or other, eg a woman's toilet attendant can not be a man, but in general, discrimination has to be discouraged with regulation.

    I think it's fair to point out that at least where Muslims are concerned, their lifestyle needs to be taken into account.

    For example, Muslims pray five times a day. This takes place at dawn, midday, late afternoon and dusk and typically takes 5-15 mins. Praying follows a set procedure of bowing and prostrating using a prayer mat and the individual must be facing Makkah (Saudi Arabia). Such activity may not coincide with an employer's work schedule.

    Muslims don't drink alcohol, so office parties are out as is socializing down the pub after work.

    There are restrictions on what Muslims are allowed to eat. Meat must always be halal with the animal slaughtered according to Islamic practice.

    These kind of things need to be taken into account when considering a Muslim as an employee and employers may well take the view that this type of person just isn't suitable for the job.

  9. Any party hosting a bitch like Theresa May will not get my vote. People are sick and tired of the same old tripe. Let's have a change of tack with UKIP at the helm.

    UKIP can shout and scream that all will change if they take power, but like Syriza in Greece, when reality strikes, they'll back down and everything will go back the way it was before.

    Except of course that the UK will have a racist party in power which the financial markets won't like and that'll send the value of the £ down a bottomless pit. Expect parity with the euro at 36 Baht or thereabouts.

    Best to think in your own self interests in times like these. Stability comes with either the Tories or Labour in power regardless of how much you may hate both.

    • Like 2
  10. I wonder what Obama is planning to do about it? Probably nothing.

    You're saying that because you don't like Obama, not because you think he's responsible.

    If you want to portray any US president as being anemic, I think you can point the finger squarely at George Bush's door. His popularity was in the doldrums and with all the jokes about him flying around as being America's stupidest president, he desperately wanted to divert world attention away from himself. Bringing American democracy to the Middle East seemed like the best way of achieving that goal.

    Saddam was no saint I give you that, but we wouldn't be where we are now if Bush hadn't sought regime change in Iraq back in 2003.

    • Like 1
  11. To throw a cat in with the pigeons I believe these two guys may have been the king pins of this operation but neither of them was actually found with any drugs on them or in their possession.

    The other people on the plane had drugs in their possession and they have been given lesser sentences.

    Of course they won't have been carrying drugs themselves. That's why they hire couriers.

    But like the directors of a company that goes bust, they're the ones that ran the operation and therefore they're responsible for the actions of their gang members.

    It's also incorrect to say that others caught with drugs in their possession were given lesser sentences. Lindsay Sandiford, a 58 year grandmother will also face the firing squad in soon and she was only a courier: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-31080056

    • Like 1
  12. There has to be something inherently evil in a person to do what he's been doing to another human being. He's a psychopath born and bred; someone who likes to scare people and ultimately make them suffer unspeakable horrors. He enjoys it I'm sure.

    All this bs about radicalization is just an excuse for despicable individuals like him to join the ranks of the maniacs intent on literally wallowing in a bloodbath.

    If ever there was a need to nuke a whole city like Raqqa which IS appears to have settled on as their capital, this is it. Annihilate the vile, murderous bastards in one go.

    • Like 1
  13. FYI, I usually can get a youtube vid to show simply by pasting the url from the page into the post as plain text. Don't know why, but using any of the posting tools just results in a link. Let me try it.

    Good tip! Thanks for that. I've always tried copy/pasting the "Embed" link, but that just results in the "share" link appearing surrounded by HTML language.

  14. What immediately jumps out of the page at me is the use of long range aircraft on domestic routes. The 777-200 which has a range of between 5,235 to 9,380 nautical miles for example was never intended to be used for one hour flights.

    And now Thai is intending to use their new 787s on domestic flights to Chiang Mai! The distance BKK-CNX is only 594km.

    Wouldn't be surprised if they start flying the A380 to Phuket next.


  15. The obvious missing item was a travel adapter, you do need a travel adapter if come from the UK!

    You know you can buy those here too, right?

    You're missing the point there. The adapter you can buy in Thailand is made to adapt Thai plugs to other countries electrical outlets.

    To clarify, here's a pix of a British 3-pin plug: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/BritishPlugforWikipedia.jpg

    And here's the equivalent Thai version: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Thai_TIS_166-2549_mains_plug.jpg

    As you can see, the spacing between the pins is entirely different.

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