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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. So what will the average weekly pay be? No good saying it will be 'reasonable'.

    And the working hours? Dawn till dusk?

    2.00am until midnight according to Wiki: http://www.wikigender.org/index.php/Thai_Women_Labor_in_The_Countries_of_Scandinavia#Working_conditions:_Harvesting_the_wild_berries._.28Mid_of_July_until_the_end_of_September.29

    Hardly a walk in the park and pay at between 80 cents and €1,30 per Kg seems abysmal.

  2. I'm sure anybody with a laptop running Windows 7 or higher knows what I'm talking about.

    For some unknown reason, laptop manufacturers have decided we no longer need a warning light to inform us when CAPSLOCK has been engaged.

    I suspect it was an aesthetic reason rather than an economical one so they can now design the machine without any blemishes such has having to interrupt the smooth panel above the keyboard by placing a warning light in there somewhere.

    Windows 8.1 has the option to emit a beep if you accidentally hit CAPSLOCK when typing, but how to tell if it's engaged otherwise? Also, there's around a two second delay before you actually hear something by which time you'll have typed at least half a dozen capital characters.

    When I used to use a PC with a separate keyboard instead of a laptop which incorporates one, it had a large Capslock key next to the 'A' character, but my laptop only has a small one. So what happens very often now is I want to hit the letter 'A', but inadvertently hit Capslock instead resulting in a series of unwanted capital letters which I don't spot immediately.

    So can anyone suggest a good, preferably free Capslock notifier?

  3. I think the main reason this happens is because Thais want to pay as little as possible to whoever is working for them.

    It's the same in the building industry: they employ Burmese who work for 180 Baht a day perched precariously on bamboo poles tied together with twine six floors up on the outside of a building and no safety net to catch them if they fall. And in the blazing hot sun too. I really feel sorry for these poor souls.

  4. CTRL+A followed by CTRL+C at anytime.

    Or; write it out in Notepad, copy it, come here, then CTRL+V

    If you write it in notepad, you don't get line breaks. If you hit the enter key to get line breaks in notepad so you can read it as you type, the formatting will mess up the post.

    I always use notepad to paste and then copy any text I copy from the web simply to remove all formatting. Then when I paste that into my post the forum software formats the line breaks, font etc. This works great.

    When I'm writing a long post, I do as noted above regularly. CTRL+A, CTRL+C and it's on my clipboard.

    Set format to "Word Wrap" Notepad. After you've finished editing, uncheck "Word Wrap" which gives you long lines of text.

    But no need to scroll to see the end of them because when you hit CTRL+A, it copies everything. When you paste it into the forum, you'll see that it will format normally i.e. just as if you had written it directly in the forum.

  5. I like Google primarily because of the number of filters it has. However, it tends to display its own preferred results first regardless of the search string used. Needless to say, this has brought it to the attention of the EU Competition Commission: http://www.magazinemedia.eu/wp-content/uploads/14-09-04-Publishers-Response-on-Third-Set-of-Commitments.pdf

    Also, I don't think you can classify Google as a search engine anymore. It's primary function is to sell advertising space and the search utility is a sideline to that.

    In addition, even if you clear your history and delete the cache when you've closed your browser, Google still retains details of everything you searched for forever unless you delete it yourself as I pointed out in my post here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/793795-what-google-knows-about-you/ I suggest you right click this link and choose "Open in a new tab" since the site doesn't do that automatically for forum posts)

    Although Google encrypts data, the possibility still exists that your search terms could become public if a leak occurred. An example of that concerns AOLs leak of 650,000 data entries back in 2006. Because the leak has become public, you can now search them yourself. All you need to do is to enter a search string and then when the results appear, click "User ID". This will reveal what that person searched for. http://www.not-secret.com/

    Lots of users, myself included don't tend to view the results beyond the first ten pages. Although one of Google's filter's allows you to make a custom search between two dates, it requires input and make take several attempts before you achieve the desired result. A way around that is to use this search engine which allows you to remove up to the first one million results: https://millionshort.com/

    And if you really want to go back in time, there's always the good old Wayback Machine: https://archive.org/web/web.php

  6. It's not such a bad idea actually. After all, Windows is still the primary operating system worldwide and therefore Microsoft is in a ideal position to tackle cybercrime first hand.

    M$ has also got plenty of cash in the bank and can well afford to spend some of it on a project which will hopefully make the world a safer place to use computers at the very least.

    They're also taking a page out of Google's book by offering bounties to security bug hunters and have already paid out $128,000 to security researchers according to ComputerWeekly.com: http://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240206842/Microsoft-pays-out-28K-to-security-bug-hunters

    Likewise, Singapore is a good location because everyone speaks English due to its colonial past and as the article points out, it's also a major financial center.

  7. I would also be very wary if my warranty on Firefox might be void. coffee1.gif

    That warning is there to make you aware that making changes to Firefox outside of the normal menus via Tools | Options can have a detrimental effect on your computer.

    Firefox itself doesn't come with a warranty.

    Here's a list of entries which can be safely changed via about:config: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_:_FAQs_:_About:config_Entries

  8. A vulnerability exists in a number of Netgear routers whereby a remote user can bypass authentication.

    Known and suspect models can be found on the following site together with details of the vulnerability. http://www.securitytracker.com/id/1031762

    See this Wikipedia article for an explanation of SOAP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAP

    No fix was available at the time of writing.

    Workaround: disable remote / WAN management.

  9. Here's a seating map of the layout in the A340-600: http://www.thaiairways.co.uk/static/common/pdf/exp_thai/cabin_class/economy/In-flight_Entertainment/2A340-600.pdf

    Not a huge difference when compared to the Singapore Airlines 777-300ER: http://www.singaporeair.com/pdf/seatmaps/boeing777-300er.pdf

    But in spite of the fact that 1 in 15 Singaporeans is a millionaire, their flights are a whole lot cheaper than Thai.

  10. Looks from the latest reports that the bar manager and the security guard conspired to kill the Turkish guy because he would often cause trouble in the bar. http://www.samuitimes.com/pub-security-guard-manager-arrested-killing-turkish-man/

    The only 'mafia' connection was on the part of the Turkish guy who liked to think of himself that way according to locals. He never had a gun though and the one he was found holding had been planted there by the bar manager in order to make it look like self-defence.

    Unfortunately for him, several CCTV cams caught him planting the gun.

    They did plant a gun in his hand but he had is own tucked in his trouwsers.

    They took the gun out of his trousers and placed it in his hand? Where did you read that?

  11. http://www.phuketgazette.net/articles/articles/get_article_detail/48349

    “Thai people who travel abroad must obey the laws of whichever country they are visiting; why can’t foreigners follow Thailand’s laws?”

    As I asked earlier.. What laws ?? What law, says a person cannot take their own private chair to a public space to sit on it ?? Do the police even understand that when they make this stuff up, it isnt a law just because they say it is.. Secondly "why cant people follow Thailands laws" would that be todays laws, or yesterdays laws, or what the governor says the law is, or what the police says the law is, in Patong, or in Nai Harn ?? I mean if they want a clear and consistent system, its up to them to implement and enforce a clear and consistent system. just complaining at these terrible foreigners (whose spending powers everything on the island) for not simply jumping and sauling every dumb idea that is randomly thrown at the problem, is pretty low.

    Although Ms Chalermluck confirmed that the chair ban is policy and police must carry out their duties in accordance with it, she said that she has spoken to Phuket Governor Nisit Jansomwong about the issue.

    “I have spoken to Governor Nisit several times about this. I requested that we allow elderly tourists to use their loungers in the 10-per-cent sections of the beach where vendors are allowed. This would satisfy both tourists and the public,” she explained.

    Ohh so its not a law ??? Its only a law for some ?? Define 'elderly'.. Who can who cant who gets exceptions..

    I mean is it possible to make it any more confused or unenforceable.. This grey haired 58 year old can.. But this fit looking 65 year old maybe cant ?? Ohh why wont these pesky tourists carry their identity papers to the beach ?

    As has been pointed out by Phuketwan last night (and I was saying on here) The jetski touts have their chairs and those are left totally alone.. Theres no drive to clear Thais from sitting on chairs, while conducting business on the beach, in full view of the tourists being told to surrender theirs. "why wont these terrible foreigners not just stick to the rules" ??

    Excellent post and I agree on all the points you made and especially those concerning older people.

    The young ones can jump up and down from their beach mats with ease, but it's not so easy when you've got arthritis and need to sit in a chair which you can get up from a lot easier.

    Thailand will become the laughing stock of the world for being the only country on the planet which doesn't allow you to bring your own beach chair to sit on. How ridiculous can you get?

  12. Maybe something in the Baht 4000 to 6000 range. I know more expensive doesn't always equate to better quality, but there's probably a good reason why it's priced that low.

    Lenevo has some good, but inexpensive phones. Go have a look at them in Powerbuy. They've just opened a new superstore next to Foodland in Pattaya. http://www.powerbuy.co.th/en/mobiles.html?brand=335

    Some background info on Lenevo in case you're worried: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenovo

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