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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. The other day on the BBC news they were interviewing people in Russia on the street about the effect the free falling rouble was having, and one women said she had cancelled her Thailand vacation.

    For anyone who booked and paid for a Thai holiday earlier in the year but hasn't taken it yet, the current FX rate is catastrophic.

    Looking at FX rates from the beginning of the year to the present day, the Ruble has lost more than 50% of its value already with no sign of it stabilising anytime soon: http://www.freecurrencyrates.com/exchange-rate-history/RUB-THB/2014

    The above link shows FX rates of 0.5865 Satang up to December 12, but this morning Bangkok Bank is advertising only 40 Satang for a single Ruble: http://bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/WebServices/Rates/Pages/FX_Rates.aspx

    It's going to be a nasty shock for anyone who doesn't check the FX rate before embarking on their holiday.

  2. Sunglasses are subject to 60% Import Duty plus the usual 7% VAT so you're only likely to find them in Jungceylon or some other upmarket location.

    (Can't see the attachment except if I go to the Edit option) ?


  3. Keys, particularly house keys, don't just "break off in the lock" without giving some warning like the lock getting stiff.

    Sorry, but I have to disagree with you there. I've noticed in the past that in Thailand at least, the quality of the metal used to create house keys is way too soft with the part inserted into the lock breaking off suddenly when turned leaving that section irretrievably stuck inside the lock.

    It happened to me once when I came back to an apartment I'd rented and discovered that the keycard wouldn't work. I subsequently inserted the key only to have that snap off when I turned it.

  4. TJ Mansion, Patong. First turning on the left off Ratchapathanuson Road after the Fire Station going north. There's a 7/11 on the corner so you can't miss it.

    It's a 20 sq mtr room with balcony together with free Internet and hot water. Rent is 10,000 Baht a month provided you stay a minimum three months. It has airco, but you'll have to pay seven Baht a Kwh for electricity.

    This link on Google Street View will place you right outside the front door: TJ Mansion

    I stayed there myself for three months a couple of years ago and they're friendly people.

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  5. I've been looking at this issue myself since I visit Thailand quite regularly.

    Looking at Bangkok bank's fees at http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/WebServices/HelpCenter/Pages/FeeTable.aspx I note that the fee for Mastercard withdrawals is 180 Baht while ordinary ATM cards only incur a 150 Baht fee. The odd thing here is that Bangkok bank ATMs at least always read my card as a Mastercard. Consequently, I always see the higher figure on the screen when I withdraw funds.

    Somebody posted here that Bank of Ayutthaya a.k.a. Krungsi bank allows you to withdraw 30,000 Baht, but unfortunately for me at least, this doesn't help since my own bank limits cash withdrawals to €500 for foreign transactions.

    Also, my bank charges 1% of the total amount which includes the 180 Baht withdrawal fee which is an added irritation. When you add the two together and then calculate the exchange rate, you lose about two Baht compared with the exchange rate for cash transactions.

    The most preferential rates seem to apply to cash transactions since the exchange rate is higher and there aren't any fees at all. But there's the obvious danger of having to carry large sums of money around.

    For expats living in Thailand, you might want to look at renting a safe deposit box and just loading it up with your own currency; exchanging cash as and when you need it. At Bangkok bank, you can rent a small one for an annual fee of 900 Baht. You'll find details in the link I've included above.

  6. ...password protect the BIOS, but this again does not stop somebody removing the hard drive, and of course removing the battery from the PC will reset the BIOS password.

    Not always. My GF has a Sony Vaio notebook which includes the option to create a power on password. In the event of her forgetting the password, removing the battery will have no effect and necessitates a visit to an authorized Sony dealer to clear the password.

  7. Try inserting a music CD. If you double click the drive, can you read the contents? If so, then the drive can read. If not, eject the disc and check it for scratches. Try wiping the disc with a damp cloth.

    As regards writing, try different manufacturers. Some drives are choosy about which discs they will write to.

    Is your machine still under warranty? If so, contact their support desk. You might qualify for a free replacement drive. Here's HP's site for your machine (don't know which model is yours).

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