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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. The Euro was doomed from the very start. How could anyone create a currency whith all the member states having different economies, pension plans all with different balance sheets and cultures? The E U is destroying Europe with it's grand plans to create a united states Europe all run by representatives unelected by the people. It has created many problems with the open migration rules. Germany now needs to raise new tax's to pay for bailing out failed states like Greece and Spain the most obvious examples.The latest move by Switzerland is the next sign of bad things to come for E U. So those wiser than I can tell me where I am wrong. but it seems to me the writing has been on the wall for a long time now. People are over taxed and going in the streets to protest the austerity measures created by the failure of the E U..I hope I am proven wrong. We shall soon see.

    The original plan as drawn up by the six founding members of the EU was a good idea actually. It envisaged a single market with a common currency which functions without having to contend with FX rates and import tariffs as Thailand is now experiencing with the Baht.

    Where it went wrong was inviting every nation who wanted to become a member with open arms without conducting the necessary checks to ensure their economies were up to scratch.

    As for the current situation, it's about to get a whole lot worse once QE is introduced today as widely expected. It will inevitably weaken the Euro which will discourage imports while making exports much more attractive.

    I don't know what percentage of EU visitors contribute to the income derived from Tourism, but with Euro likely to drop to around 35 Baht or possibly even lower, the cost of staying a couple of weeks in Thailand is likely to increase significantly and may dissuade visitors altogether until the end of 2016 when QE is expected to end.

  2. Rename the SSID. You can use any description you like such as the name of your cat or dog for example. The default name which the router broadcasts identifies the model which makes it a lot easier to hack using the factory default setup.

    Also, rename the WPA2-PSK key and use a combination upper and lowercase alphanumeric characters. Avoid special characters though such as + @ % etc.

    In addition, change the default login which is usually just "admin/admin". Use a strong password of at least 14 characters to include upper and lowercase letters, numbers and the characters found on the top row of your keyboard.

    If you think you might have a problem remembering the changes, print them on a label and stick it on the back of the router somewhere.

    Keepass is a good, open source password manager which you might find useful too: http://www.keepass.info/

    EDIT: I should also mention that you should avoid using WPS which was meant to create a secure home network because tools have been released which can crack it in no time at all. See this Sophos article for more info: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2014/09/02/using-wps-may-be-even-more-dangerous/

  3. Overplay.net run a great SmartDNS service. Much cheaper than a VPN. This enables you to connect to many sites around the world that would otherwise block you. eg Netflix, BBC, ITV etc etc.

    But I believe it only works with Video providers. I tried it with UK Lotto and I was geo blocked. However can connect to every video stream service that I have tried.

    Regards Chris

    Have a look at Zenmate

    It's free provided you use either Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera. There's also an Android and iPhone version available.

    • Like 2
  4. yes it would but it is also beneficial to importers to have a stronger Baht. in the first 10 months of 2014 the trade balance was negative ($1.855 billion) which is peanuts compared to the total trade but evidence that more was imported than exported.

    bottom line: the present Baht "strength" is quite acceptable for the BoT.

    I doubt that. Thailand is an exporting nation and a strong Baht is no good for exports.

    But wait until tomorrow when EU president Mario Draghi makes his plans for QE known. That (I hope) will strengthen the Euro which has been dropping like a stone just lately which will be good for exporting nations like Thailand.

  5. For Internet security, this free browser addon might interest you: https://zenmate.com/

    Not only does it encrypt data between your computer and wherever you're surfing to, it also hides your location. There's a mobile version available as well.

    You'll need either Firefox, Google Chrome or the Opera browser to use it though. It doesn't work with Internet Explorer since it's a free plugin. Microsoft requires any addon for IE to support ActiveX Controls for which a paid for licence is required.

    • Like 2
  6. Another Indonesian AirAsia incident took place yesterday apparently when the plane experienced an engine flameout while taxiing to takeoff. Passengers reported hearing a loud bang after which an engine wound down and the aircraft returned to the terminal. A number of passengers refused to reboard the aircraft after the flight was cleared for departure fearing that the engine might fail again during the flight.

    Full story on the incident appears in the StraitTimes But the aircraft in the image with the WOW livery, registration number PK-AXS didn't perform any flights Bandung yesterday according to Flightradar24.com So either the news media has quoted the wrong destination, or they've got the wrong aircraft.

    • Like 1
  7. A vulnerability has been reported in Windows 8.1 Kernel and possibly other operating systems which allows local users to gain elevated priviliges.

    According to the Security Tracker report published today Microsoft was informed on 30 September 2014, but failed to address the issue. In accordance with Google's Project Zero policy, all vulnerabilities are published three months later if the vendor fails to take action.

    No solution was available at the time of writing. .

  8. Thanks BB,that was exactly what I needed.

    Now,for the files themselves,is there a way to change what information

    is shown on them when they're in the folder.

    The "lenght",size,date modified etc are writen on them.

    I want to set them so that only the size and name is shown.

    Thanks again for your patience.

    To set columns so that only size and name are shown, do the following.

    Set the layout to "Details" view and then right click the description: "Name" (column) and select "More" at the bottom of the context menu which appears. In the screenshot, you get the menu shown on the right hand side of it from where you can choose to remove or add data.


  9. Best thing to do I find is to sign up to a few frequent flyer programs such has those from Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines and then add yourself to their special offers mailings. That way, you'll be informed when the airline decides to cut prices on a particular route.

    For example, I was looking at a SIA special offer just a few days ago: AMS-SIN-HKT and return for €619. Normally, that route costs between €735 and €825. Here's a screenshot of it. Unfortunately, I waited too long and seats were sold out already by the time I decided to book. The next available flight for that price departed on 26 May which was too early for me.

    But it goes to show that it's worth signing up, more especially because you get a 30Kg luggage allowance instead of the usual 20Kg.

    The basic frequent flyer program doesn't cost anything and any mileage you accrue is valid for three years.


  10. If the aircraft broke up in midflight, clothes will be stripped from the bodies of passengers as happened when MH17 was brought down over Ukraine.

    However, if as has been reported that a 'shadow' of the plane has been spotted on the seabed, then that would suggest the aircraft landed intact, or at least some attempt at landing was made by the captain. Given though that there were severe storms in the area, a smooth landing on the surface is probably out of the question unfortunately.

    It will depend on how the aircraft behaved when it hit the water that will determine what forces a human body was subjected to and could explain why some bodies have been recovered partially naked.

    It's a little odd though that the bodies which have been recovered weren't attached to seats as would have been the case if they had been strapped in. That would suggest that some of them at least had time to get out. But why then did they die?

    But why then did they die?

    Exhaustion? Waiting too long for rescue? Water temperature? Sudden air pressure difference?

    Some of them were wearing lifejackets which implies they had time to put them on. Or had been instructed to do so by the crew.

    Waiting too long for rescue? It's only been two days. Water temperature was favourable: http://seatemperature.info/surabaya-water-temperature.html

    Sudden air pressure differential would only apply if there had been an inflight breakup.

    Other factors concerning the crash though.

    I posted a link to an Emergency Air Worthiness warning in the other thread, but maybe some readers missed it. So I've included an image of part of it here. Here's the link to it again though: http://cdn1.atp.com/ADs/pdf/142551e.pdf

    Blockage of the pitot tubes can cause the the aircraft to become uncontrollable if the circumstances described in the EAW are not promptly corrected. In the following news item http://theaviationist.com/2014/12/28/airasia-indonesia-missing/ it mentions that the aircraft had in fact climbed to 36,300 ft even though ATC had refused clearance. But in doing so, it had reduced speed to the point where an aerodynamic stall can occur.

    Coupled with that is the fact that the aircraft was equipped with CFM56-5B engines. There have been past failures with these engines cutting out in certain conditions like transversing rain at altitude such as the aircraft would have encountered on that particular occasion: http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/atsb-issues-safety-advisory-notice-against-cfm56-5-and-cfm56-7-345359/

    The aircraft underwent its last maintenance inspection of November 16 according to reports. Let's hope that engine failure during the climb wasn't responsible for the loss of airspeed at that critical stage.


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