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Everything posted by marcusb

  1. I don't know where they came up with 6 weeks, yes results would be as quick as the lab could produce results. Its priority so as you say instant. Never ever heard of breath test for drugs, usually its urine for the quick tests. They tested all the teachers and staff at my university one day, it was all the quick urine tests.
  2. No, as I haven't been everywhere. You're probably right though.
  3. No, it means with the test they used he could not have consumed Yaba in the previous 72 hours. Standard test. I have no idea on accuracy. Blood work for Yaba also would not take long at all.
  4. According to these guys none of us nailed it. Humbe pie for me, I thought it was a bigger contributor. But the stuff I put in BOLD seems like mental health issues. Interesting read. "The public tends to link serious mental illnesses, like schizophrenia or psychotic disorders, with violence and mass shootings. But serious mental illness—specifically psychosis—is not a key factor in most mass shootings or other types of mass murder. Approximately 5% of mass shootings are related to severe mental illness. And although a much larger number of mass shootings (about 25%) are associated with non-psychotic psychiatric or neurological illnesses, including depression, and an estimated 23% with substance use, in most cases these conditions are incidental. Additionally, as we demonstrated in our paper, the contribution of mental illness to mass shootings has decreased over time. The data suggest that while it is critical that we continue to identify those individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders at high risk for violence and prevent the perpetration of violence, other risk factors, such as a history of legal problems, challenges coping with severe and acute life stressors, and the epidemic of the combination of nihilism, emptiness, anger, and a desire for notoriety among young men, seem a more useful focus for prevention and policy than an emphasis on serious mental illness, which leads to public fear and stigmatization." link thingy https://www.columbiapsychiatry.org/news/mass-shootings-and-mental-illness-5
  5. No drugs for at least 3 days. So he was a regular wacko. Possibly a wacko all his life and the yaba made the condition worse. But he wasn't on a drug fuelled rampage. He was on a mental wacko rampage. Nobody likes to talk about mental health as much as gun control, drug control, alcohol control. Serious mental health problems are overlooked here and also back home.
  6. Not surprised. Everyone so quick to say drugs. I hate meth and what it does to people. But it doesn't turn them all into killers. 1/2 a million people do yaba everyday in Thailand. Its not drugs, guns, alcohol its mental health. In USA, Canada, China, Thailand, these are mental health issues. Give a person with mental health issues a gun, knife, sword, there's going to be trouble. My humble opinion, I'm sure many here will feel different.
  7. Funny how people get their panties twisted when they see a gofundme. I think they are a great idea. No I have never contributed to one, I probably never will. But if someone who has extra cash thinks its a good move to help someone out so be it. Why would it bother someone so much when it has nothing at all to do with them. They are not begging or bothering, they have a platform where people can see their plight.
  8. 5555 thanks for making my point, those look pitiful.
  9. Thats true, but the difference between a proper grow and "anyone" growing it is huge. Hence the different grades. From 4 baht a gram to 800 baht per gram. You can give 4 people the same seeds and have 4 different outcomes. I guess its the same principal as "anyone" can make wine.
  10. Does the announcement really say the second part? Ive heard the first part many many times. I have never heard the second part. (second part is true, Ive just never heard them announce that, BTS, Airports. )
  11. Exactly and the butter made after the weed is carbolized. Theres a heckuva lot of science involved in research as it is big money in legal countries. We would not be doing all these extra steps if it was not necessary. If you guys are getting high of it I'd suggest trying red rose tea, probably a good buzz as well.
  12. 1000 strains out there, if someone claims they can, they're fibbing.
  13. I've worked in 2 uni and 3 public schools, I have never seen soap or hand cleaner in a bathroom. The one uni was a medical university, I would have expected them to, but no.
  14. Thanks. ???? Worst Ive seen is 6c in Nan city. Thats cold sitting around watching TV. Its very cold on a motorbike, especially at speeds. On a positive note don't really have to put the beer in the fridge. (It gets -40 in my hometown, I know cold)
  15. I live on an unnumbered road in an unnumbered house, in a small out of the way mooban. Yet still basically right in town. (grabs GPS locates it perfectly) Order food I see it spinning and I know they have drivers, they just don't want the run. After a few attempts finally got a Zinger burger. Ordered a couple more times, spinning wheel, and then the same kid would accept. (pays to tip) For taxi service never a connection from home, but if Im at lotuses I get a grab taxi acceptance within a minute. So yeah, sometimes the riders are fussy.
  16. Irregardless of anyones opinion regarding Biden he is the president. No matter who is in the President's shoes it is a shot at Thailand. With their Thai style democracy, human rights, and begging Russians to vacation here I think its a well placed shot. I may be wrong ????
  17. Dtac. Just looked and its 10 and 5. I think that is based on whatever plan I bought more than the sim/router capabilities. (in my case) I don't demand much for what I do.
  18. Used phones as hotspot for years. I find it hard on the phones. (iPhones, seem to get hot) got a TP link sim router last week, totally impressed.
  19. The February 17 ITAC report shows the organization was, in fact, “aware of known IMVE extremists who have participated in protests and blockades across Canada.” “Violent extremists who support or are attending the protests include a range of IMVE adherents including white nationalists, accelerationists, separatists, radical libertarians, conspiracy theorists and others who justify violence to achieve ideological objectives.” ITAC was also particularly concerned about individuals affiliated with “QAnon and Diagolon,” noting that the presence of “key individuals” and “influencers” on the ground in Ottawa was “indicative of a much larger attendance at convoy protests by IMVE adherents over recent weeks.” https://pressprogress.ca/ottawa-convoy-helped-violent-extremist-groups-grow-canadian-counterterrorism-report-warned/ When Alberta RCMP released images of the weapons and tactical gear seized from a group that took part in the Coutts, Alta., border blockade, the pictures showed patches displaying a white diagonal line on a black background -- the calling card of the Diagolon far-right extremist group. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/what-is-the-diagolon-extremist-group-and-what-does-it-want-1.5785646 Ottawa City Councilor Matthew Luloff told Morning Edition that hate symbols and acutely anti-Semitic writing have been seen at the rallies. Along with Canadian flags, some protestors have also been showing off U.S. Confederate flags and swastikas. "Some of the most well-known radicals in this country have now descended upon the capital. Some of them are calling for violence. Some of them are threatening individual politicians," said Luloff. https://www.npr.org/2022/02/10/1079842220/ottawa-trucker-convoy-protest Regular normal truckers kept working throughout the protest, right wing extremists with trucks, affiliated with various hate groups are the ones that kept the capital city prisoner and locked down international trade at the border. This ridiculous stunt of theirs cost tax payers hundreds of million dollars. Class action lawsuits are in progress, leaders locked up. IT WAS A COUP! read the MOU presented on the first day of protest. They wanted to overthrow the govt! Maybe thats ok in your home country, not ok in mine.
  20. 3 elections, the people have spoken.
  21. I've seen a lot of your posts. I am very happy that we have never had the same opinion. Cheers.
  22. ???? Is it "baiting" when I post pro left on a pro right forum. ???? Just having fun, have a great day. ????
  23. Start of sept I did 6 flights, 5 Nok, 1 Airasia. 100% masks. In the airports 95% masks. Of the unmasked 90% were foreigners. Amazing how delicate some people are that a little piece of fabric bothers them. I loved the Olympic Female Hockey finals, Canadian team wore masks the whole time, and won. "oh, I cant breathe with a mask" delicate little flowers. Hats off to the Thai people for being considerate of their fellow humans, thanks.
  24. Hats off to a great country with decent leadership, proud to be Canadian. ????
  25. true. Which made me wonder if currency exchange places are more cautious about accepting Russian currency after the recent ups and downs.
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