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Everything posted by Irrumator

  1. Quite. Typical American policy - deny war-winning military and financial strategies to other countries so as to prolong the money-making process to the benefit of the USA. They did it in the 40s and they're still doing it. So rake in the dollars, boys and forget the tens of thousands being killed and injured to enrich Uncle Sam (who incidentally has NEVER won a war when acting alone for a few centuries). Oh, sorry, yes, little countries on their doorstep with no defence facilities to speak of. As for Vietnam - anyone got any ideas about that ...?
  2. So why don't you Foxtrot Oscar there, loser, and give the rest of SE Asia a break?
  3. Been looking in that mirror again?
  4. Who says he has children who he needs Parental Responsibility for?
  5. Of course I have, just not seen the initials. In the UK we'd write it in full so there was no ambiguity
  6. Yes, why would I not be? Why should I realise that 2 capital letters in random conjunction would mean something significant to anyone? Or are you the sort who thinks he's superior to others?
  7. Thank you. Why on earth did I not realise this?
  8. What is a PA insurance? I have seen it mentioned a couple of times, but have no idea what it is.
  9. I have been eating keto since May 2017, which included some intermittent fasting. I lost overall about 50 kgs in 3 ranches over 2 years due t visiting the UK to see family and being unable to reliably find decent keto food. In my opinion, IF is about the worst way ever to lose weight. It needs enormous self-discipline if you break the keto routine regime. IMHO, the only way to lose weight effectively, after 7 years experience, is to establish a strict regime and do not vary it one jot. If you vary it much, you'll pile it on. Monotonous, yes, but do you want to be 100 kgs plus and stuff your face with what you made you fat in the first place or bite the bullet and eat selectively and well? I started at 102 kgs, and I'm now 65 kgs but with 3 blips when I went to visit family in the UK and piled on between 6 - 12 kgs in 4 weeks! Never, ever again. Willpower and devising a workable eating routine and sticking to it is the only effective way. Those who do IF and shovel 'normal food' down their mouths in the false belief that they are helping themselves are on a hiding to nothing. 'Helping yourself' to what you want for a short while' is just a false premise and doomed to failure. They are just being lazy and unproductive.
  10. Criticism is the correct noun to use, not 'critique' which has a very specific meaning. Try a dictionary. Better still, here is the correct meaning, for your edification and education. The verb is 'to criticise'.
  11. Has anyone with knee or lower leg problems come across anything like this, which is supposed to help with pain? I have stage 3/4 arthritis in both knees and was having coffee with a pal yesterday. A Brit sometimes turns up and usually butts in, and when he saw my elastic knee supports poking down from my shorts he suggested getting one of these. He swore by his, said it took a few months to work but when it kicked in it was marvellous, according to him. I'm a bit wary forking out for something 'alternative' and which seems witch-doctor-ish so I checked Ebay yesterday and came up with all sorts of models and prices. I'd be interested to know if anyone has used one, did it do any good, what did it cost and can you get them in Thailand easily and at what cost? Anyone who has used one which was effective and can spare 5 minutes to give me your verdict, I would be very grateful indeed if you'd give me your thoughts.
  12. Yup, Bombardier behind the scenes, as ever ...
  13. More than a few misspelled words in that word soup.
  14. Rubbish, it's scruffy and dated. And don't forget crowded and almost impossible to get a seat. And o platform indicator boards - why? The MRT have done it since day one, so why can't the BTS? Nothing to do with saving money by any chance? Anyway, why are so being so defensive? Seems very parochial to me. And yes, I do live as near as dammit to Bangkok - near The Mall Ngam Wong Wan. That's (just) Nonthaburi, but I doubt you lot who can only live near a BTS line know much about other nearby areas.
  15. Agreed about HK, not agreed about the BTS.
  16. You need to go to Specsavers.
  17. To be accurate, I understand that most of the workers were Cambodian, but of course, supervisory and management staff would be Thai. It's THEY who should have their backsides kicked. Having said that, I am wondering how they are going to manage to cover all this up. Not a good advert for monorail systems hurried through on the cheap. I am reminded that when a Thai airliner had its undercarriage collapsed at Swampy, they just painted over the Thai logos (talk about head in the sand, eh?) and then when it was serviceable a while later, there were all sorts of religious ceremonies to bless the craft and the airport. What's the betting the same will happen on the Pink Line?
  18. We live very close to the Pink Line Khae Rai station and have been watching with interest as it's been being built over the years. It's only been open less than about a month and we've tried it twice and don't like it much, of which more below. This morning my wife went to the local market about 2 miles or so by van, to find when she got off crowds all staring upwards at the Pink Line track where there were workman frantically doing something aloft. It turned out that at 4.45 this morning, a long section (like 5 kms, 3 miles) of the power ;ines supplying the systema had just well, er, fallen down. Three cars below were damaged. The line is now closed between Khae Rae al the way to Hah Yaek Pak Kret station but it still open along Chaeng Wattana to Minburi - so far. Quite an embarrassment for whoever owns it, but not really a surprise. When it will be repaired and safety guaranteed, who knows? A bit of a bummer for people in my area having to take a van or bus to Pak Kret just to get a train. That'll hit passenger numbers, no doubt about that, because local Thais have been complaining about it since day one. They were saying just as we discovered on our trips - it sways considerably from side to side, but not only that, it bounces up and down a lot so people are feeling sick (we did, slightly). A smooth ride it most definitely isn't. I was expecting something to go amiss after those rides and I wasn't wrong. Roads closed in parts already. <Link to Bangkok Post removed per forum rules>
  19. Yes, extremely beneficial for us old farts. I live near Nonthaburi Government and to Sukhumvit is 29 baht for me, so I never use the BTS (which is too far to the nearest station at Sena Nikhom anyway).
  20. My thoughts exactly. I can't stand the BTS anyway - dated, dirty, money-grubbing and racist. Can rarely get a seat, no next train indicator boards unlike the MRT, expensive tickets and unhelpful staff. On the other hand, the MRT wins hands down for being well-run, helpful staff, cleanliness and less expensive that the other pile of you know what.
  21. Classic. Exactly what you are doing.
  22. If you are referring to my time on Thaivisa/Asean Now, I probably predate you by a long way. I haven't seen your name about much though.
  23. A moron calling other people morons. That's called projection and is a very immature reaction to having his ego held up to a mirror. It's also extreme irony on your part.
  24. How do you know he wasn't at an hotel? Something you've just made up again and believed yourself?
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