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Posts posted by Danlo

  1. QUOTE....Tommy, are you not a share holder in Secrets, maybe you can find out what really happened

    sorry for the delay in replying, i just clicked in and now have the brown liquid you can buy in a bottle resembling those used by jack Daniels.. all over my new keyboard ( pls email the cash)

    You are obviously barking......... up the wrong tree dear boy. I have NEVER been involved in a bar, guest house or other entertainment venue in Thailand other than as a customer. if I were, then I probably wouldnt have to work every day, read the news, do a show ( such as it is) or put up with a wife who gets older by the week, when. If i were a bar owner, I could simply chop her back into stock and take a newer model.

    I simply work here at the tin shack and worry about MY business.. which is the "fabulous" 103 FM www.pattaya103.com.. Its not a big business but its FUN.

    but it was a nice try wink.png sadly, for HMP1971 Peeing on the pic is seen more as a customer sport than a management or investor bonus, which is how I was included ( Gold medal, 2005 to date BTW)

    Well I was misinformed then, as usual in Pattaya all the experts come out of the closet and hand in their 5 bobs worth, still you like a bit of Gossip don't ya.

    • Like 1
  2. I checked at Secrets and my picture is definitely not on any walls there, in fact there are no pictures on any walls. sad.png

    stall number three, behind the comode, I missed it three times before...

    oh never mind


    So when people are urinating and holding their manhood whilst directing their liquid waste into the pan, they are looking at my face.......that's sickbah.gif

    truly, according to the cleaner, who is 49 from slaburi province, ( I have her full name if u want to print it.. I can never pronounce them so simply say "a woman")...very few aim for the pan. now this IS second hand info so i cant vouch for its aacuracy, it may have been a slip of the wrist, or just distraction, but stall three has a wet floor where as the other don't. ( its the one with you and the pink handcuffs BTW)

    Tommy, are you not a share holder in Secrets, maybe you can find out what really happened

  3. I would suggest your exaggerating some, I have never seen it like this and have lived here longer, I am not saying its great but its not that bad, a little close to walking street end maybe the worse bit but not as bad as that.

  4. Always stand at the back at the auctions, I have seen the tricks they pull, if your at the front and you look interested in an item and you bid, the auctioneer will up the price with a fictitious bidder behind you, sometimes they have accomplices who will put up their hand or sometimes just up the bid making out someone has bid behind saying xxx at the back or so on, if the fictitious bidder happens to win the item, it will still be in the auction the following week.

    I watched this happen with a small electronic safe that are about 1000 baht new and a guy went up to 1500 with a fictitious bidder upping the price, I mentioned to the guy that they were at that time 990 baht in Macro so he left and did not buy it so the auction house lost out for trying to scam.

  5. The BKK lads have realised one thing since being forced into Pattaya that prices here are far lower than BKK, you cant get into the massage shops here in Patts as they are 100 baht and 300 in BKK. all the BKK folk are taking advantage of it.

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