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Posts posted by Danlo

  1. The soi Baukao branch of beach books has been closed for a couple of weeks, not sure why, I do pop in there from time to time but nothing like the choice of Canterbury Tales,

    apparently his cashier has left and he is using this opportunity to refit.re-organize the shop

    nothing sinister going on

    however it is apparent to me though that this is a frequently re-opened subject that appears to be solely for the purpose of promoting Canterbury Tales and a transparent attempt to keep them at the forefront of the book buying public's minds

    i for one am not buying it............

    Still closed, obviously needs a lot of reorganising.

  2. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book, many many hotels/apartments do this, many you dont even see the meter because there is only a main one and they think of a number and charge you.

    Move out they are scamming you, always ask about this stuff before renting anywhere long term, ask to see the meter and ask what the average use is.

  3. Yes sounds like you will never be satisfied, maybe go back to being a looser in the west like many of the rest of them, winning is not always measured by wealth but by richness in life but thats what you are in your Self not your wallet.

  4. If this does turn out to be his body then I think that the crap is soon going to hit the fan big style. There was talk last week that Al Qaueda had a nuclear bomb hidden in Europe ready to go if they did kill or capture bin Laden. Worrying times indeed. :(

    Talk yes, there is always plenty of that, its what people do best, its what is true that is important.

  5. Do a course and become a qualified Teacher then you will be able to live quite comfortably but of course you wont be able to laze around all day.

    By the way I would suggest that living in Pattaya as a cheap charlie is better than being in say the UK on the same money.

  6. I have a Brother DCP-J125 printer scanner copier, it has large ink cartridges that slot in and takes a lot of ink, not the type with the tubes that go to the small cartridges but these slot in directly and can be filled very easily, in the past I have had all the others that have the tubes and bottles stuck to the sides and all have been ok to start but after a while get clogged up and are not the same.

    This is the second one of the Brother that I have had, the one in my office I have had for a year and has been excellent, good quality photo's and clear printing text.

    It was 3,500 baht in Tukom Pattaya

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