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Posts posted by mic6ard

  1. On a different note, I bet the speed of this has taken many reporters by surprise

    The marathon readings of the TRT and PPP cases were excruciating.

    Those readings can probably be use as a form of mental torture!!! However, this one is so abrupt and unexpected that it leaves ground for 'double standard'. On the other hand, it prevent a chaotic 'festive seasons', I hope.

    On that note, I really have just one wish this year - 'FOR ALL THE CHAOS TO END AND LET THE COUNTRY PROSPER ONCE AGAIN'.

  2. Fast Corner is the place to go. Pricey but they will order parts for you, visors or anything else. A decent range of top end helmets

    I totally agree with Arai being the best, got a XD-3 and it has to be the best I've bought. A little stuffy for city riding, so now am probably going back there for a more 'open' one.

  3. Lasagne = shocking

    I have only been the Dukes (river) once as I don't live in CM. I had the American style lasagna. It was the best lasagna I've had in Thailand (which doesn't take much doing). Maybe it's an American thing.

    Most people on the CM forum know that I am a big Duke's fan. However, I am not crazy about their lasagna in any way. Pratties has my favorite lasagna. I much prefer the hot Pastrami sandwich, the Philadelphia cheese-steak or their pizza. Different folks like different things, but - over all - I do not understand how anyone could compare the Duke's unfavorably to other Western restaurants in Thailand.

    I don't claim to have eaten in many western restaurants in Thailand, however I can categorically claim that Dukes does not get anywhere near Dicey O'Reilleys in Pattaya or the restaurant at Black Mountain Golf Course in Hua Hin.

    I appreciate I'm in the minority here, but we should be careful raising it from 'great in CM' to 'great in Thailand'.

    Since this is a CM forum. I am assuming that we are talking about it being the best in CM.

    And YES it was a typo.

  4. Yeah definitely, after being so blasted by biased international media. Honestly, if I was in other countries and having to rely only on the CNN, BBC, etc. I can picture the army going crazy on a bunch of peace loving protestors.

    The Gov't need a spin doctor, etc and fast. They have to get their story to the international communities and clarify their use of force.

  5. We all know that media sources are never impartial, so this comes as no surprise to anyone. But I have to say that CNN pushed things too far, most biase sources usually distort views, but CNN actually ignore the government's side of the story. This situation deserves to be cover more effectively, it's bigger than elections or other political stories.

    I know that CNN is certainly biase, if you watch the various coverages of the Obama election its a 'battle' between FOX and CNN. But when you start painting the government's use of force as being unnecessary and the REDs were unarmed, well that really below the belt.

    Doesn't it make you wonder of how many other stories that we never hear the truth about? How many protests, revolts, demonstrations were wrongly reported?

  6. I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

    How can anyone trust him?

    I would get violent too

    Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

    And who keep insisting on unreasonable demands? If I remember correctly, it was the UDD who demands that the PM and d-PM surrender to police for causing violence, while they were actually doing their duty to the country.

    Get real dude, and actually read all the news, not just what you want to hear.

    People like you disgust me.

  7. Thanx, the UN still has fate in our PM

    Are you Thai? He is not your PM, as much as you might like him to be. You didn't vote, aren't a Thai citizen, etc.

    If you are an Expat you live here, yes you cannot vote, but you start treating it as home, as it is now your home. People start saying things about their country (thailand).

    Most of us wear yellow elastic wristbands with words on them, we stand up in the cinema, we stop when we hear the National Anthem out of respect and also we want to be accepted by them.

    Many of us pay our taxes here, we expect things to be done to accommodate us, accept the fact that this is home for many people.

    This is one of my major gripes.

    I have paid millions of Baht in taxes over the years and what do i get in return, Nothing, Nada, Zilch, Zero....thanks Falang for your hard work, your knowledge transfer in helping Thais better themselves, I've got your money now, so piss of back home where you came from.

    then why are you still here :) If you feel this way, go home. Thailand did not ask or demand that you stay.

  8. If we decide to appease the international standard, talk will resume. But given the way that the UDD are behaving, should talk resume and only to be broken down by unbelievable demands again? The funny thing is how the international press (CNN and BBC) are portraying Thaksin as 'only' living abroad and not as a fugitive, what gives, are there too many definition of fugitive? It's these kind of press misinformation that gives Thaksin legitimacy to his claim of innocence.

    Now that it's off my chest. Let's get back on topic.

    since the govenrment gave the UDD a clear deadline to vacate the premises, then I believe that they are disobeying the law. There should be some punishment for that. The demand by UDD to withdraw the troop is totally outrageous, that would tantamount to 'red' victory. If only the leaders would take off their blindfold (or off any medications) then maybe they'll give realistic demands. But that's too late now. They have now given the gov't every right to use force to disperse the crowd, though I wish that they'll use 'less than lethal' force to do it.

  9. This fiasco finally put the international community on the line, some have come out openly support Thaksin (Monte Negro, Dubai, Cambodia, etc) while some are walking the fence. UN leader Ban called for more talk, but is he really 'in the know', does he have all the facts? We sure don't.

    Is it possible that the majority of the world actually back Thaksin? Or are they just responding to the media's question with standard 'let's have a talk' response. the government have tried to negotiate, with the last "road map" being the most promising, and acceptable. The Reds then drag their feet before responding with their some what outrageous demand which guaranteed total break down.

    Having an election in November isn't too long to wait, unless you're not confident that you would win.

    What's wrong with having a set of rules that every one agrees to? Why are the UDD leaders so adamant in having a fast election? Scared to lose?

    I'm sure that all of us ,Thai, were confident that the mess would have finished when the two side talked a couple of months ago. But both were not being flexible.

    Now the words on the street is that the Shinawatra family have left the country, Gen Chavalit and co have also left. What does that mean for the Red protestors? Their supposed 'leading figures' have apparently left them out to dry, how can they still follow these people. Thaksin might not be the leader of the UDD, but he's definitely the heart and soul of the group, with his phone in and all.

    A question I want to ask the international community is, how can you let a wanted fugitive enter your country? Mr. Thaksin has been found guilty and yet he's entering and leaving various countries like a freeman. He's not even using fake IDs, people. If this is because they view him as the legitimate leader of Thailand then just come out and say it, don't ignore it.

  10. he's lost control since the 1st week. Due to his inability to act, all talk and no action. He has no control over the police or the arm forces. Gen Anupong still try to keep his hand clean, ignoring the command of the PM, the police openly disobey orders and even support the UDDs,

    Stop the saber rattlings and draw your swords, be a leader please. if you can't bring yourself to do something, then stand aside and let those who are willing to shed blood inorder to bring peace do something about it.

  11. where were the police, just being spectators as usual? What a bunch of useless idiots. Why don't the PM just declare martial law and be done with it. If the forces commander won't comply, find one that will. Get rid of these waste of space and get someone who would actually do something about it, and I am also including PM in this.

    Raiding a hospital, what a low blow.

    Get the UN involve, as this is definitaly not something that the forces can handle, due to a high percentage of rotten watermelons and incompetent idiots. While we're at it, might as well revert to absolute monarchy, or even a dictatorship, that way at least there's only one target/group. And not be in this mess.

  12. I think the guy's doing a marvellous job under VERY difficult circumstances and I hope he'll manage to stay the course and see off the Red Shirt thugs.

    I just wish we had a politician like him to run the UK - an honest, decent man who obviously loves his country and is trying to do his very best to govern fairly but firmly and will not give way to violent mobs backed by terrorists.

    Why on earth can the Red Shirts not wait till later in the year for the elections that have been promised? Is Thaksin down to his last few billions? :)

    The Yellow lies continue.

    Abhisit HAS NOT OFFERED election in 9 months as a stand alone item.

    He has said, we can have them in 9 months BUT I MUST CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION FIRST.

    He has loaded the "9 months" with the proviso he and his Yellow mates can change the constitution BEFORE THE ELECTION, NO CHANGE THEN NO ELECTION.

    What simple part of that can people not understand ??????

    He said "9 months IF........"

    Now, its already been said, there was a general agreement to amend some parts of the constitution, however, following the loss of the by-elections by BJT the Democrats and BJT and the other coalition partners suddenly wanted to CHANGE THE ELECTION LAWS.

    Changes that would mean small parties get more votes and PTP (PPP) get much less.

    Now you see why Abhisit and his yellow mates want to change the constitution - they want to rig the election so that PTP cannot win.

    Now do you understand why PTP say "no" to amending the constitution now ?

    And do you see why Abhisit loaded his "9 months" with the "I MUST CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION FIRST".

    In effect he was saying "You are not getting elections unless we can make sure you lose".

    All this "9 months" talk is stupid, he never offered it on its own. Do not let the biased propaganda merchants lead you into thinking he offered elections to the reds and that was that, he did not, he offered them 9 months only if he can make changes to ensure PTP lose the election by rigging it so his smaller party coalition members can win more seats by changing the way elections are held.

    It was all a big CON and pumped by the propaganda machine.

    Man, you sure are educated. Probably have a degree in political science you say what you did. Do youu expect the problem to be solve with just a election with the current constitution? Get real man, if the house dissolve, the yellow would just rise up and continue this mess, is that what you want. Or do you want the yellow to rise so you can finally crush them. Cos that's what you'll have to do. The 9months might be along time, what would be best would be to have it so that once the constitution is changed (with agreement from all party involve), then hold the election on the premise that the winner wouldn't change the constitution for another 4 years. That way if either side win, they'll have to follow the same constitution. With the guarantee that they loser won't challenge the results for some idiotic reasons.

    You, sir, are just not think this through and follow the rhetoric of the red's leader like a sheep. Think more than just the immediate future, but to solve this mess.

  13. In Chiang Mai taking the Thai licence could not be easier. A couple of quick tests to check your peripheral/colour vision and reaction times and then 30 questions on a computer of which you have to get 23 correct and a short practical around their own course. Ride about 10m on a 6 inch wide slightly raised rail and ride in and out of a few cones. You have to bring your own bike though. Say what you like but at least they are more than willing to change the language of the computer just for you. As has already been said you also get cheaper entry into parks and forests. It is not worth the hassle, go get a license, the local Police understand the local license better, they will usually smile and wave you on your way. Though I have to admit, in Issan they sometimes stare in wonderment. The car license is much the same deal.

    Yep. Same thing I experienced. Except I did rent a bike to perform the test from the food vendor next to the track: 50 baht. With a half-flat front tire that kept squirming on the rail, yikes ;<) I'd never ridden a bike smaller than a 1968 Suzuki 250, and that was back when I was 14 ('69).....the test was like riding a toy. Honda 50 or something, not new for sure. Grabbed the handlebars and give a slight turn? Front tire didn't move, sidewalls just kind of "gave" a little bit, hahaha. Tire too flat. I told the bike owner and the DMV tester " I am Farang: too Pom Pui, make tire flat", they laughed, I laughed, no one lost face: I passed.

    But as you say, easy and no excuse not to do. I think less than two hours, maybe a few minutes more, I had both licenses, no hassles at all.

    How much time did it take for you? Heard about the 'instructional' period, is it mandatory?

  14. If you're not concerned about resale value, it's a great choice in it's segment IMHO. Well built, well featured, nicely styled and keenly priced.
    dont want to be forking out for a new motor and changing gearboxes or something a few thousand KM in .

    Mitsubishi's come with a 5 year/150,000KM warranty so that'd probably be something for the next onwer to worry about :)

    So is it any better than the Civics performance wise?

    Is that a trick question? :D Seriously, how could it not be - even in 2.0L form the Civic is downright pedestrian.

    I guess I wan't clear enough, am talking about the ride quality and the KMPL (km/L) rating. I have to say though, having seen one on the road in black, it didn't look too hot.

  15. now with the military in charge, it's only time until total outbreak of violence occur. What I can't believe is why would a politician be in charge of security in the first place, isn't it a place for either military or police officers? This the make or break point for the gov't.

    and here's a hint on planning an operation, KEEP YOUR F@#$ING MOUTH SHUT, don't go broadcasting plans. Get cellphones away from the troops and officers.

  16. This was a fiasco waiting to happen. It's like watching a train wreck, you don't want to see it, but can't take your eyes off it. Make you wonder what side the police are really on. This really show how incompitent the police really are.

    Now with Gen Anupong in charge of Security, this really put him in the hot seat, inaction will definitely paint him red, but yet he'll face revolt in the force if he pushes too hard. I'm pretty sure that most of the army's ground troops (privates, etc) are RED, as with some officers, who rose up with the Thaksin croonies.

    Personally, call me a socialist or whatever, we should go back to either absolute monarchy or military rule, Thais are obviously not ready for total democracy yet. We don't want to oppress people, and this is the result, SO GET OPPRESSING and maybe we'll get PEACE

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