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Posts posted by mic6ard

  1. It really sickens me to read about this type of stuff. Especially all the U-turns that have been going on regarding the fugitive Ex-PM. He got the German to sing to his tune, let's see what Japan can do. Are they going to deemed him legible for a visa?

    I'm not even Thai system, WOW talking about a U-turn,

    Wonder what will happen now, will there be an uprising? or is this a way to get a amnesty clause through.

    Of course historical record is written by the victor, but in this case, will there be one soon?

    Totally FUBARed.

  2. Another lack luster performance from the team. No urgency at all after being down by a goal (own goal no less). Man, someone should teach these guys to play at a much faster pace with aggression. Down a goal and yet playing like they were leading by a goal. HUH? :annoyed:

  3. You know what was more amazing? The OP actually went back there to look for his beer. I mean, come on, u destroyed a pot, pretty much got hauled to the BIB station for a really stupid reason. And yet you return expecting your beer to still be there?

    I wonder what ended up costing more, the insurance premium next year, or the actual cost of a flower pot.

    Don't make sense really.

  4. ooohhhhh yeah. Was told that the value goes down as soon as the car becomes your property, i.e. the moment you take ownership. Apparently even at 0KM it's considered a second hand. Make sense in a way, of course it'll go down further with mileage on the vehicle.

  5. The only reason I decided on the PCX was the floor space, with no limit to the foot size. I'm only a 42-43 size, but had difficulty in fitting comfortably on the yamaha, but only with a couple of pair of shoes. So my decision was pay more and have a scooter that I can use all the time, or pay less but have to select which pair of shoes I can wear <_<. Plus I get to stretch out on the highway almost cruiser like, which is a lot more comfortable for me than the upright style of the others.

    For those who has trouble with acceptiing the idle-stop function. After a while you just don't notice it. Just twist and go as always.

    My only gripe is that fully fueled, it's a heavy beast. I typically half fill the tank just to give me the agility.So not a huge problem.

  6. Just got a bb from work :lol:. Initially it worked great until chats start to get stuck. No message got through. Is it just Thailand or does it happen everywhere? No one complaint when I lived in the US.

  7. The first phase which is moving exiting animation facilities from Kat SuanKaew is almost complete with all staff to be relocated within a month or two.

    Most of the land for the project has been acquired. BOI has given approval for many of the companies and projects that will be operating there.

    But as has been mentioned, the success of the project and the other phases depend a great deal on getting investments. They have hired a new CEO especially for that purpose. Plans have already been developed for all phases of the project.

    It is happening, it is just a matter of how much investment they will get, and how quickly. I would say another 5-20 years to realize the full project.

    Heard similar thing. Suppose to be in about 3 phases I think. I really hope it does work and succeed. CM need something new.

  8. Food and CD's seems to work fine, along with any non-perishable items. But clothing seems to be a problem. Found a jacket online, search in amazon, but they can't deliver it. Claiming problem with warranties :blink:. Had to used a friend in the US as a middle man. Really bites :annoyed:.

    I wonder if there's a list of what they can or can't ship over seas.

    Oh before people wonders why I dind't buy it here? Well it's not available here, and can't find a source for it.

  9. Finally saw some, at robinson. Single action though. Good for general use but not enough fine control. Plus it's a real cheap model too. <_<

  10. Picture of weather over Chiang Mai yesterday....


    Look like it was almost forming a funnel!!! or it could be my imagination.

    Really hope that it doesn't happen here. No emergency plan for tornadoes. But OMG that was a short and heavy storm. Was at airport plaza, lost electricity, had to wait by the entrance to get fresh air. Can't believe how much we rely on the ventilation there.

  11. And what is he trying to do? He's a convicted felon on the run, banned from being in politics for 5 years, is he trying to get the party dissolve? Anyway higher minimum wages would mean higher prices on the retail side. Lowering taxes would help the poor but it'll mean less money for the gov't to use, and with the vol. of corruption here it'll be a disaster.

    Breaking into chinese and indian market would be great, if you prefer quantity over quality.Lots of people but very few with the money.

    Donmuang for private jet hub? how many private jets are there. Some local company with jets typically fly from suvannapoum, having a direct link to the international flights. Plus didn't they tried to make donmuang into a low cost hub? :huh:

    Let the idiot talk. He'll get himself into trouble again. I'm sure the EC is itching to use his speech as a ground to lengthen his ban or dissolve the party.

  12. it's way cheaper to do it 'in house'. Otherwise you need to pay for the graphic and laminating. Note that I'm not including printing cos either way u still have to pay for paper and ink. Menu changes often so it's more worthwhile to print them yourself.

    Can u imagine having to pay the graphic guy 3-4 times a year as the menu changes? And the way things are looking, it'll be prices that changes first.:angry:

  13. I wonder if your posts might be damaging the business in that you raise expectations too much.

    Every time I go there, they have a lot more customers than other restaurants that I see on the way, so I seriously doubt it and sincere praise usually helps a place. Do you think that someone is going to try Miguels because of my recommendation and then refuse to go again because they do not like it as much as me? They will either like it and possibly become a regular customer or not like it and wait for a Chipotle Mexican Grill to open up in Chiang Mai.

    The Duke's is another place that some people like to disparage, but it is packed almost every night.

    OK, now if Chipotle opens up here, I'll be fat and broke :whistling:. Miss that stuff.

  14. Don't know about the TV, but my internet went totally out around that time!!!.

    But seriously folks, if they tried to shut down the media to keep a coup quiet, it's impossible these days with BB, FB, and all the cellphones. Don't know why people still think that just a TV blackout would mean a coup. If you think back to that earthquake a while back, tFB was the fastest media!. beat CNN, BBC and local media too busy showing soaps.

  15. I see a lot of people talking about faulty machine. But is there any evidence of that? The article clearly stated that two collided before hitting the rock. Seems to me like they were reckless in their use of machine. Sure the operator should have full insurance.

    did the rider have the safety strap attached from machine to his waist or wrist?

    Maybe the operator did try to claim the full insurance, but upon the agent hearing the story of them using the machine improperly, rejecting the claim!!!

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