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Posts posted by mic6ard

  1. The Reds have turned this into a revolt, not a demonstration with their ignorant of the law and inciting violence. The forces, both police and army have lost major face in this mess. They could have moved in with conviction and disperse the crowd, but they were hesitant and paid for it. How can the army just give ground to a bunch of civilian thugs. Right now there is a split in the army, with the ground troops not wanting to fight, but are being ordered too, the 'watermelon troopers'. So much for training.

    Asianwatcher, I totally agree, the Yellows are going to come out in force if they feel that the government is too 'chicken' to do the right thing, and the way it's looking, we won't have to wait long.

    Gen Chavalit should realize that dissolving the house right now would only bring the Yellow into the game. Is that what he wants? Hope not.

    This is bigger than just the Red Vs Government, to solve this situation, leaders of all the group should get together. I'm talking about the PAD, UDD, etc.

    Maybe have a combine government, with equal share in the seats, and the position of PM being appointed by His Majesty.

  2. This was bound to happen eventually. What is it with the Reds and Songkran, this is almost a repeat of last year, but on a much larger scale.

    What I want to know is how can any country still house Thaksin after this, with him inciting riots and violent. If I can quote a Linkin Park song "when the riches wage war, it's the poor who dies". (from Hand Held High). Heck that song pretty much represent this situation.

    I agree that both side must be flexible, but the PM has lost cred. since he stated that force won't be used, and now?, while the RED must give up on immediate dissolution.

  3. forget democracy, what this country need is a dictator. People have WAY too much freedom these days, Gov't too scared of hurting people that the laws are forgotten, People following idiots. Thais have more freedom of speech than in 90% of the world I'm pretty sure, nowhere else would the redshirts have lasted this long. This mess should have been dealt with the moment it started years ago, not leaving it to fester like a disease.

    People are talking about double standard, from my point of view the Red Governments were too weak and not willing to take steps that are necessary. When the Yellow blockade the airport, where were the military or police? Don't cry foul because you were too weak to do something about it.

    As for negotiations, the parliament can't be dissolve now, and which rules/regulations are going to be used. People, we can't forget that there is still the Yellow shirts, what is going to prevent them from rising up once the house is dissolve? Or after the election that they claim to be fraudulent?

    So how is the world viewing this? Let's see, the army is using rubber bullets and tear gas Vs. Reds using live rounds and grenades, makes you wonder doesn't it about where they get arms from.


  4. what I find interesting is that in Kyrygztan, anti-government riot was really violent, and yet here it's mostly people causing disruption and not throwing rocks, well until recently anyway. Some people in this post sure have funny ideas on this, but hey it's their ideas.

    Freedom of the press? Since when? Even in the US the press have to apply for informations, and then it's still heavily edited. And that's from one of the leading countries in 'freedom' :) . The PTV situation is not surprising, with it broadcasting anti-government rhetorics, the fact that it was broadcasting this long actually represent the amount of respect to 'freedom of speech' ideology.

    Is it OK, in the US or UK for some people to get up on a stage and incite riots? Surely not. Give me one case where it was ok, am not talking about the Dr. King's situation, it wasn't this severe.

    Us Thai are not a big fan of blood shed, and are trying to prevent this mess from turning violent, so the police and the army are holding back as much as they can.

    for those who are agreeing with the immediate dissolution of Government, would it help? don't forget the Yellow shirts. What the PM is doing is probably the best solution. Get the election regulation in place first, then dissolve. But the UDD is not amendable to that, they want the parliament gone, and the regulation revert back to the Thaksin era, from which the PAD originated.

    So make it what you will, but this is a FUBAR situation.

    Personally us Thais can't live in total freedom, we are just not use to it yet.

    On another note, isn't it ironic that the leaders of the Red shirts , mostly make up of the low classes, are some of the richer people? Take Mr. Thaksin for example, he's one of the riches Thai.

  5. The Fortuner is a great car, am driving a 2.7unleaded 4wd model. The only downside is the intown driving, both the width and the gas gussling engine. Bigger than the CRV, and a totally different feel. Fortuner is more stable at higher speed and in wet conditions due to heavier chassis, to drive around town I'll probably go for the CRV, nimbler and smaller.

  6. Having lived in the Harley State (wisconsin usa,) for a number of years and know plenty of riders, I have yet to heard of one falling apart. They all admit thought that, in the past H-D were 75% lemons. But the new ones are a dream to ride. Am saving up to maybe get a sportster, abit small but perfect for Thai city riding. It's just something about the sound of a Harley that just drive people crazy, either hate it or love it. Sure as heck it'll turn heads.

    I read a post about returning waves, it's not easy to let do in Thailand, it's the throttle hand that has to let go. Back in the US, it's the clutch hand so it's much simpler.

  7. Hey, anyone has battery problem with the PCX? mine's 3 weeks old, with 300km on it, and the battery died overnight. With no kick start, it's gonna be hel_l to get it to the shop. :)

    Most of my riding is out of town, so very little stop and go. Idle stop shouldn't be a problem right? What about the alarm system, which is rarely used.

  8. so how many nationality does he have now? thought that he had a nicaraguan passport a couple of years back. Man, this is a mess than need to be cleared up fast.

    Thaksin is not acting in the nation's best interest, with advising Cambodian government and all, is that what an ex-PM should be doing? Personally I'ld rather have him behind bars, or as of his recent statements- in a padded room.

  9. Honestly, I believe that more than 50% of the public are really fed-up with this mess. It wreck the economy, especially those that depends on tourists. But right now no matter what happen it won't get better. New Election- red wins, yellow rises, vice versa.

    Mr. Thaksin need to keep his mouth shut and leave things alone for the good of the country. Right now the reds are being view as terrorists/negatively, by international press because of people like Se Daeng and their use of strong/threatening languages.

    Don't get me wrong, I think that Thaksin was a good PM, he was just too greedy for our taste.

  10. Returning to buddhists roots? Have you seen how the men are here? Worse than tiger, I'm sure. Lie, cheat, steals tends to the the norm here. I work at a restaurant, and have seem men come in here with different girls on their arm every week. Until one day we were told to ignore him, guess what he brought his wife!!! Yeah sure Buddhism has lost a lot of leverage on this front. What was actually funny was that his actual wife looks younger than the GF. Don't get what is wrong with these people.

    Tiger messed around like some men. He just got caught as it would have happened eventually. So no biggy there. Over here at least we won't say anything out loud.

  11. they are breaking all rules about ignoring the problems outside. Monks, too me, are suppose to reflect the calming influence to the people and not joining in the riot. It's like any christian countries when priests, and others of the clergy make comment that has nothing to do with religion. Just soo wrong on many levels. Make me wonders, if they are actual monks or just dressed up as one.

  12. 2.5 years with a laptop Impressive. I tried to change mine every year, as I travel a lot and it as my main access for work and i'net. not though I'm base at home so no need for travelling.

    Laptops are notoriously hard to fix due to their intergrated boards. So good luck,, but my choice is to get a new one.

    Maybe a little partial here, but the leopard OS is still way friendlier than WIN7. Just to clarify, I use mac at home, but at work I'm force to use window.

  13. Personally, I got an Arai trans-ross 2, doesn't go with the PCX, but it was the best fit for me with plenty of 'breathing space' so not to feel claustrophobic. More money than I was thinking of spending, 2g max, but ended up with a 20g helmet!!! go figure. But after thinking about, it's our heads we're talking about so I'll pay that price anyday. But I only use that one when I go to and from work on the 'super highway'. Otherwise I have a cheaper one for in town use so I don't have to worry about the Arai going missing. Try to stay away from the Tesco and such, I actually got the PCX 'design' helmet to match. Yeah vane I know, but it comes with internal sun visor. and at only 1.2g. I'll still be F@ piss if it goes missing but not as much as losing an Arai

  14. got the Arai Tour-cross2. Great helmet, pretty good ventilation if you can put up with the noise, or close some ports and be a little warmer. The peak is annoying though. there should be a different hinge cover when you don't have the peak on, but I can't seem to find a decent store in chiang mai or online. The ARAI shopping site is down right now. Anyone know a place in Chiang mai that would have these covers?

  15. got mine yesterday. Lovely ride, and like 'nana' said it won't go much above 80. But it's not design for speed, rather comfort. The combi-brakes are great. The idle stop killed me though, it actually stalled on me!!!!. Head light is a tad too high, but the mech. can fix it in minutes. But great ride all the same.

    I'm 6' 80kg, so this was pretty much the best fit anyway, other than go to much bigger bikes, or the D-trackers.

  16. finally got time to test drive the pcx today. Must say that I was rather happy with the comfort of the ride. The only down size is the weight of the machine. I spend a lot of time riding in city so this is a big turn off. So going to look at the nouvo soon. Hope it's abit lighter and more nimble

  17. I think a better analogy is the Mercedes of Scooters. Reliable, worthy but essentially boring. An old man's transport.


    Mercedes? Boring?

    What do you smoke?

    The standard mercs, i.e. the C, E and S, classes are boring. Everything is too luxurious. Soft steering, soft brakes and gas. It's not something to just throw around a corner. While Bimmers are very capable of more aggressive styles.

    Please note that I didn't mention the 55s or AMG mercs, as those are way aggressive. So I have to agree with this one, PCX is going to be boring if it's not your style, but if you're looking for a more 'stately' ride then this one might work. Plus they look sufficiently different than others on the road. Definite attention grabber.

  18. Since I got here, I have a really hard time buying underwears. Hate PTLs, and yet I don't want people to think that I'm 'slutty' by getting 'strings'. At work we all have to wear pants that are just slightly fitting on the hip and butt, all have ptls. am I missing something here?, cos I don't want to be the odd one without visible ptls.

    Am back from the US, been there for the last 10 years and pretty much over there, it's the case of if you got nice body and wearing tight pants, flaunt it and go strings.

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