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  1. Thx @DrJack54 is it a negative thing that fine / will you get a stamp in your passport because of it?
  2. Thanks. @DrJack54 yes treatment and operation. Will only stay in the hospital during the operation and the rest in the hotel IO is Buriram, no mail in and no online option. I asked them in December when I did ny new year extension as I knew I had to go to Pattaya. i am already here for almost 3 weeks and I suspect another month or 1,5 months. @Upnotover thx. Will talk to the hotel. Is jomtien io that busy?
  3. Due to medical reasons i have to stay in Pattaya for an extended period of time. i won’t be in a hospital all the time but I have to go there often. now my 90 day report is due in 3 weeks and for sure I won’t be back home any time soon. My IO doesn’t accept online 90 day reports. what would you guys think is the best thing to do? Pay the fine? Or…,.? getting an address in Pattaya at the Hotel would also be an option but that means filling a tm 30 at IO in Pattaya and then do the 90 day report here, and then when I get back home file another Tm30. thoughts????
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 77 seconds  
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 79 seconds  
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 58 seconds  
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 150 seconds  
  8. if there are lightning strikes in the area, I always pull the plugs on all our electronic devices and also "trip" the isolator and also "trip" all the breakers in the Distribution board. Does that help, or does it just plunge us into darkness without being effective? 🤔
  9. Length approx 1-2 meter, and thickness 25mm² NYY
  10. I got this drawing from someone on the board, and I will ask his advice on this. My knowledge doesn't extend that far. Thx Edit: If there are lightning strikes in the area, I disconnect everything and lower all MCB's just in case.
  11. We have this same setup in three houses with the first build is well over 7 years old and never had an issue with this same setup. The Distribution board consists of all Schneider components with RCBO's Ps: The stickers need work 55555555555
  12. Our Immigration required the Kor Ror 2 to be a max of one day old. Your wife can get it at any Amphur for 20 THB
  13. The Traffic Classic done by CSN
  14. Thx DC. No idea about the curve, but the pump is just a 450W Hitachi Inverter House pump. Our first thought was that Ants got in but Sparky checked, on top of the house etc etc and no ants found in the wiring or the pumps. My Guess is that the Haco was faulty, as well, because after changing it for the Siemens no issues at all. *Better Quality maybe also???* We have the same Haco in our own house as incoming and no issues *knock on wood* just yet. I have ordered a 63A ABB just in case for our own House
  15. This is our setup. Now the problem was, that the 63A would trip often, turn on a pump, and the 63A would trip. Our Sparkey, said that the 63A is too soft "ohn". The problem was solved by buying a 63A from Siemens. The original 63A was from the Haco brand. Any thoughts? TiA Edit: Forgot. This house is only less then 1 year old.

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