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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. I posted this earlier, but as @jvs is posting all those "rainy" songs I thought to post it again ????
  2. +1 And will they ever admit that they have done it? No. Terror tactics IMHO
  3. Now they can say, "hey there is a leak in the pipeline so we can't send you anything" instead of the excuses of saying that we can't send you anything or a lot less because of maintenance what they have been doing the last couple of weeks.
  4. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-27/nord-stream-gas-pipeline-leaks/101480172 Wouldn't surprise me 1 bit!
  5. Great Song, have you seen this video?
  6. 55555555555 (very appropriate with that Noru Storm approaching)
  7. Yes we used mesh. We used the standard mesh you use for load bearing structures as that is what we had left. It was a <......> to render said my builder, but eventually he managed it, it's approx 3cm thick and it's holding up. The only reason why we put it there, (but glad that we did) was because of the water pipe. I was worried that if the water level rose above the lower level of then pipe then it would start to erode the road. And I was proved right because the pipe is now approx 90% submerged as the Lake in front of the house (where the water flows in from the fields) is very full.
  8. Rabbits? Rats you mean? ???? My builder wasn't planning on doing that, but we insisted, a Foreigner drive way a couple 100m away he didn't do that and I have no idea how often he already had to renew his road. The main reason why we insisted because we laid a water pipe under the road to allow flow from the rice fields to the big lake in front of the house
  9. @kamalabob2 care to comment on the Geotextile?
  10. I think that is incorrect, maybe you mean "must be a citizen of the member country"? I don't live in the Schengen Member country any more, I live in Thailand, but I have sponsored my wife every time when we (she) applied for a Visa at the Embassy / VFS and this was always accepted. As I don't have a house there any more, I have friends guarantee (sponsor) the accommodation, and the first time my wife applied for the visa the girl interviewing her said "ooh you have 2 boyfriends" because she saw 2 guarantee (sponsor) entries ????
  11. But don't leave this stuff in the Sun it will deteriorate very fast but no issue of course if you cover it with sand / etc!
  12. WOW, that will hold!! No worries about maintenance there IMHO Get maybe a truck load of hin kluk in and where the "stones" are loose compact them! Last week, 2 guys took approx 20-30min to do it. But they said maybe have to do it again for another 1-2 years and then no more! That Hin Kluk on the tracks where the cars regularly drive over is hard a concrete, not real easy to get stones out.
  13. You are having the same issue as I am having with our access road. That Hin Kluk does the job for us, we didn't put on plastic, fiber, geotextile or anything else on the sand, but just poured the Hin Kluk on top of that sand. It needs some yearly maintenance but that is just a minor job. The road is approx 6-8m long and approx 3-4m wide, with a slope going from (approx) 1m at the "main road" to 0 down at the gate
  14. For the rest of our driveway, we used the geotextile. (Not sure if it was woven or not, but it felt like fabric and was easily cut by scissors). A roll of 100m long and approx 4m wide I believe was 15k THB We bought the thickest variety available, but even with that some plants still seem to manage to get through!
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