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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. What I mean by that, have you tried to access the DVR (now it's connected to 3BB) via your Mobile PHONE 4G connection? Does that work? Glad you found the cause.
  2. or on AN ????
  3. But it is the truth. If you look at the OP post history regarding techie questions I do think that is the smartest things to do. Just take it in to a respectable shop (JIB has always been good to me) and if you tell them the symptoms they will deal with it (and someone said, if you have sensitive stuff on there, just watch what they are doing) There are programs to deal with cleaning stuff of your HDD's (CCleaner I personally like but it also has its issues (being hacked is one for example) but you have to know what you are doing before deleting stuff before you get the "Help, I usually dont have to login to <insert site> and NOW I must" question
  4. He also asked And that is why I posted that list (which included the c:\$Recycle.Bin\ DIRECTORY which INCLUDES all users on the system)
  5. I certainly do HOPE that the OP cleared that before posting a TOPIC here. And touching the PHYSICAL directories of Recycle Bin on the HDD is not a GOOD idea IMHO, just use the tools on the Desktop (right click - Empty for example)
  6. Look at the 3BB router and see if the DVR is issued an ip address (either 4 or 6) Do you still have the AIS router? If so connect that one and see what kind of address the DVR gets. The only issue other then that could be (maybe) SMBv1 (which is obsolete) but that is a file sharing protocol, but that should not (50/50 ???? ) affect the connectivity to a router. Question, Do you also connect to the DVR when on the road for example? How are you going to solve that with 3BB love of CGNAT?
  7. Leave the Following Directories (if you have them) ALONE c:\boot\ c:\$Recycle.Bin\ c:\ESD\ c:\Recovery\ c:\Program Files (x86)\ c:\ProgramData\ c:\$WinREAgent\ c:\Program Files\ c:\Users\ c:\Windows\ c:\System Volume Information\ If you have another drive (for example D:\) and it's BIG enough follow this guide to move the files from your Documents (Make sure you have a Backup before you DO ANYTHING) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/configuration-of-the-my-documents-folder-dfd9a90d-8f80-18d6-e7cc-f1566fc3b10b Start from "How to Change the My Documents Folder Storage Location" Edit: Another one to follow https://www.windowscentral.com/how-move-default-user-folders-new-drive-windows-10
  8. It could be that your 3BB router is only issuing IPV6 addresses and older systems can't (maybe) don't work with it. Have a look in your 3BB router if in the DHCP server ip4 addresses are issued. Edit: Of course it could be also vice versa, that your CCTV is expecting a Ipv6 address and your 3BB router is only issuing Ipv4 ????
  9. Go to - C:\Windows\Temp\ - c:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Local\Temp\ And delete everything there That is just a location for temporary files, it could be that when trying to delete files in there it will say they are in use, if so skip those
  10. MJCM

    Baht bus prices

    I always gave them 20 THB from let's say Jomtien Soi 5 to Tops. Could have given them 10 THB but for that distance I am happy with it
  11. The connection is getting worse. Downloading via Wireguard from my NAS in the OLD house (20kms away) and I am reaching a staggering speed of not even 1 MiB were I am normally downloading at 100MiB+
  12. This is in Europe going on for a while now, I had to close an account there because I was using a Thai address, but fortunately I changed the address before that on 2 other accounts (different banks) to a local one and still no questions asked.
  13. Thx for the suggestion, but all those things already done before I even called 3BB or dared to open a topic on here. i even replaced my router (which I use for Wifi instead of the crappy reception from the 3BB router) and also connected directly to the 3BB router and tested via Nuc (which I use as Media Player) iPad, Iphone, pc and they all get the same slow connection, so it leaves now 3 different causes 1- Router 3Bb FAULTY 2- Cabling from outside to 3BB Router Faulty 3- something in the network of 3BB
  14. thx @KhunBENQ Nope those speeds I only get at the moment inland, twitter while loading a picture it goes line by line just like a fax machine ???? My rented server in Europe, which is usually fast I can only download at 1Mb, streaming is totally impossible (buffering too much)
  15. That sounds like a DNS issue not connection slow down, maybe you should try to change your DNS servers on your 3BB connection
  16. Thx guys. So there seems to be something going on. Youtube is hosted via CDN here in Thailand and should be indeed very fast.
  17. Since yesterday (early afternoon) my Internet speed to servers outside of Thailand has dropped significantly. Speedtest within Thailand gives the speed I pay for, but international speed has dropped a lot. Even for example Twitter (which I think they also have a backup for their CDN here in Thailand) has become very slow and my Server back in Europe from which I normally download at 30++Mb is down to less then 1. Called 3BB already and they checked and it seems at their end everything is oke.
  18. Mine also but instead of he said “Go forth and multiply”
  19. And God said to John, “Come forth and you shall be granted eternal life.” But John came fifth and won a toaster!
  20. The internal battery of the Dash cam that should keep the time has failed, in a PC it’s called a CMOS battery and is easily changed but no idea for a Dash cam.
  21. Yep, husband of niece just arrived recently from the UK and I asked him and nothing needed
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