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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Have the family / Wife / GF ask around in the village where the house is and there for sure must be guys who can do it. BIL's house "was" approx the same and builder guys in the village renovated his house and did a great job. And a couple of months ago, they put a whole new roof on the house!
  2. I think you need to be more precise on the location in Buriram where are you are looking for builders Because Buriram Province is BIG It stretches from Non Din Daeng in the South to above Satuek in the North! (a distance of well over 100km) https://goo.gl/maps/XZowmbpXAzRSYQ3eA
  3. We use only Rain Water here, those tanks (if it doesn't rain) last us around 7 months, but the first couple of weeks when the rains come can't use that water (roof and gutters dirty)
  4. Or... ???? Ps: No Mains Water here
  5. 250mL is just like that, 1/4 of a liter if it now comes from a 10 Liter bottle or a liter bottle ????
  6. ............... h...ll that much! We use approx less then half that for our 2000 liter tank!
  7. Yes, but if you use a Pump directly connected to the Mains, and mains loses pressure the pump will work but not sucking Water but Air and that would also have your Water Meter Spin, so you are paying for air then. IMHO the best solution should be: Mains - Storage Tank - Pump - House. And ideally if you have low mains pressure, an Underground tank would be the best as even when the mains has very low pressure water will fill the (underground) tank by gravity alone and that is not so easy if your tank is above ground as that would need sufficient pressure from the Mains.
  8. ahaha that explains it. but for future reference (read other members) here is a copy of our most recent bill and if you look at the highlighted areas we got a discount of 175.80 (original Ft rate amount was 178.45) which translates to a discount of 0,9204 per unit (equals to : discount when used less then 300 Units)
  9. That is weird Under the amount of the FT rate there should ALSO be a Minus amount? Do you have that? And under the total units used (on the left hand side) there should be in Thai that you got a a Discount and the amount! This is the discount table, if you did not get the discount then you should talk to the PEA why you didn't get it. Sorry for any arithmetic errors ???? Can you post your PEA Bill (obscure any personal info)
  10. I have no idea if it is related, but we have lots of trees / plants dying on us and that is because of the excessive rain fall we had in the last couple of weeks and thus insufficient drainage. It is really making my wife (who is the gardener) upset!
  11. We recently flew from DMK to Buriram Wife had a bottle of water in her carry-on bag and when we reached security she had to throw the bottle away. So to take liquids with you on the plane, you have 2 options 1- Put it in the Checked Baggage 2- Buy it after security control
  12. MJCM

    Electricity bill

    Ft Rate (Fuel SurCharge) which was 0.24770 last month has increased to 0.9343, but if you look at my previous post you are maybe entitled to a discount which you should on your bill as (-) and an amount
  13. MJCM

    Electricity bill

    The Ft Rate (which is the Fuel Surcharge) has gone up from 0.24770 to 0.9343, but you get a discount See this table which discount you will get Sorry for any arithmetic errors ???? Edit: The discount has only been approved for the Months Sept - Dec! Edit2: I used the rates from this post
  14. SIL recently died, the family had a guy recording all the donations (which seems to be normal) and you would not believe how many people just donated 20 THB and then stuffed their faces full of food and walked off with a couple of Bottles of Fizzy Drinks. Fortunately SIL was absolutely against Beer / Lao so only Fizzy Drinks were served at the funeral. If they Serve Beer / Lao Khao at a Funeral/Wedding then 50K THB is not a lot
  15. Thx. But wouldn't that, in case of surge higher then let say 300V, be disastrous for your AC equipment in theory? Edit: I am looking for 275V ones but the ones I find are only 20kA and I would like 40kA> (Maybe my Google f.u. isn't that good ????
  16. I have a question about the UC Value of Surge Protectors. You can get UC = 400 or UC > 420 but also UC = 275V Which one is better to protect your equipment? Or is the kA value leading in this? The higher the kA the better?
  17. Thx Crossy b...........dy h......ll Oke then, if Not going with Sofar and not going with Fanless. Will modifying them for example putting a fine mesh where the fans are void the warranty? Because of the location where the Inverter will be placed I am mostly worried about Insects ingress, Water not so much (even it is in same room where we store over 50k of Rain Water ????
  18. That is because the Ft charge (Fuel surcharge) was increased from 0.24770 to 0.9343 per unit this month (increase of 0.6866). If you check the bill from last month, you should see the 0,24770 stated on there
  19. The standard Fuel Surcharge is 0.9343 per unit, with that your bill would have been much higher. If you look more closely at your bill (if PEA) you will see a - and that is the discount you have gotten! (also under the total units used you would see (in Thai Language) that you got a discount The max discount is for people who stay UNDER 300 Units above that the discount lowers till it's 0 when you use more then 500 Units! Tiers are 0 - 300 Units = Max Discount 301 - 350 Units = less discount 351 - 400 units = even lesser discount 401 - 500 units = a lot less discount > 500 units = NO Discount See the opening post for the discount figures Ps: These discounts have only been approved for the Months Sept-Dec!
  20. Forgot one more thing ????‍♂️ - Single Phase only
  21. if you stay in the 300 - 350 units range your surcharge (FT) should be around (0.9343 - 0.515 = 0.4913) and if you stay in the 351 - 400 units range the extra Ft Charge it would be (0.9343 - 0.309 = 0.6253) . If in the 401 - 500 range your Ft Surcharge would be (0.9343 - 0.103 = 0.8313) Over 500 units NO discount and you pay the full 0.9343 Ft charge Please note: Ft charge is charged per kWh/Unit! I used the figures from this link https://aseannow.com/topic/1271800-cabinet-approves-energy-pricing-measures/ Sorry for any Arithmetic errors ???? Edit: This discount has only been approved for the months Sept - Dec.
  22. It's cumulative 0 - 150 units you pay 3,2484 THB per unit 151 - 400 units you pay 4,2218 THB per unit 400 > you pay 4,4217 THB per unit For example you used 310 Units 0 - 150 = 487,26 THB for these 150 Units 151 - 400 = 675.49 THB for these remaining 160 units For example you used 416 units 0 - 150 = 487.26 for these 150 Units 151 - 400 = 1055.45 for these 250 units 400+ = 70.75 for these remaining 16 units Please note: Above prices are WITHOUT : VAT / Service Charge / Ft Charge (Fuel Surcharge)
  23. Just received our Aug - Sept Bill. We used less then 300 Units and the Ft rate (surcharge) calculated was 0.01390 per unit. So a massive discount from the original Ft (surcharge) rate of 0.9343
  24. Received my Aug- Sept Bill today. Used a lot less then 300 Units and Ft rate was 0.01390 So a massive discount from the original Ft rate of 0.9343
  25. Makes total sense. thx
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