Figures for billing period Oct - Nov are in (I haven't bothered with a fancy Excel Sheet yet )
Solar produced 158 units
PEA bought 72 units. (For your info (Ft charge on the PEA bill was 0,20486 THB (per unit) (calculated by using Units used / Total Ft Rate on the bill)
I could have easily gone down to 0 (or minus 100 ) on the PEA as our Solar, on the days that I turn on the Export, easily produces 20kW+. Highest Solar Daily production up till now, since install, is 19 kW but that was curtailed (export on at 10:30am and turned off at around 4pm(ish)).
That is IMHO not bad for a less then 5kW (Solar panels that is, to be precise 7 x 550W and 3 x 335W panels)
You might ask why such a "high" PEA usage, reason being we are slowly easing it down, last month PEA was 79 units (Solar 157 units) next month PEA will be 60ish and so on and on.