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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Yes or a new Inverter ???? (read brand 55555555) The biggest problem is that the manual totally doesn't match my Inverter. I have many more options then there are listed in the Manual. Another issue was for example the CT pins, my manual says 4 and 5 and another said 15-16. (or 14-15 can't recall) With 4-5 it wouldn't work, with 15-16 (or 14-15) it works as it does now
  2. Yes Save Button is there, it is holding one button DOWN long enough and the screen will say something like SUC6 (or Suc7 or whatever) done it 10s of times already, before the FW update and after. So pressing "v" is same as saving the option Edit: This is what my manual says about Input type In mine default mode is Parallel
  3. Sofar takes foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer to respond. And it's NOT only 10W I have seen figures of 50W I have been looking at ALL settings (which took forever because of that ???? way of putting in the password) and nowhere a settings is to be found to tweak. Maybe its a hidden feature of pushing all buttons while standing on your head thingy ???? Will send them ANOTHER email Another option I can't seem to enable is INPUT Type, 2 options in there Parallel and Independent. For 2 strings (which I have) they recommend independent, but after I have set it, next time it switches back to Parallel. 1st string = 7x 550W 2nd string = 3 x 335W Yeah strange combo, but that is because of room for the panels constraints, the place for many more panels (see picture) is current flooded so work cannot commence to put in the columns for the support.
  4. Thx, will go and look for them No worries, I had 2 GTI's before this running near the house and they make a sound like a Jet Engine. The (real) Inverter is now placed in a Shed approx 25 meters away from the house (behind 10CM AAC Blocks ???? ) , This inverter I am asking recommendations for is to replace my current Inverter just in case the Supplier can't fix the problems with it.
  5. I am looking for a On-Grid Inverter Specs: 5kW 2xMPPT Able to export to the Grid (and also be able to stop export) WIFI or BT Monitoring preferred Price range +/- 10k. I could go for a Hybrid, but that will be our next step which includes Batteries etc, so then this one will then go to my BIL TiA
  6. Yes and Yes and will do (already contacted them but no response yet. On another note, if someone knows a good ON-Grid 5kW (max) Inverter with 2xMPPT I would be interested to replace the Sofar. (Needs to be able to export and also be able to disable Export)
  7. Have a look at this graph (it's from yesterday) Reflux Enabled = Power set to 0.0kW Red Line = Consumption Light Blue Line - Feed in (thus export) (The (almost) straight line from before 3pm till around 4ish consumption = 300W Feed-in varies around 10W
  8. yep ever so slowly, hardly noticeable but yep (sometimes it's a bit faster then slower again)
  9. CT is wired correctly and yes AR = enabled CT mode = selected and Power = set to 0.0kW and it's STILL exporting, not a lot for example producing 500W, house uses 490W and export is 10W. Previously (before the firmware upgrade) it Said "Reflux Enabled" and Power in Watts, now it's saying NORMAL and Power in Watts On the days before and after meter reading day yes and I would like to stay in Positive territory so that is why I would like to prevent Export.
  10. Update: They (Sofar) tried again to remotely update the firmware again, but failed again, so I did it myself. First USB Stick (32GiB) gave a USB error so used another one (16GiB) and that went oke. DSP-1 update took the longest, counting UP from 0 - 100% DSP-2 update took a mere 5 seconds ARM update took also approx 5 seconds. Now I hope the trouble I have are gone, but already noticing one thing. I have Anti-Reflux enabled with Power to 0.00kW and normally it shows in the Screen but not now, send Sofar an email to ask what is wrong with that. Edit: Problem that AR is enabled and still it exports it's still there. (it's only minor export (10W) but still that would run the meter backwards which I don't want.
  11. Thx, that “safety” directory is a separate folder in the root of the zip file. (Same as “firmware”) they don’t mention that folder in their instructions
  12. That is the "brick" I am afraid off ???? Even with the USB upgrade method
  13. Yes will do, but there is also a folder in the zip called "safety" which holds the following files. Copy that as well?
  14. Thx, in the ZIP file there are MANY firmware files in the firmware directory According to the Instruction (I posted above) this is the only directory I should add to the USB stick (formatted as Fat32) May I ask why?
  15. Haven't heard this one for ages, come up today in my Playlist
  16. They just me the Failure log that shows they couldn't remotely update the firmware. They tried it just when I had internet troubles ???? (I asked them to try again)
  17. USB Stick (Format as Fat32) Here are the instructions (PDF) I got with the Firmware. Firmware Update Instruction.pdf
  18. Yes they did, but they failed, I think they tried to do it when my Internet was down. I asked them to try again, but NO reply and NO change.
  19. The magic word here is until ... And there it already goes wrong. In the text (pdf) it says this. What do they mean by DC and AC switches, not breakers because in the end of that section it says
  20. I finally after several emails and several days waiting received a Firmware Update for my Sofar On-Grid Inverter. Did anyone update the firmware on their Sofar inverter and any luck doing it?
  21. Look for Studio 7 they are authorized resellers https://www.studio7thailand.com/en/store-locations On their site (for Chiang Mai) they list 4 locations Studio7- CentralFestival Chiangmai Studio7- KadSuanKaew Studio7- CentralPlaza Chiangmai Airport Studio7- MAYA Chiangmai
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