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Posts posted by rametindallas

  1. "......would pose no risk to the environment" - apart from another major ongoing contribution to increased CO2 emissions and the present consequences of that for continued global warming? Of course, he could easily assert that global warming is not happening or that, if it is, it has nothing to do with anthropogenic C02 levels, or even that continued global warning poses no important threat to us all. You want to do that Prayut? Be my quest - give it a go, but you won't because you know that this will most certainly not improve your already low international credibility.

    There is no evidence of climate change. But coal power is dirty enough even without the CO2 hoax and should be avoided.

    China is building a lot nuclear power stations now to get rid of the dirty coal.

    That is the way to go after all the sources for hydro power are used.

    In just 5 years, from 2005 through 2009, China added the equivalent of the entire U.S. fleet of coal-fired power plants, or 510 new 600-megawatt coal plants.

    From 2010 through 2013, it added half the coal generation of the entire U.S. again.

    At the peak, from 2005 through 2011, China added roughly two 600-megawatt coal plants a week, for 7 straight years.

    And according to U.S. government projections, China will add yet another U.S. worth of coal plants over the next 10 years, or the equivalent of a new 600-megawatt plant every 10 days for 10 years.



    Each Coal Plant Lasts 40 Years. Thailand's contribution to AGL/pollution is a 'fart in a whirlwind' compared to China.


  2. Where are the junta huggers with their " they should be in class studying and not protesting" holier than thou crowd?

    Hypocrites indeed, no need to name, they know who they are.

    Not a single copper or soldier enforcing the law because they're from the right kind of people eh?

    There was a golden opportunity to show the Junta was impartial ( 5555) and have these protestors arrested for breaking the same law as the wrong kind of group.

    Farcical and obvious that even Steve Wonder can see what's going on.

    Reconciliation? 55555

    The plus point is that now the Junta have turned a blind eye to this group, it's given the other the green light to do the same and not be arrested again right ? wink.png

    Neither side should protest don't like things to escalate again. But fair is fair what side started it the protests ?

    Your right though that these guys should have been told to disperse too.

    Your right though that these guys should have been told to disperse too

    I disagree. Only 'political' gathering of more than five are banned. Large groups attend temple services, sports events, etc. with no problems. Since the Junta are non-political, support for them is non-political.

    As far as Fat Haggis' comments, if the Junta allows Democrat Party supporters to rally, that would prove his case. As things stand now, he is grasping at straws... as usual.


    it's a political gathering in FAVOUR of the junta that's why you 'disagree' hypocrite

    if they are 'non-political' why are demos AGAINST them not allowed? hypocrite

    The demonstration by the 14 students was political because they invited the media and were challenging the law, specifically, and also the authorities to arrest them. They even refused bail that was offered. There were also some 50 or supporters in front of the jail who were not arrested/molested because they were there to support the students and not challenge the government; there is a difference but I know you can't/won't see it.

    Supporting the non-political government is not political and the vocational students weren't challenging any authority or law as the purpose of their gathering.



    These students were being used by their professors to foment an uprising against the government.


  3. Where are the junta huggers with their " they should be in class studying and not protesting" holier than thou crowd?

    Hypocrites indeed, no need to name, they know who they are.

    Not a single copper or soldier enforcing the law because they're from the right kind of people eh?

    There was a golden opportunity to show the Junta was impartial ( 5555) and have these protestors arrested for breaking the same law as the wrong kind of group.

    Farcical and obvious that even Steve Wonder can see what's going on.

    Reconciliation? 55555

    The plus point is that now the Junta have turned a blind eye to this group, it's given the other the green light to do the same and not be arrested again right ? wink.png

    Neither side should protest don't like things to escalate again. But fair is fair what side started it the protests ?

    Your right though that these guys should have been told to disperse too.

    Your right though that these guys should have been told to disperse too

    I disagree. Only 'political' gathering of more than five are banned. Large groups attend temple services, sports events, etc. with no problems. Since the Junta are non-political, support for them is non-political.

    As far as Fat Haggis' comments, if the Junta allows Democrat Party supporters to rally, that would prove his case. As things stand now, he is grasping at straws... as usual.


  4. @rameetindallas. I much as I liked your post, what's not to say that there wasn't 6 people at the meeting.

    six people, ten people, if they're all buying coffee at regular intervals, that's just more customers. In fact, they are better than a single customer taking a whole table to himself as these groups bunch up tight so as to hear each other. Each shop may cater or not cater to any type of customer and there are many coffee shops that would like to have ANY business. Their policy should always be clear before charges are added to the bill.


  5. In Dallas' Starbucks Coffee Shops, it is common for people, who would normally work from home (on their computer), to set up shop there and Starbucks welcomes their patronage. Many of my Thai friends have business meetings at Bangkok Starbucks and never a complaint or extra charge. As long as they are buying product, it shouldn't matter if they are doing business or just being lay-about. I see from the bill that he bought two drinks every 20 minutes.

    If this cafe' didn't post their policy on the menu or at the entrance, that is not right and they deserve the Bt. 10,000 fine. Say what you want about Starbucks but they are business friendly.

    BTW, for those of you who are ignorant about how business is done, some people actually have business luncheons, and horror of horrors, discuss business over evening meals... at restaurants no less.


  6. As most said Muslim is not a race

    Islam is a murderous doctrine that doe not command respect .

    Kill adulterers gays ,"honor killings ",apostates ,all non muslims and YOU dumb ass too.

    there are 5 muslim counties bordering china

    it only right to send them back to their lands ,

    actually we should all agree to let them have their caliphate.on the original muslim lands = mecca.

    all other lands where colonized by terror murder intimidation.

    if you say i am racist . then i am proud to be so ,

    rather the submit to this religion of hate

    ( the muslim people are the first victims of Islam the religion of hate .)

    it is time that the world speaks up before the murder us all.

    tell me of one successful muslim countries as there are 56 majority Muslim states

    Surely the Uighors had to pass through one or more counties to get from China to Thailand. Once they crossed out of China, they were safe and there was no legitimate reason for them to continue on to Thailand. Why didn't they seek sanctuary in the first country outside of China? There are lots of Muslim countries on China's border. Why did they come to Thailand? Uighurs have their own autonomous region in Northwestern China. They are not even close to Thailand either geographically or culturally. There is no legitimate reason for them coming to Thailand. Turkey is accepting them with open arms. They should go to Turkey. Uighors are responsible for a lot of terrorism in China. I'm still not convinced these are not a criminal or terroristic groups fleeing justice in China. The Muslims in southern Thailand are responsible for most terrorism in Thailand and Thailand doesn't need more terroristic Muslims. Uighurs are violent as witnessed by their attack on the Thai embassy in Turkey. Send them all back or Thailand will get a reputation as a country that allows terrorists a refuge. Hopefully the word will spread that Thailand will arrest and deport illegal aliens and the practice will stop.


    you are a bloody racist...sorry.

    Wow, i didnt realise cavemen where still alive. Im glad the younger generation are generally more enlightened and educated.

    To name a couple of muslim countries that do ok, malaysia, indonesia, turkey.

    Have you ever felt your life threatened in those muslim countries by the murderous followers of hate? Surely you must have such personal experience.

    Edit: brunei does ok but my favourite musl8m place would have to be maldives.

    To name a couple of muslim countries that do ok, malaysia, indonesia, turkey.

    I guess you weren't 'educated' about:

    the 2002 Bali bombing of nightclubs frequented by tourists: 202 dead, 209 injured https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Bali_bombings or 2005: 20 dead 100 injured https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Bali_bombings I'll give you three guesses as to the religion behind the bombers.

    ISLAMIC PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS IN MALAYSIA And Muslim denial. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/97656/islamic-persecution-christians-malaysia-anti-jihadist

    Modern Turkey was based on the exclusion of non-Muslims from Turkey. You can understand this by simply looking at the percentages of non-Muslims in the population in Turkey. Before 1915, 25% of Turkey’s population consisted of non-Muslims. With the current population of 70 million citizens, we should have 17 million non-Muslims. But today, all non-Muslims (including Greeks, Jews, Armenians and Assyrians) just barely exceeds 100,000. So the current rate is well below 1%. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/04/minorities-turkey-discrimination.html#

    Have you ever felt your life threatened in those muslim countries by the murderous followers of hate? Surely you must have such personal experience.

    I wouldn't go to any of those countries on a bet. I don't like intolerant countries that are ruled by religion. BTW, Buddhism is not a religion but a philosophy. http://www.buddhanet.net/nutshell03.htm

    Im glad the younger generation are generally more enlightened and educated

    It must be good to be young and believe you know better than your elders. You forget that we, also, were young once but now our opinions are shaped by knowledge gained over many years and wisdom to know how to process that information. We are not caught up in idealism but have learned, some of us the hard way, that pragmatism (taking into account the realities of life) must be considered and also consequences of actions. You may choose to feel more enlightened and better educated but we older folk know that education today is but a shadow of what education was in the past (standards have been drastically lowered). A lot of education today is merely indoctrination. With so little life experience, how can you possible claim to be more 'enlightened' when you are so ignorant of the world?

    Well, it's been swell responding to someone who is superior to me. signed, old, unenlightened, uneducated, unrepentant Caveman.


  7. LOL. I see you guys have stopped claiming people give the desired answers because they are scared of being arrested.

    Now you move on to a different excuse to try and rubbish the poll.

    Did you ever think the poll might be right and it's you who has the problem ?.

    Of course it's right silly. It was done in the capital and businessmen are not stupid farmers. thumbsup.gif

    From the OP: Nida Poll conducted an opinion poll on the subject of “political activism” on 1,257 respondents of various professions from throughout the country

    Either your reading comprehension skills are limited or you are a propagandist. I think it is the latter. Why do you refer to farmers as stupid without putting a /sarc tag on that rude comment. BTW, EnglishJohn makes thoughtful posts, unlike yourself, and he is in no way 'silly'.


    You actually just pointed out the very line that makes this poll unreliable from a political polling perspective. You could get a reliable number for all of Thailand by taking a random sample (sometimes known as probability sampling) of roughly 1,200 people. That's not what it says though, various professions does not mean that the entire population had a non-zero chance of being selected for the poll. As is the case with most of these polls, there is usually one line (various professions, community leaders, etc.) that makes it meaningless.

    I was responding to the claim by oldsailor35 that said the poll was taken of businessmen and done in the capital.

    I'm sorry my answer to him didn't also answer your post but now that you bring it up, it seems that when Thaksinistas don't like the poll results, the denigrate the poll itself. 1,257 respondents will give a result accurate to plus or minus 3% but I know you don't want to believe that. Up to you.

    Since you don't like Nida polls, which polls, not election polls, do you trust? Probably none since they have all consistently shown the populace believes the Junta is doing a good job.


  8. Surely the Uighors had to pass through one or more counties to get from China to Thailand. Once they crossed out of China, they were safe and there was no legitimate reason for them to continue on to Thailand. Why didn't they seek sanctuary in the first country outside of China? There are lots of Muslim countries on China's border. Why did they come to Thailand? Uighurs have their own autonomous region in Northwestern China. They are not even close to Thailand either geographically or culturally. There is no legitimate reason for them coming to Thailand. Turkey is accepting them with open arms. They should go to Turkey. Uighors are responsible for a lot of terrorism in China. I'm still not convinced these are not a criminal or terroristic groups fleeing justice in China. The Muslims in southern Thailand are responsible for most terrorism in Thailand and Thailand doesn't need more terroristic Muslims. Uighurs are violent as witnessed by their attack on the Thai embassy in Turkey. Send them all back or Thailand will get a reputation as a country that allows terrorists a refuge. Hopefully the word will spread that Thailand will arrest and deport illegal aliens and the practice will stop.


    you are a bloody racist...sorry.

    What has 'race' got to do with this? Thailand doesn't let me 'immigrate' to Thailand without showing large, outside income and even then, I'm not allowed to work. If they allowed those Uighurs, who entered illegally, to stay, now that would be racist.

    you are a bloody racist...sorry

    When you resort to name-calling, you show you don't have any real argument. Then you compound your name-calling by lying and saying you are 'sorry'. Oh, you meant sorry as in 'pitiful'. I have to agree with that part of your post.

    Please grow up; learn to express yourself without resorting to name-calling. We're not in the third grade anymore.


    No my dear, that's not the point: There are people fleeing their country, coming to Thailand, probably seeking asylum....and are sent back to China having an uncertain future, maybe tortured or thrown into prison or killed somehow.

    Why deny asylum (and opposing human rights): because they are moslems? Or because becoming friends with China?

    There are quarrels in the South with moslems over years already. The solution was using military power, not any political as limited independance. There is a discrepancy between Thai's belief (tolerance) and reality in disregarding moslems, at least in the South.

    Nobody should be mistreated because of his belief..........in this case grant asylum and let them go where they want.

    Christs e.g are prosecuted by Al Shabab or IS. In 9 islamic countries Christs have massive problems (wikipedia). Would you judge same and want them to be sent back into their original countries?? E.g all farangs out off Saudi Arabia, Jemen, North Korea, Somalia Maldives?

    And YES you are e racist, a caucasian (are the Chinese Moslems caucasians??? They are not of course)

    "Sorry" meant I pity you, and I did not want to use stronger words.

    I think you should try to put yourself into their shoes.....if you can. How you would feel then?

    Why deny asylum (and opposing human rights): because they are moslems?

    They are being denied asylum because they passed up a half dozen 'asylum' countries to reach Thailand and not because they are Muslims.You just assign motives to people without any possible proof. That's dishonest. They are in Thailand illegally so are being repatriated to their home country the same as you or I would be.

    Millions of Uighurs live peaceful, productive live in their autonomous region of China. The ones that are leaving are malcontents and lawbreakers (they broke the law when they entered Thailand without a visa); how many other country's borders did they illegally cross to get to Thailand. The Uighur refugees are also violent as they proved when they physically attacked the Thai Embassy in Turkey; they are also on video slashing dozens of innocent people with long knives at two different Chinese train stations. Who wants those kind of people in their country. Thailand already has enough violent Muslims in the Deep South.

    They had to pass through several Muslim countries (I thought I made that clear in my post) to come to Buddhist Thailand. Why? As soon as they left China, there was no need for them to continue on to Thailand. Neither you, nor I, have any idea of what circumstances they left in China so all your suppositions are just that; suppositions.

    You have not bothered to refute even one claim I made or answer even one question I posed regarding the Uighurs and yet you want to make up scenarios you can't prove to justify their illegal entry into Thailand. I want you to illegally enter Thailand and see if the same doesn't happen to you. Are you a Muslim? If not, what form of racism would you assign to the Thai government for deporting you back to your home country for illegal entry?

    And YES you are e racist, a caucasian (are the Chinese Moslems caucasians??? They are not of course)

    Stop playing the race card as if I don't have permission to discuss any group that doesn't come from my own race; that's racist. BTW, how do you know I'm Caucasian?

    If Thailand doesn't send them back, Thailand will get a reputation that they have open borders. Do you think Thailand can afford to be an open-border country? Already that policy is bankrupting the health-care, education, and welfare systems in the US.

    You strike me as a head-in-the-clouds idealist. Unless Thailand is your country, you have no business telling the Thais who and who not to accept across their sovereign border.

    You just operate on 'feelings' don't you? Practicality never enters the equation. I really must stop responding to people who think with their heart instead of using their brains.


  9. LOL. I see you guys have stopped claiming people give the desired answers because they are scared of being arrested.

    Now you move on to a different excuse to try and rubbish the poll.

    Did you ever think the poll might be right and it's you who has the problem ?.

    Of course it's right silly. It was done in the capital and businessmen are not stupid farmers. thumbsup.gif

    From the OP: Nida Poll conducted an opinion poll on the subject of “political activism” on 1,257 respondents of various professions from throughout the country

    Either your reading comprehension skills are limited or you are a propagandist. I think it is the latter. Why do you refer to farmers as stupid without putting a /sarc tag on that rude comment. BTW, EnglishJohn makes thoughtful posts, unlike yourself, and he is in no way 'silly'.


  10. Ahhh I was wondering when the propaganda poll would show up. Seems it's a bit late

    To expand on this a tad.

    The President of NIDA is part of the NLA

    A guy by the name of Sombat Thamrongtanyawong

    All University Presidents are appointed from deep within the Bangkok-centric Elite.

    This all one needs to know to put these Polls in context.

    Not to see through this facade of trying to put a supportive public opinion veneer over anti-democrat stuff is unlikely. But for them to think it does, is a slam against one's intelligence........But perfectly consistent with the arrogance of these people...It is why they cannot stomach one-person-one-vote electoral Democracy, when so many of these voters are lesser beings.

    Well to be honest with you there is a lot of truth in what you say. How ever it is obvious that you are unfamiliar with the average Thai. they for the most part are quite happy with the situation as it is. They would like to see some different things but none of them worth mentioning or shall we say pushing to the point where the government has to stop working to fix the problem and go back to just defending it.

    You seem to be highly educated which can be a real barricade to thinking or on the other hand a big help to it.

    Do you think that constantly having to defend every thing instead of just being allowed to move on towards fixing the whole problem is a good idea? When they have it all together then come out with it to the public with a vote on it. You know as well as I do (I hope you do) that to make an omelet you have to break some eggs.

    Hopefully not mine but if so that is OK I am more interested in the Nations future than the little bit of harm they can do me. I have grand children here and I want them to have better than what Thailand has had in the past. The one thing the government or any thing else can not change is the weather pattern changing.

    That is going to hurt a lot of people in the years to come. Hopefully there will be some relief from the harm it does to people. If not this government then the next one. It is not going to be easy and as the PM says it is more than likely going to take 20 years to bring unity to the country and that is going to be a big part of it.

    The average Thai provided with the full unabridged version of government spending would probably seek further explanation regarding the current allocation with regard to effective internal spend vs external and the associated benefits

    However as there is no recourse other than allowing the current administration to continue, one could expect a poll to be indicative of the circumstance

    The average Thai provided with the full unabridged version of government spending would never read it. There, FIFY (fixed it for you), LoL

    I won't go into the government spending that the Yingluck Thaksin government went to such great lengths to keep from the 'average Thai'. Even the G to G rice deals were a 'State secret'; they wouldn't/couldn't even say which countries were involved. Don't look now, but your bias is showing. 555

    Your post makes it clear you don't know average people anywhere. 'Average' Americans wouldn't bother to read such a document either.

    You're upset because Thai people don't agree with your 'bring Thaksin back' agenda (don't deny, I've followed you posts).


  11. Surely the Uighors had to pass through one or more counties to get from China to Thailand. Once they crossed out of China, they were safe and there was no legitimate reason for them to continue on to Thailand. Why didn't they seek sanctuary in the first country outside of China? There are lots of Muslim countries on China's border. Why did they come to Thailand? Uighurs have their own autonomous region in Northwestern China. They are not even close to Thailand either geographically or culturally. There is no legitimate reason for them coming to Thailand. Turkey is accepting them with open arms. They should go to Turkey. Uighors are responsible for a lot of terrorism in China. I'm still not convinced these are not a criminal or terroristic groups fleeing justice in China. The Muslims in southern Thailand are responsible for most terrorism in Thailand and Thailand doesn't need more terroristic Muslims. Uighurs are violent as witnessed by their attack on the Thai embassy in Turkey. Send them all back or Thailand will get a reputation as a country that allows terrorists a refuge. Hopefully the word will spread that Thailand will arrest and deport illegal aliens and the practice will stop.


    you are a bloody racist...sorry.

    What has 'race' got to do with this? Thailand doesn't let me 'immigrate' to Thailand without showing large, outside income and even then, I'm not allowed to work. If they allowed those Uighurs, who entered illegally, to stay, now that would be racist.

    you are a bloody racist...sorry

    When you resort to name-calling, you show you don't have any real argument. Then you compound your name-calling by lying and saying you are 'sorry'. Oh, you meant sorry as in 'pitiful'. I have to agree with that part of your post.

    Please grow up; learn to express yourself without resorting to name-calling. We're not in the third grade anymore.


  12. Govt 'should respect right to criticise'

    A discussion on community rights was held at Kasetsart University yesterday, during which the participants attacked the government for suppressing community rights to defend the environment and ensure the well-being of their community.

    They also attacked the powers-that-be for using force to retake forests and for supporting capitalists in exploiting the country's natural resources.

    When the Junta allowed, "participants attacked the government " and "attacked the powers-that-be", it disproves the 'academics' argument. There is nothing stopping anyone from being critical. There is, however, a prohibition of public protests with more than five persons because that could soon escalate into another 'Thaksin Paid Mob' to disrupt the reforms that need to take place to set the stage for a proper democracy and not a 'Thai Style' perversion of democracy.

    Posters on this very forum are allowed huge latitude to criticize, and even insult, the current government and the military.

    How much does an 'academic' in Thailand earn? It probably wouldn't take much inducement for some of them to become a paid lobbyists for the Thaksin criminal organization. Academics are the original 'Ivory Tower' dwellers who live in a world of make-believe utopia and have not the slightest idea what it takes to manage a country. "Living in an ivory tower" is an expression used to indicate that someone is out of touch with common experience, usually due to spending much of their life in academia or privileged circumstances. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Ivory_tower

    Thaksin needs to very much derail the reform process because it will curtail his ability to steal money from the Thai treasury.


  13. Delusional and ridiculous.

    I suggest he gets a real taste of porridge, he is continuing to defy the government and break the law by congregating to defame the regime and spout delusional nonsense - 'Inside prison is like outside'


    I'm amazed there are so many old lags on here who know better than the jailed students what life inside Thai prisons is like. Without you we may have believed the students.
    Stop trolling posts jesimps, you have a habit of insulting posters rather than their posts

    On the contrary, you and your fellow junta apologists are speaking authoritively on life inside the nick when the nearest you've probably been to one is when watching reruns of "Porridge"

    You're not fit to lick the boots of these brave kids let alone denigrate them.

    Poor, jesimps, he just can't help himself. The moment you describe him to himself, he says, "On the contrary", and then proceeds to prove that what you said about him was true. He is trolling, "you and your fellow junta apologists are speaking authoritively on life inside the nick" and he can't help but insult posters who he disagrees with i.e., "You're not fit to lick the boots of these brave kids let alone denigrate them".


  14. Surely the Uighors had to pass through one or more counties to get from China to Thailand. Once they crossed out of China, they were safe and there was no legitimate reason for them to continue on to Thailand. Why didn't they seek sanctuary in the first country outside of China? There are lots of Muslim countries on China's border. Why did they come to Thailand? Uighurs have their own autonomous region in Northwestern China. They are not even close to Thailand either geographically or culturally. There is no legitimate reason for them coming to Thailand. Turkey is accepting them with open arms. They should go to Turkey. Uighors are responsible for a lot of terrorism in China. I'm still not convinced these are not a criminal or terroristic groups fleeing justice in China. The Muslims in southern Thailand are responsible for most terrorism in Thailand and Thailand doesn't need more terroristic Muslims. Uighurs are violent as witnessed by their attack on the Thai embassy in Turkey. Send them all back or Thailand will get a reputation as a country that allows terrorists a refuge. Hopefully the word will spread that Thailand will arrest and deport illegal aliens and the practice will stop.


  15. The is a perfect opportunity for Prayut to score some points in the press, with the UDD/Red Shirts, and civil rights activists. He can scare the crap out of her with the potential punishment for what she did and then he can forgive her and let her off with a two-year probation (provided she secretly gives up some names). He can't possibly hurt his reputation by being lenient/magnanimous.


  16. Dont forget that 36 million is only the buying price. What about the extravagant maintenance costs and spare parts and training ? Nobody in the navy has even been in a submarine !!! As Thailand has never had subs before where will they get the essential skilled technicians to do the maintenance ? Oops, sorry, they dont do maintenance ! So what about the storage costs when they break down ? If they are lucky enough not to break down in the depths of the Gulf. Another folly like the Blimp, nuclear power and democracy.

    Even IF, and that's a big if, they learn to operate/maintain those subs proficiently, they will never learn proper tactics to deploy them in anything but a show-off parade. I think it would be cheaper to hire three submarines, with crew, from China; like you hire a taxi. At least the Chinese would know how to deploy them for best effect.


  17. If you had bothered to read my post with comprehension, you would have noticed that I said police would be looking for active chips at regular traffic checkpoints. If your tractor comment was supposed to be funny, you failed; your chip joke was better but juvenile.

    All the stores in Dallas have lightweight sensors at their exits, that sound an alarm if a RFID chip passes by that hasn't been deactivated, to stop shoplifting. They work from as far away as 10 meters. In problem areas, the police could set up a small detector in the middle of the road when they do their normal 'safety' stops and question/identify anyone with active chips in bananas. The chips are tiny so it would be difficult for thieves to find and remove them from stolen bananas. If the alarm goes off, someone has stolen bananas as the chips haven't been deactivated. No extra police work needed. I would hazard to guess that the banana thieves wouldn't even realize how they were caught so couldn't take precautions. The chips are versatile enough to inform which field or farm they come from so the stolen produce could be returned to the rightful owner.

    Are you one of those people can who only see problems and, therefore, can't see solutions?


    You are quite right, I did not read it properly.

    It was just too silly.

    I was stopped on my way back recently, ooh,the police didn't scan the bananas in my truck, they also didn't check my licence, my tyres or anything actually, not even sure why they stopped me.

    Dallas isn't in Thailand!

    Dallas isn't in Thailand!

    Dallas is as far from Thailand as one can get; both geographically and culturally.

    Again, if you had read my post with a modicum of comprehension, you would have noted two things: First, it was a suggestion, and Second, I wrote the the police could do it; not that they would or take anyone's advise.

    Since you haven't any ideas for a solution, you pick apart other's suggestions. Are you the nit-picker type? It is always easier to criticize than to create.

    I'm bored with you on this thread so I probably won't respond...


    A suggestion should be realistic, we could take yours to the extremes of fantasy and suggest they track the bananas using a helicopter and infra red!

    I think they should try to stop them being stolen in the first place, the farmer may spend a few nights in a shack on the land with the dog.

    They should harvest them as soon as they are ready too.... harvest them too soon and they will never turn yellow, but I believe the indications of readiness are obvious to the locals, something to do with the shape or falling of the black bits at the end. The problem is that the trees are not necessary coming ripe together, as happens at my Mrs place.....

    The police might take a look through a few markets to see who is selling a lot of bananas or banana products. Get get out and about asking a few questions. It isn't their job to set up traffic checkpoints on the main roads. Informing the traffic police around the area to be on the 'lookout' for a truck loaded with bananas might be beneficial too.

    I would have thought Dallas Police had better things to do too.

    Who mentioned Dallas Police? What are you smoking?

    Are you a professional nit picker or just a gifted amateur?

    Reply for others to read. Since you have absolutely nothing positive to say, I've put you on my 'ignore' list and won't be seeing any more of your posts. You won't be missed.


  18. It never ceases to amaze me how some TV support Thailand regardless of any wrong doing. You embarrass yourselves. As a native UK living here for many years, I criticize the UK when they do stupid things and I accept it. Why can't some posters here do the same for Thailand when they clearly are doing things that are non conducive to their image? At the moment with the way things are here in Thailand, the country needs to be seen in a positive light by the rest of the modern world. News like this doesn't help.

    It never ceases to amaze me how some TV members condemn Thailand regardless if they have been proven to be wrong. You embarrass yourselves. As a native of the US, I defend the US when they are being stupidly attacked and accept they are not perfect. Why can't some posters do the same for Thailand when, clearly, they are doing things that are non-conducive to their image (though not illegal)? At the moment, with the way things are here in Thailand, the country needs to be seen in a positive light by the rest of the modern world. News like this doesn't help.


  19. There's a fine line between persecution and prosecution. Man Haron Monis claimed he was being persecuted in Iran - Iran said he faced prosecution.

    With 20/20 hindsight sending him home for prosecution would have been a fine idea.

    It would have been nice if you had included a link to who Man Haron Monis is/was. I had to look him up before I gave you a 'like'.

    Man Haron Monis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_Haron_Monis


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