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Posts posted by rametindallas

  1. Of course a lot of the difference in attitude to sex and sexuality is due to the fact that Thailand is historically mainly Buddhist (philosophy) not judaeo/christian/islam (superstition/religion) with all the guilt and baggage that goes with them.

    Women from Thailand are ranked the world’s second most unfaithul [sic] lovers, according to the survey report. http://asiancorrespondent.com/88503/are-thais-really-the-most-adulterous-couples-in-the-world/

    Typical story of a Thai woman's extramarital affairs. http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12011

    Even in the US, most women can be had for a price. It's just that the price in Thailand is much lower for those with a Western income. Women without much other skills trade their youth and beauty for money all over the world. Even Jackie O married that toad Onassis who was 23 years her senior.

    From what I can gather, Thai women don't consider 'flings' to be cheating. At least prostitutes are honest about what they are about, which is getting your money from your pocket to theirs.


  2. Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

    People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

    But it's all about appearances and saving face.


    what about the millions of Chinese/Korean tourist, the thousands an thousands of families.?

    i'd say at most 15% to say 50% ur out of ur head on something

    It would be nice to see either of you support your wild opinions with facts.

    Exactly, I can remember not too long ago when seeing a farang woman in Thailand was a novelty.

    You should get out from the 'hooker' areas more often. Most of the foreigners I meet in Thailand are Farang women. (of course, I'm not looking to meet Farang men so my view may be skewed)


  3. Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

    People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

    But it's all about appearances and saving face.

    I, myself, don't know the whole picture but was struck by your comment that says everyone who disagrees with you are liars. It kind of puts the damper on any further discussion. I'm not going to argue with you and become a 'liar' but I will question how you could possibly know that 50% of the 26.7 million tourists who visit the Kingdom each year, many of whom are women, are coming to Thailand exclusively for the prostitution and would not come otherwise. That would mean that almost every male coming to Thailand is only here for the prostitution.

    Now, you don't be like Thais when/if you respond to this because you aren't all about appearances and saving face.


  4. Bangkok has some of the cheapest taxi fares, for a major city, in the World. http://www.priceoftravel.com/555/world-taxi-prices-what-a-3-kilometer-ride-costs-in-72-big-cities/

    You get what you pay for so I'm very satisfied with the taxi service in Bangkok.


    Would agree with that- never had a problem fares 200 or 300 baht.

    The last taxi I had in London - cost £38 or 1,900 baht

    I live 8 kilometers from the international airport in Dallas and it's 80% freeway to my place. Price Bt. 2,000 plus Bt. 200 - 300 tip. The cabs/cabbies in Dallas are not 10 times nicer, either.


    2000 Bt for 8 ks ride, and you give a tip???? Some mothers do have them.

    Sorry, I left off a '2' it is 28 km or about 18 miles. I tip $6. No need to get snarky.


  5. Pets = unnaturally enslaved animals that humans force into adapting to human ways. Just because humans are anthropomorphizing dogs doesn't mean they are what you think they are.

    My dogs laugh every time they read stuff like that

    Sleeping indoors, clean water and perpetual food, a soft dry place to sleep where no bigger critters will attack in the middle of the night. Not to mention free medical and professional grooming, a 15 year life span and regular tummy rubs. Life sure stinks compared to the wild...

    And if they were simply "pack animals" acting on nothing but genetic instinct, why do they each have very different demeanors? (Note that I avoided "personalities")

    By living with humans instead of living in a pack, their natures have been distorted to fit human's needs. In humans this would be referred to as Stockholm syndrome https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome

    In nature, dogs would have nothing to do with humans but would owe their loyalty to the pack. Within the pack are different demeanors depending on their status within the pack with some displaying 'Alpha' or type A personalities and they would be the leaders. The rest are subservient to the pack leaders. Your dogs know their place in your pack (even if you don't) and you are the alpha dog or pack leader. I don't mind as they are dogs to be used by humans in any way that is not cruel or abusive.


  6. Saying all that. Yeah, cheap, bla bla bla. It's Thailand innit? Are taxis supposed to be priced like in Belfast or London? Catch yourselves on a bit.

    Taxis in this city are in general no good. About 50% will not turn on their meter once they see a white face and that's why this rating site put them 3rd.

    A 'gf' once had to fight her way out of the taxi or else she would've been raped and maybe murdered. I was robbed once in the middle of the night and many times had almost fights with the b'tards.

    They agree to put on their meter but once you reach your destination their opportunistic minds kick in again and they try to chance a few 100 extra.

    The ones that drive around the center 'hunting' for tourist meat will never turn their meters on.

    Many times they will not take you where you want to go and just say mai pai.

    That they are cheap, yes, I agree, but that's all you can say about them that is positive.

    It's funny though how many of you have jumped on the wagon and are protecting them.

    If it would've said Bangkok taxis are the best in the world the same crowd would've slagged them off.

    Strange bunch, really

    I have a suggestion for you. I tell all the females I know to do this trick, also. As soon as they get in the taxi, call, or pretend to call, a friend and loudly give them the number of the taxi and then tell the friend they will call back in 'X' minutes when they reach their destination. Once the driver knows he has been identified to a third party, they are very less likely to try any 'funny' stuff. You can use the same trick yourself to prevent a robbery.

    When you get in, try to give them a big smile, greet them in Thai, and inquire if they are well; their culture demands they respond in kind. At least it's worked for me these last 16 years. I wish you better taxi luck in the future.


  7. Should maybe but unlikely to happen and as for the truth as to what they're needed for, is a firm reason needed, try face.

    try face

    Try 'kick-back' to an offshore bank account. That's why they don't buy quality used or from Germany of Sweden. Those countries won't build crap to satisfy a price that allows for 'padding'.

    Problems in China's submarine program? http://www.lowyinterpreter.org/post/2013/04/24/Problems-in-Chinas-submarine-program.aspx


  8. Bangkok has some of the cheapest taxi fares, for a major city, in the World. http://www.priceoftravel.com/555/world-taxi-prices-what-a-3-kilometer-ride-costs-in-72-big-cities/

    You get what you pay for so I'm very satisfied with the taxi service in Bangkok.


    Would agree with that- never had a problem fares 200 or 300 baht.

    The last taxi I had in London - cost £38 or 1,900 baht

    I live 8 kilometers from the international airport in Dallas and it's 80% freeway to my place. Price Bt. 2,000 plus Bt. 200 - 300 tip. The cabs/cabbies in Dallas are not 10 times nicer, either.


  9. It has been so long since Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Kraisorn has had the truth spoken to him, he actually thinks he made a convincing argument.

    The decision to submit the proposal was made by 17 young-generation committee members from the Submarine Squadron, having arrived at the decision after examining similar products from six countries.
    Certainly no bias here. /sarc

    The Chinese submarines would be sufficiently armed, Kraisorn said.
    Missiles, torpedoes, what? Why so vague? Don't you know the specifications you want/apparently need?

    China would train the Thai Navy personnel on how to operate the subs and provide eight years' worth of spare parts, he said.
    Do the Chinese speak Thai or vice versa? Since we all know how horribly the Chinese translate their sign-age into English, it is hopeless to think they will put useful Thai language signs in the subs.

    "The purchase is a wise decision to maximise our capability under a tight budget. With the same amount of budget, we may be able to obtain only two submarines if dealing with other countries," he said.
    How tight is your budget when you consider 36 billion Baht for a weapons system of dubious quality and no real mission a necessity. If they want need to spend 36 billion Baht, buy a fleet of coastal frigates to patrol for illegal immigrants, pirates, and rogue foreign fishing boats. Heck, the frigates could be used to detect the neighboring countries' submarines. At least the citizens would get something tangible from the money spent.

    "China is the only country that equips the Air-Independent Propulsion System in its submarines. The system allows the submarines to fully submerge for as long as 21 days.
    So, all the other countries' submarines are air-dependent and have to have a snorkel leading to the surface? 21 days is not very long but long enough for a Thai sailor to go berserkers and kill his crew-mates or sink the sub.

    "Those without this system, from South Korea and Germany, are able to submerge for only five to six days, and if the submarines resurface too often, they can be detected by satellites.
    "A more challenging area for submarines to operate undetected is the East China Sea, which is quite shallow from the Chinese coastline up to the Okinawa Trough with a depth of only 30 to 60 fathoms [180 to 360 feet] in most places," said associate professor Peter Dutton with the China Maritime Studies Institute at the US Naval War College. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/LE13Ad01.html Thailand's territorial waters aren't even that deep so they would always be in view of a satellite. That being said, which of the few countries that have satellites capable of tracking Thai subs would even care?

    "Indeed, there are concerns about products made in China.
    No Shit, Sherlock.

    As of now, I wish not to comment on the point," he added.

    If I was asking the Thai taxpayer to fund 36 billion Baht worth of Chinese built submarines, I wouldn't want to comment on the quality of a submarine built for export to Thailand, either.

    "Any questions will be answered once there is an approval from the Cabinet, so any unnecessary criticisms can be avoided."
    What he really means is, "Absolutely we don't want to have any discussions before we spend 36 billion Baht of the taxpayer's money because the plan is half-baked and meant to get large 'rebates' from the Chinese for giving them the contract." Answering questions as to who bought the blind horse after the money is spent is kind of pointless anyway.

    He added that media criticism on the matter would lead to a feud.

    If the project is such a great idea, why would there be any media criticism and why would it lead to a feud?

    Kraisorn said he was not worried over whether the Cabinet would give the nod for the purchase. "The Navy works on orders from the Cabinet and that's it. We are transparent on this, as there is no backstage lobbyist."
    I believe him... NOT!

    Asked how necessary the proposed purchase is considering the Kingdom is at peace with neighbours, Kraisorn replied: "We have not had any submarines for five decades since the last World War, and we do not know when an emergency will arise.
    So, Thailand has been just fine for 50 years with no submarines. What has changed that Thailand needs them now? Also, no one has attacked Thailand since 1942 but it could happen. Of course, the enemy would have to wait until after six years of construction and three years of training and the enemy could not have any kind of advanced weaponry.

    "It also takes at least three years to learn how to operate submarines properly and to build strong teamwork among 50 crew on board, so we need time to prepare ourselves just in case.
    Just in case of what? Oh, right, just in case they want to surface and not die. It would take decades and billions of dollars to learn how to adequately apply the submarines in any military operation. It would be like a private citizen purchasing an armored tank. You know, because he must prepare himself just in case.

    "More importantly, submarines are defensive strategic arms. We will purchase them to balance our power with neighbouring countries."

    This guy wants to get into an arms race with his neighbors? Which neighbors did he have in mind, to defend against, when he came up with this brilliant idea? Texas is more likely to get attacked than Thailand and we are not considering buying submarines. I thought Thailand had a mutual defense treaty with the US to protect them from attack.

    Just tell him to sell his 'lightly used' aircraft carrier to fund his pet submarine project because Thailand has more important things to spend 36 billion Baht on like flood/drought protection, education, infrastructure, farm support, business incentives, etc. than enriching Admirals and their families for generations.

    Transparent Sea: The Unstealthy Future Of Submarines http://breakingdefense.com/2015/01/transparent-sea-the-unstealthy-future-of-submarines/

    Screw the Thai people and common sense; I want my submarines!


  10. They will be released soon - then all the red-hypocrites will suddenly never mention it again and move on to whatever they can find next.

    Remember that Thailand is under military rule because the Thaksin was prepared to take the country to civil war rather than lose the chance for his personal amnesty.

    You should get your protests ready for the next elected government and teach them a bit about democracy. You should have done it last time, but you didn't. Never mind : you will get yet another attempt before long.

    For now you must put up with the consequences of your actions.

    But but but but but but......Thaksin!!! Who would your bogey man have been when cheering on the many juntas in the pre-Thaksin era?

    Chavalit? Banharn? Army bosses who stayed in power well past any changes they enacted.


  11. Heroes... nothing more needs to be said

    God speed...

    nothing more needs to be said

    Can I get that in writing, signed and notarized?


    as a junta lover you should be proud your heroes arrest and jail students protesting for justice and democracy

    proud are you? don't you remember when even you had a conscience? a thirst for justice and freedom? wait a minute... you did have that once right?

    nothing more needs to be said

    Can I get that in writing, signed and notarized?

    So, I guess the answer to my question is: no.

    as a junta lover you should be proud your heroes arrest and jail students protesting for justice and democracy

    proud are you? don't you remember when even you had a conscience? a thirst for justice and freedom? wait a minute... you did have that once right?

    You really think you are insulting me, don't you? 555!

    Yes, I'm a proud 'Junta lover', as you call it, because it is a 1,000 times better than the kleptocracy of the previous government that was actually run from abroad by a fugitive, convicted felon, ex PM.

    A series of popular-but-highly-corrupt governments headed by a narcissist, egomaniac with kleptomanaical tendencies has made me into a cynic when it comes to 'Thai Style' democracy, so I don't thirst for justice and freedom if that means a return of Thaksin or any of his nominees to power in Thailand. If it takes the power of the army to prevent that, I'm OK with it 100%.

    BTW, re: those students, anyone engaging in civil disobedience to protest must be ready to face the consequences. I believe the students refused bail so they could appear as martyrs. I also know there is an investigation into whether they were put up to their protest by Dark Forces who desperately want to derail reform as it would cut into their thieving. The students certainly don't have much popular support as only 50 people (in a city of more than 8 millions) showed up to support them.

    Obviously we have different values when it comes to 'conscience' as you seem to favor criminal governments like Thaksin's and his puppet governments and I don't. Any more questions? Thanks for the invitation you provided for me to rant some more.


  12. BTW, I think it may be against forum rules to edit my post you are replying to (16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post.).

    In the future, please copy and paste into your reply the part of my post you want to respond to. Selective quotes, without the complete original post available for readers to refer to, can be misleading. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation in this matter.


    Avoiding the topic again? If mods had a problem with the way I snip quotes to make the thread more readable, they woukd have mentioned it at some point in the last 6 years.

    Maybe others don't care; I do. I haven't reported you but if it continues, I may. Thanks for your understanding.


  13. 50 people.....yeah that is left from the uprising of Esaan, the millions people march to Bangkok, etc blabla etc....when army prevents the money flowing from the dear leader.

    not millions, not hundred thousands...well not even 100...just 50 people....

    It just goes to show you how many show up when they aren't being paid. Most Thais I know are rather apathetic when it come to politics but not apathetic when it comes to money. For money, they are willing to shed their apathy.

    On another note, when will this group be arrested for disturbing the peace?


  14. The reason I won't answer you is because you will never be satisfied with my answer and then you will demand proof that any countries I list are supportive, etc., etc


    Wrong, the reason you won't answer the question is because the answer is "China and North Korea".

    North Korea? Link, please.

    BTW, I think it may be against forum rules to edit my post you are replying to (16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post.).

    In the future, please copy and paste into your reply the part of my post you want to respond to. Selective quotes, without the complete original post available for readers to refer to, can be misleading. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation in this matter.


  15. One collective crime; one collective defense. They can submit their individual testimony in written form to be filed in the 'round' file and never read. To have each of the accused give testimony in court would delay the proceedings by years and justice would not be served. This is part of a massive clean-up of corrupt politics, bureaucracy, police, mafia by the NCPO and it must be done to move the country towards being in a place were real democracy, that respects the rights of the minority, can exist. None of the accused has a different charge against them and therefore, couldn't have a different legal excuse for their illegal behavior. Since the NCPO has the power, they will not be allowed to delay the court's proceedings as they wish. Get over it.


  16. i bet he is not sitting on the ground and his cell is bigger than the five foot square one he would be in if he were in thailand. air con too.

    I suggest you look up life in a Japanese prison. It is regimented, cold and cruel.

    Thais are social creatures. This man will be in solitary. His cell may be clean, but it will be a strict, regimented life. The Japanese are nasty, sadistic people when it comes to prisons. Cruel punishments such as forced standing in uncomfortable positions is not unusual. Beatings are the norm. Ever seen the Bridge Over the River Kwai? The Japanese haven't changed much since then. China often gets shredded by the west, but the Chinese have more compassion than the Japanese, so that should give you a hint.

    This is spot on. He won't be allowed any reading material not in Japanese either. They can hold him incommunicado for 30 days if they want. Drop a statement in Japanese and get them to sign it. Hence the high conviction rate. They aren't super cops, they are just able to apply a lot of leverage.


    And that's different from Thailand, how?


  17. i bet he is not sitting on the ground and his cell is bigger than the five foot square one he would be in if he were in thailand. air con too.

    I suggest you look up life in a Japanese prison. It is regimented, cold and cruel.

    Thais are social creatures. This man will be in solitary. His cell may be clean, but it will be a strict, regimented life. The Japanese are nasty, sadistic people when it comes to prisons. Cruel punishments such as forced standing in uncomfortable positions is not unusual. Beatings are the norm. Ever seen the Bridge Over the River Kwai? The Japanese haven't changed much since then. China often gets shredded by the west, but the Chinese have more compassion than the Japanese, so that should give you a hint.

    I did not know that. So conditions in a Japanese prison are worse than conditions in a Thai prison?

    I feel sorry for him now that you described what he will be going through... NOT!


  18. Well, can you do it for me then???

    Well, can you do it for me then??? Please, pretty please!!!


    Sure, I can do it for you... but I won't.

    Please, pretty please!!!

    You seem a little needy. Don't you have any friends to bother?


    So you say numerous governments are agreeing with what's going on in Thailand and when asked to name them you can't do it, reverting to insulting those who call you on it. You do realize that this makes you a troll (at best)??

    As for me being insulting, who did I insult and what was the insult? You just called me a troll (at best).

    Just because I don't like you enough to comply with with your request doesn't make me a troll. Sorry to be so direct but I had hoped you could take a hint. Which countries is not pertinent to this thread, anyway.

    “Go, Ah say go away, boy, you bother me!” - Foghorn Leghorn http://www.searchquotes.com/quotation/Go,_I_say_go_away_boy,_you_bother_me/367929/


    Calling you a troll is not an insult - it's stating a fact. You're making claims you cannot back up with facts and when being questioned about it you start huffing and puffing like a 5 year old.

    So you only back up your claims when discussing with people you like and who like you? That must be a very short list.....coffee1.gif

    "Which countries is not pertinent to this thread, anyway."

    Then why did you bring it up in the first place??

    Then why did you bring it up in the first place??

    To illustrate that Switzerland is not alone in supporting reforms by the current government.

    The reason I won't answer you is because you will never be satisfied with my answer and then you will demand proof that any countries I list are supportive, etc., etc..

    Just because you want to become a pain in my neck doesn't mean I have to allow you. What part of NO don't you understand?


  19. The Chinese refer to dog as 'fragrant meat' and 1.3 billion Chinese can't all be wrong. Pigs are much smarter creatures but few have a problem using them as a protein source. I think they should license abattoirs to humanely process dog meat for sale to those who enjoy. I can't see how this infringes on anyone's right to enslave a dog, by getting them to imprint on you when they are young, as a pet; even though I find the practice of 'owning' animals as 'pets' odd.

    I wonder what the "dog merchants" will be charged with since they neither killed nor butchered the animals.


    Not all Chinese eat dog, in fact many Chinese protested at Yulin recently.

    Certainly your figure of 1.3 billion is incorrect. Of the remainder, who says they can't be wrong? You???

    My comment was a 'take-off' on the 1927 song, 'Fifty Million Frenchmen Can't be Wrong" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-IP0DE2kTI

    Since there are more than 1.3 billion Chinese in the world http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/china-population/ and Chinese are widely known to eat dog and even have a dog-eating festival http://time.com/2891222/china-dog-eating-festival/ I paraphrased the title of the song to make a point.

    The point is: since a number of cultures eat dog as a matter of course and think no more of it than Americans would eating chicken, why would/should I put my values on another culture? Don't Americans already have a bad reputation for doing that? Since I eat other animals, how can I, morally, say that those who eat dog are wrong? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_meat Maybe if I were vegetarian I could point fingers but probably not since there are many evils worse than eating dog.

    According to the OP, eating dog is apparently popular in Thailand's Sakhon Nakhon Province. I'm not Thai so it is not my business to judge those people for their tradition. I am not stopping you from condemning the behavior but was expressing my opinion that it is OK with me and my preference for licensed abattoirs to humanely process the animals. They are legal to eat in 44 of the 50 US States and all but one State in Australia.

    Frankly, I don't understand the point of your post except, maybe, you want to demonstrate that you are in a moral huff. huff : to say (something) in a way that shows you are annoyed or angry


  20. I seem to remember a few weeks ago an article was posted listing a group of countries that were the new friends of Thailand. It was a short list and comprised of countries that would certainly not be on anyone's "must visit list".

    As for calling democracy a "tyranny of the majority" shows a certain scary view of politics in the 21st century. I presume the poster regards "tyranny of the minority" as a much better system. Now that worries me greatly.

    I presume the poster regards "tyranny of the minority" as a much better system.

    No, I mean the Thai habit of 'if you have a veto-proof majority in Parliament, you just ram through whatever you want; regardless what the minority feels'. The Yingluck Thaksin 'blanket' Amnesty Bill is an example. Don't be obtuse or try to mis-characterize what I wrote. If you're not sure of my meaning, you can respond directly to my post instead of talking about me to another poster. You're a little bit of a 'sneaky snake' aren't you?


    You have a way of spinning things that shows you are a very devious person. You take half truths and push them as gospel. In a democracy a bad government can be exposed by the opposition, who then must come up with policies at the next election that win more votes. Idealistic, yes of course. There are many examples of what you state, South Africa and Zimbabwe are just 2, but in these countries violence was used on a scale that makes your red shirt enemies look like a troop of junior boy scouts.

    If one party is able to gain such a landslide majority then it means the other parties must have had policies that only appealed to a minority of voters. Please, for Christ's sake, don't say that all the votes were bought. Such an accusation would only be fit from an extreme racist, which I'm sure you are not.

    Back on topic, Switzerland kept good banking relations with all sides during both World Wars and has been the favourite banking provider for dictators, fraudsters, tax evaders and other criminals for well over 1 hundred years. Do you think a little problem such as a coup is going to stop them making money ?

    Just as an aside, didn't the royal children spend most of WW2 living in Switzerland ? If that is true then maybe the good relations between the 2 countries has a more happy reason to be happening.

    You have a way of spinning things that shows you are a very devious person

    Thank you. Has anyone told you that you have a real knack for getting on people's good side. I like you better already for that opening statement.


  21. Can I? Yes

    Will I? No

    I would for someone else but not for you. I didn't find my experience interacting with you in the past satisfying. In any case, it is not pertinent to the fact that Switzerland is supporting the good governance and reforms of PM Prayut and his government which is the subject of the OP.


    Well, can you do it for me then??? Please, pretty please!!!

    Well, can you do it for me then???

    Sure, I can do it for you... but I won't.

    Please, pretty please!!!

    You seem a little needy. Don't you have any friends to bother?


    So you say numerous governments are agreeing with what's going on in Thailand and when asked to name them you can't do it, reverting to insulting those who call you on it. You do realize that this makes you a troll (at best)??

    As for me being insulting, who did I insult and what was the insult? You just called me a troll (at best).

    Just because I don't like you enough to comply with with your request doesn't make me a troll. Sorry to be so direct but I had hoped you could take a hint. Which countries is not pertinent to this thread, anyway.

    “Go, Ah say go away, boy, you bother me!” - Foghorn Leghorn http://www.searchquotes.com/quotation/Go,_I_say_go_away_boy,_you_bother_me/367929/


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