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Posts posted by rametindallas

  1. Thick as s&%t, "Why are we still foolishly growing something that yields small profit?" Because people have to eat! and if you did not grow it then you would have no rice for export or to feed the domestic population.

    "They said these subsidences resulted from a base failure fuelled by four factors: the soft soil condition; the sharp drop of water level during the drought season or massive water pumping out of the canal; the heavy traffic pressing weight onto the road; and the steeper canal ridges due to water erosion or canal dredging" They conveniently forgot the root cause of this one - piss poor road construction in the first place!

    The government is sitting on several years' supply of rice. The rains will surely come back in abundance in plenty of time for new rice to be harvested before government stockpiles are even half sold. How ridiculous of you to say Thailand is in any danger of running out of rice/something to eat!.

    "Why are we still foolishly growing something that yields small profit?

    You never did address PM Prayut's question of 'why they are attempting to grow rice when, because of the drought, it is impossible to grow rice and so little profit in it if they could?'. Until the water is available to grow rice, the PM is suggesting the farmers grow something that is possible and more profitable. You seem to have a problem with rice farmers growing something other than rice rice; even if they can't. Do you want them to go broke waiting for enough rain to grow rice? That may not be until the El Nino fades sometime in the middle of 2016.

    As for shoddy construction of the roads, were they falling apart at this rate before the drought? No. Haven't you noticed all the roads that are falling apart are next to irrigation canals that, when full, push against the banks with water pressure? Now there is no water pressure holding the banks, the land is affected by gravity. Shoddy construction is the norm but it is not the root cause of this outbreak of highway failure. Point fingers, much?

    So, Lenny, I hate to have to spell it out for you but I think you're the one "thick as s&%t."


  2. One of my clients is taking mucuna pruriens and it has completely stopped her Parkinson's Disease tremors and rigidity. The powered pods are much cheaper than the pharmaceutical industry's treatment and it can be grown just about anywhere in Thailand. It will also be a growing market for decades as world populations age and more people suffer from Parkinson's Disease. I'm sure, with Thailand's all-year-'round growing season, there many different medicinal plants that can be grown. If you are in Bangkok, you can visit the wholesale herb market on the Bangkok side of National and Pra Pokklao Bridges on Chakkrawat Road just past Wat Chakkrawat. This is a well-established market and is a ready to receive all the herbs the former rice farmers can grow. I used to buy phytostroegen, Pueraria mirifica, there for my menopause clients (it stops hot flashes in minutes). Thailand is already well-know for its quality herbs.


  3. Warong also responded to Pheu Thai Party deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa-ard's comment that 5.8 million tonnes of degraded rice stored under the rice-pledging scheme should be made into noodle flour and not ethanol.

    No more Khanom Jeen for me if they start this. Gooitiow bamee only.

    It seems Pheu Thai Party deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa-ard could kill to birds with one stone with his plan. Get more money for the rice selling it to millers and, when people get sick, blame the Junta for not protecting the food stocks. Wow. Win, win... for PTP.

    More proof (as if any was needed) that the greed of the PTP far outweighs any concerns for Thai people. First rob them blind then make them sick. PTP is sick.

    Innovative Breakthrough Demonstrated for Biological Ethanol Production June 30, 2015 http://energy.gov/eere/bioenergy/articles/innovative-breakthrough-demonstrated-biological-ethanol-production

    Compared with a conventional yeast ethanol production, a preliminary evaluation showed that Microvi’s biocatalytic technology nearly doubled bio-ethanol productivity, increased conversion yields, and minimized microbial contaminants. The process showed increased productivity and efficiency, therefore increasing potential sustainability of biofuel production.


  4. "That's a nice, LEGAL, fishing boat you have there. It would be a real shame if something bad were to happen to it"

    I think the PM will have to bring in the Pu Yai (Big Men), who hes says are behind the intimidation, for a little 'Come to Jesus Buddha' chat, before the legal boats will feel safe to go out.

    Mafia intimidation is a way of life in Thailand and it is insidious.


  5. When the poor farmer ran over the family bicycling around the world, killing the husband/father and injuring the wife and child, the driver said his cell phone slid off the seat and he was looking for it when the 'accident' occurred. I don't remember the same venom and calls for punishment for him. Could it be because she comes from privilege? Should everyone wear a hair shirt and renounce privilege? There's a lot of class hatred in the world and it is witnessed here. As was posted earlier, we don't know the facts; so why assume the worst of someone because they have money? I'll bet that poor farmer didn't attempt to pay compensation to the dead man's family or even apologize to them or become a monk. His failure happened in broad daylight on a lightly traveled road. What was he charged with?

    Have you never been distracted, even for a moment, while driving? If you have, you were lucky not to have killed someone. Humans are imperfect and we all have lapses in judgment and are inattentive at times. Even drivers of High Speed Rail sometimes lose focus and sometimes a great number of people die. Was it intentional? That is the question that should be asked when wanting to assign punishment.

  6. Of course you did mate.... you know everyone, mafia here, mafia there, casino's here there and everywhere, army here, navy there

    You're wrong! I don't know anyone in the Navy.

    Since you hate Thais and Thailand so much, as evidenced by your posts, I well understand why you haven't been able to cultivate any influential Thais as friends or acquaintances. Your personality may also have something to do with it.

    Thais are a gregarious people and once inside a group/circle and you have the right personality, they like to 'show you off' and introduce you to their friends. I intentionally cultivate friends and acquaintance with the power to smooth my path here. It is very similar to the place where I grew up. Jealous, much?

    In the other paper it says, with quotes that Prayuth supports the purchase

    Sure it says that. That's the message Prayut is putting out. Why would he want to be confrontational with the Navy? You must not know many Thai people on a personal level. Most will tell you yes when they are too 'krieng jai' to tell you no. They will promise you to do something, and then not do it (a lot of this stems from the way Westerners ask; they leave no wriggle room).

    If you like to hang around with Westerners, you get a Westerners' skewed view of Thais and Thailand and it's you that has little idea about what's happening in Thailand. You regularly illustrate your ignorance of the Thai way of thinking and doing and you constantly judge Thais by your own Western standards. Instead of accepting that they think and act differently from you, you argue it is they should conform to your way of thinking. Ever heard of Sisyphus? Or King Canute?


    Okay, mate. You know everything about anything. I get it. Did you not post recently that you live in the US? not here anyway.

    So it was a long distance phone call! smile.png

    Yes, I use 'Google Voice' and it costs 2 cents per minute to direct dial. Great deduction, Sherlock!


  7. I called a friend who seems to be 'in the know' and he told me that the PM is somewhat sympathetic in public, so as not to insult the Admirals, but there just isn't that kind of money in the budget to give them. Prayut has already committed to spending trillions on dual-track fast freight/passenger lines and flood prevention projects and there are more than a few promises he's made to fund this or that. He did not budget for these submarines and he is stalling for time hoping the Navy will withdraw their request so that everyone can save face. I'm thinking this purchase will not happen with this current government.


    Of course you did mate.... you know everyone, mafia here, mafia there, casino's here there and everywhere, army here, navy there. For someone who knows people everywhere you sure have little idea about whats happening in Thailand.

    In the other paper it says, with quotes that Prayuth supports the purchase, because it will make people in awe of Thailand. Maybe time to get some new make believe friends 'in the know'.

    Of course you did mate.... you know everyone, mafia here, mafia there, casino's here there and everywhere, army here, navy there

    You're wrong! I don't know anyone in the Navy.

    Since you hate Thais and Thailand so much, as evidenced by your posts, I well understand why you haven't been able to cultivate any influential Thais as friends or acquaintances. Your personality may also have something to do with it.

    Thais are a gregarious people and once inside a group/circle and you have the right personality, they like to 'show you off' and introduce you to their friends. I intentionally cultivate friends and acquaintance with the power to smooth my path here. It is very similar to the place where I grew up. Jealous, much?

    In the other paper it says, with quotes that Prayuth supports the purchase

    Sure it says that. That's the message Prayut is putting out. Why would he want to be confrontational with the Navy? You must not know many Thai people on a personal level. Most will tell you yes when they are too 'krieng jai' to tell you no. They will promise you to do something, and then not do it (a lot of this stems from the way Westerners ask; they leave no wriggle room).

    If you like to hang around with Westerners, you get a Westerners' skewed view of Thais and Thailand and it's you that has little idea about what's happening in Thailand. You regularly illustrate your ignorance of the Thai way of thinking and doing and you constantly judge Thais by your own Western standards. Instead of accepting that they think and act differently from you, you argue it is they should conform to your way of thinking. Ever heard of Sisyphus? Or King Canute?


    Okay, mate. You know everything about anything. I get it. Did you not post recently that you live in the US? not here anyway.

    You are correct. My primary residence is the US, for a multitude of reasons, and I spend between 35% and 40% of each year in Thailand. You do know that there is phone and INTERNET service to connect me to my contacts in Thailand, don't you? I call my close friends bi-weekly and send funny/stupid, sexy/crude, and gross emails weekly, or so, to my acquaintances; I 'bcc' them so they think it is personal to them. I cultivate them. I don't cultivate you because I think you are a rude, confrontational person. I can't imagine your personality is compatible with Thai people. Please, try to confine yourself to the OP or I might just ignore you. Nag, much?

    Nag: annoy or irritate (a person) with persistent fault-finding.


  8. I called a friend who seems to be 'in the know' and he told me that the PM is somewhat sympathetic in public, so as not to insult the Admirals, but there just isn't that kind of money in the budget to give them. Prayut has already committed to spending trillions on dual-track fast freight/passenger lines and flood prevention projects and there are more than a few promises he's made to fund this or that. He did not budget for these submarines and he is stalling for time hoping the Navy will withdraw their request so that everyone can save face. I'm thinking this purchase will not happen with this current government.


    Of course you did mate.... you know everyone, mafia here, mafia there, casino's here there and everywhere, army here, navy there. For someone who knows people everywhere you sure have little idea about whats happening in Thailand.

    In the other paper it says, with quotes that Prayuth supports the purchase, because it will make people in awe of Thailand. Maybe time to get some new make believe friends 'in the know'.

    Of course you did mate.... you know everyone, mafia here, mafia there, casino's here there and everywhere, army here, navy there

    You're wrong! I don't know anyone in the Navy.

    Since you hate Thais and Thailand so much, as evidenced by your posts, I well understand why you haven't been able to cultivate any influential Thais as friends or acquaintances. Your personality may also have something to do with it.

    Thais are a gregarious people and once inside a group/circle and you have the right personality, they like to 'show you off' and introduce you to their friends. I intentionally cultivate friends and acquaintance with the power to smooth my path here. It is very similar to the place where I grew up. Jealous, much?

    In the other paper it says, with quotes that Prayuth supports the purchase

    Sure it says that. That's the message Prayut is putting out. Why would he want to be confrontational with the Navy? You must not know many Thai people on a personal level. Most will tell you yes when they are too 'krieng jai' to tell you no. They will promise you to do something, and then not do it (a lot of this stems from the way Westerners ask; they leave no wriggle room).

    If you like to hang around with Westerners, you get a Westerners' skewed view of Thais and Thailand and it's you that has little idea about what's happening in Thailand. You regularly illustrate your ignorance of the Thai way of thinking and doing and you constantly judge Thais by your own Western standards. Instead of accepting that they think and act differently from you, you argue it is they should conform to your way of thinking. Ever heard of Sisyphus? Or King Canute?


  9. Hey, Mr. PM - You don't need subs. Nobody WANTS your country.

    Besides, isn't this supposed to be an interim government who's sole purpose is to establish a democratic republic?

    isn't this supposed to be an interim government who's sole purpose is to establish a democratic republic?

    Short answer: No

    Long answer: Thailand is a Constitutional Monarchy. The PM, as a member of the RTA, swore an oath to uphold the Constitutional Monarchy.

    A Democratic Republic is not a common form of government. Here is the list of Democratic Republics: Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Nepal, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

    Constitutional monarchies are systems in which the head of state is a constitutional monarch; the existence of their office and their ability to exercise their authority is established and restrained or held back by constitutional law.

    Constitutional with ceremonial monarchs in which a prime minister is the active head of the executive branch of government. In some cases the prime minister is also leader of the legislature, in other cases the executive branch is clearly separated from legislature although the entire cabinet or individual ministers must step down in the case of a vote of no confidence. The head of state is a constitutional monarch who normally only exercises his or her powers with the consent of the government, the people, or their representatives. Here is a list of Constitutional Monarchies: Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Cambodia, Canada, Denmark, Grenada, Jamaica, Japan, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Tuvalu.

    Military Junta states: The nation's military control the organs of government and all high-ranking political executives are also members of the military hierarchy. Thailand is currently the only country in the world with this form of government (temporarily).

    Maybe you're thinking of a Republic with a president like the US or France. Well, that's what Thaksin wanted and tried to make happen so he could be Thailand's first President for Life like his good friend, the thug, Hun Sen. That is why Royalists will never trust him and many hate him.


  10. I called a friend who seems to be 'in the know' and he told me that the PM is somewhat sympathetic in public, so as not to insult the Admirals, but there just isn't that kind of money in the budget to give them. Prayut has already committed to spending trillions on dual-track fast freight/passenger lines and flood prevention projects and there are more than a few promises he's made to fund this or that. He did not budget for these submarines and he is stalling for time hoping the Navy will withdraw their request so that everyone can save face. I'm thinking this purchase will not happen with this current government.


  11. At the time, the company demanded THB1.6 billion compensation plus 7.5 percent interest, alleging the action star ditched the project "Ai Noom Kangnam" in which the company had invested THB26 million.

    1,600 Millions for a 26 Millions loss; that seems about right. /sarcasm

    I wonder why they dropped the case against the Hollywood studio, that made the movie, too. Surely the Hollywood studio had deep pockets. How much money has Tony earned them so far? Sahamongkol would have a lot less on my money if not for Tony Jaa.

    Who was the famous Muay Thai boxer sued by his management team? It seems people want to dominate their main income earners. Oh, well. I'll add it to the rest of the million things 'Falang no unnerstan'.

    edited to add: it was recently announced that the Por Pramuk camp would sue their cash cow for 100 million baht http://www.mymuaythai.com/archives/buakaw-sued/ One of the greats of Muay Thai driven into retirement.


    I am assuming an errant B meaning billion not million above.

    This is unreasonable compensation.

    As is the 10 yr contractual obligation for Tony Jaa, a system which Hollywood dropped by the 1960's. It seems doubtful he would commit to, if he was unable to accept outside projects, being such a stellar property for Thailand.

    Just a guess, but I suspect Hollywood has deeper pockets and better lawyers and threatened a counter-suit with real merit.

    After all, Thailand is simply not equipped to play in the shark infested waters of litigation in which the USA reign supreme.

    Lets not forget the woman with the hot coffee who got a lot more that 26 million Baht.

    I am assuming an errant B meaning billion not million above.

    1,600 million = 1.6 billion.

    I did that to clearly illustrate the ratio of lawsuit to loss or 1,600 to 26 in equal units (millions). Does Tony Jaa even have $56 millions? And I thought the US was litigious.

    BTW, on appeal the McDonald's coffee judgment was reduced to 15.6 million Baht or $480,000 from the original $2.9 million.

    Your point is well taken that you don't sue large corporations in the US unless you can get them to your own, favorable court's, jurisdiction.


  12. At the time, the company demanded THB1.6 billion compensation plus 7.5 percent interest, alleging the action star ditched the project "Ai Noom Kangnam" in which the company had invested THB26 million.

    1,600 Millions for a 26 Millions loss; that seems about right. /sarcasm

    I wonder why they dropped the case against the Hollywood studio, that made the movie, too. Surely the Hollywood studio had deep pockets. How much money has Tony earned them so far? Sahamongkol would have a lot less on my money if not for Tony Jaa.

    Who was the famous Muay Thai boxer sued by his management team? It seems people want to dominate their main income earners. Oh, well. I'll add it to the rest of the million things 'Falang no unnerstan'.

    edited to add: it was recently announced that the Por Pramuk camp would sue their cash cow for 100 million baht http://www.mymuaythai.com/archives/buakaw-sued/ One of the greats of Muay Thai driven into retirement.


  13. When this case popped up, I was ready to give her the benefit of a doubt.

    I thought the most despicable part, was the police, not doing their job!

    Forget that!

    Just another hi-so-public stunt!

    Thailand and his fake moral and ethics just p1$$ me off more and more each day!

    Truly sickening!

    When this case popped up, I was ready to give her the benefit of a doubt.

    So, the more contrite/apologetic she was and the more she tried to make amends and seek forgiveness, the more you turned on her.

    Truly sickening!


  14. I've read of many criminals getting away with premeditated murder and never read the kind of venomous comments I'm reading on this thread. Do any of you actually believe she knew someone would be sleeping on a street, where one poster who claims to have lived said people regularly speed on, and chose to deliberately ram that particular car? The dead policeman wasn't from Bangkok and was purportedly lost and didn't know the danger of the place he chose to pull over and rest. Of all the cars that she could have hit, the one she hit was the only one occupied. What are the odds. I consider what happened to be be 'predestined' or Karma. Get off your moral high-horses.


  15. it is vehicular manslaughter. she is 100% at fault.


    a driver who causes a death while intoxicated can be charged with first-degree vehicular homicide, a felony carrying up to fifteen years in prison. But a driver who causes a death while committing a moving traffic offense (such as failure to maintain lane position), is guilty of second-degree vehicular homicide, a misdemeanor carrying a maximum of a year in jail.

    this does not include civil liability.

    How do you KNOW she was drunk at the time or is your assumption enough to condemn her?


  16. Do the Thais plan to do anything further? That is bust the Thais on the manifest as the receiver? Where was the destination of these crates of ivory? To whom was it sent? Do the Thais plan to publicly destroy the ivory to send a message? Or do they just plan to casually recirculate it?

    From the OP: The haul was headed from Congo to Laos

    Why do you think the end receivers were Thai?

    Thailand could be ready to begin burning ivory stockpile

    Posted on March 17, 2015 by Leya Musa


  17. They should stay in jail. When the law of assembly has been made clear to all there is no excuse for breaking the law. Their deliberately trying to cause trouble, that's obvious.

    Why not go a little further and just shoot them, or perhaps you prefer, stoned to death or burn them at the stake in the centre of Bangkok, no need for an expensive trial.

    That would surely keep the others "trying to cause trouble" in line!

    Hyperbolic, much?


  18. The real shame is that his employer, whose responsibility is to report the truth, didn't back him up. If his employer had taken on the lawsuit, they would have eventually won and Thaksin would be paying them instead of them paying their former reporter. This case is a lose for the newspaper, who behaved in a cowardly way, a lose for the reporter, whose career was destroyed, and a lose for the Thai people, who had the truth kept from them. The only player in this story who didn't lose is Thaksin who got his retraction. "Justice delayed is justice denied" and this case has dragged on so long that no amount of money will restore this brave reporter's career/life. Now that he has won, will he have to sue, for years and years, over the amount of compensation?

    If the Thaksin Brigade would acknowledge all the abuses of the free press in Thailand during his tenure as PM, they couldn't be so hard on the present administration. But since their DL is more important than full disclosure of the facts, I expect continued attacks on the Prayut administration, as though they are the only government to not have a completely free press, even though the need for peace and calm during this time of transition to a more legitimate form of democracy is much greater than during the Thaksin administration.

    p.s. is there a reason for not naming the media outlet who fired the reporter? I purposely didn't mention them by name in case there is some legitimate reason for not doing so.


    Here's a novel idea for you; it's possible to "be hard" on both the present administration as well as the previous administrations! This fact seems lost on you and most of the other cheerleaders for the present administration.

    Here's a novel idea for you; it's possible to "be hard" on both the present administration as well as the previous administrations!

    I totally agree but when has that ever applied to either you or any of the other members of the Thaksin Brigade. I'd dearly love to see you back that up with a link to a post where you have been critical of Thaksin's stifling the press that is as critical as you have been with the current administration but I know that's not going to happen. Hell, I'd be surprised if you could point out a link where you ever condemned Thaksin excepting as a pretense, to show you are fair and balanced, before you go on to attack the Junta or Abhisit and company which was your real target. Smokescreen, much?

    This fact seems lost on you and most of the other cheerleaders for the present administration.

    Most likely you would read a lot more condemnation of the current administration if we weren't so busy combating the lies, distortions, deflections, and general propaganda from the ever-loyal, one-sided, Thaksin Brigade.


    I can't be arsed to link anything because it's like debating with a 12 year old. Some of the recent administrations have set new standards for incompetence, nepotism and corruption (e.g. Mr Ear Medicine) but that in no way excuses anything that goes on today. Why is this so hard to understand????

    It seems you can't be 'arsed' to do anything but complain about the reforms the current government is passing or write hyperbolic statements accusing them of being nefarious. I'm sure Thaksin won't be offended by that drubbing you just gave him "Some of the recent administrations have set new standards for incompetence, nepotism and corruption (e.g. Mr Ear Medicine)" Oooh, you are so harsh. LoL.

    Now give me some examples of anything the Junta has done that is anything like the Rice Support Scheme (ran out of money), or the populist First Car Program (ran out of money), or the Every Child gets a Tablet Scheme (ran out of money), but did want to spend trillions of Baht, OFF BUDGET, for High Speed Passenger Service part-way to Chiang Mai, did want to spend trillions of Baht, OFF BUDGET, for Flood Projects that didn't get proper public hearings or EIA statements, etc. or try to pass a law so the cabinet, without input from elected MPs, could sign treaties. Let me see the same parallels you are referring to.

    Why is this so hard to understand????

    What's so hard to understand is how that fevered brain of yours computes. It's like debating with a 12 year old.


    ..but, but, but...Thaksin!

    My cat has better debating skills than you.

    My cat has better debating skills than you.

    Have you been debating your cat again? Since you say your cat has better debating skill than I, does that mean sometimes your cat wins?


  19. Why does this guy ask people to obey the law, a bunch of students disobeyed the law and were promptly imprisoned.

    Do the same for all law breakers.

    The students aren't 'imprisoned' (a hyperbolic term), they are in jail (there's a HUGE difference) and they wouldn't be in jail now excepting they refuse to post bail that was offered.

    On the other hand, the fishermen aren't breaking any laws as long as they don't leave port without fulfilling all the requirements that have been in place for years that no previous government would enforce (more reform by Prayut). Thailand stands to lose a huge amount of money, greatly affecting their balance of trade, if they are red-carded by the EU because of these recalcitrant fishermen. The fishermen who have complied will be punished also by any ban enforced on Thailand by the EU. The only way Thailand can avoid a ban is by enforcing the law (I know, unique, isn't it?).

    If this reform stuff continues, maybe the whole country will learn to, at least partially, obey the laws of the land (well, I admit that may be a stretch).


    you mean the law established by the coup leaders? The problem with such laws is that there is no control mechanism. If tomorrow they would install a law that you have to put up your right arm in front of every guy in a green uniform, you will have to obey or face jail eurgh prison or something with metal bars...

    The Junta didn't write the fishing laws or the anti-slavery laws but they are the first government to enforce them.

    If tomorrow they would install a law that you have to put up your right arm in front of every guy in a green uniform, you will have to obey or face jail eurgh prison or something with metal bars...

    Truly, I have no idea what you are trying to say. Please rephrase. Or are you going off-topic to slam the Junta?


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