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  1. Have watched the video, looks like the tourist was approaching the guy in a very aggressive manner, you try to act tough here then you pay the price. Hopefully the tourist will learn a lesson.
  2. Insurance companies will always try to not pay, if he did not have a motorbike licence and an international licence to legaly ride a bike then he has little hope of insurance paying out.
  3. I would disagree
  4. America is losing respect and friends around the world, and who is the winner? China, the country Americans have feared since it became a communist country. China and Russia are loving Trump and Vance as they hand the world to them with out a fight, as the world watches America go down the drain.
  5. Did you see the rangers asking for money? The problem is caused by tourists who do not follow the rules or not listen to officials when it explained it is a closed area to protect the coral. Going by the video it is a self entitled tourist who thinks he can do what he wants because he has money.
  6. Are you new to Thailand? Totaly agree with you about being highly dangerous, yet common to see thai parents driving with their children with no seat belts at all. There is little you can do about it, requires the law to be enforced and that is another dream that will not come true soon.
  7. where are the moderators on ASEAN? So many stupid comments about the amount he has offered as a reward, 20,000 baht is a lot of money for many Thais, Please show some respect.
  8. Tell that to the men and women who fought two world wars, tell that to Canada, Australia, UK, NZ, Denmark, Poland, Holland, France, Germany etc who all came to help the USA during their wars in Iraq and Afaganistan, and do not for get the American war in Vietnam. The only pussie here is you with your very stupid comments.
  9. Never tell your enemy your plans, Europe needs to get its house in order, i.e ramp up militry spending and traning, stop buying american and support each other. Western allies of the USA now know you cannot trust america, if all the countries that trump pissed off got togeather and boycott american products then the usa will get the message.
  10. You clearly do not understand what he was talking about
  11. It would be great comedy, yet what he has said is very true, the American people are waking up to life under musk trump, no jobs, inflation, etc and the very real possibility of a European war happening in the next couple of years. America cannot be trusted now, time for everyone to look at support among themselves.
  12. https://thehill.com/opinion/5148448-elon-musk-targeting-social-security/
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