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Everything posted by madmitch

  1. THailand seems to have some of the most ridiculous election rules in the world, mostly in place, no doubt, to be used as a tool against real democracy. I sncerely hope Pita and co do get into government and one their first jobs should be to rip up the current constitution, and amend all these anti-democracy laws.
  2. That won't exactly endear Prayut's senator friends towards supporting Pita!
  3. Yes. In theory even if you visit another province you should register there and then again when you get back to your home. This is where it gets really ridiculous.
  4. A warning? I wonder if they checked if he had a licence and being an abbot I suppose they didn't consider checking for alcohol!
  5. I must have been wrong in thinking that the rich paid to get their children out of conscription! ????
  6. In Thailand the law is the law only when it suits certain people. For example the concvicted drug smuggler serving in the last Government.
  7. If MF aren't allowed to govern then that's when the street protests will begin in earnest!
  8. Perhaps then Immigration Police would do a better job than the traffic cops but I don't think it's part of their brief.
  9. They need to scrap, or at least amend, yhis media company shares rule from the constitution. If anyone invests in mutual funds they probably own media shares.
  10. There was a referendum on it, therefore it was, in theory, endorsed by the people. Of course, many had no idea what they were voting for, many were coerced into voting for the referendum and no one was allowed to campaign against the proposed constitution, How many actually read the hundred plus page document that arrived at the door? I agree, it was forced upon the populace in an underhand way but the people did, in general, have a chance to reject it.
  11. I saw the headline and thought he was switching again after reports that United Thai might not make the 25 seats required to nominate a candidate for PM.
  12. They really do have some of the most ridiculous election rules. Hand out 1000 baht notes, no problem, as long as you're not wearing a party t-shirt!
  13. But didn't I read a report yesterday from a different source stating they expect Chinese numbers to reach pre-covid levels?
  14. Tourists are back and it's like deja vu reading the Phuket news. Motorcycle rental operations should be licenced and punished if they allow those without a valid licence to rent bikes. I know it won't happen but it ain't rocket science!
  15. The outgoing government have given two or three blocks of 3000 baht for the public to use on a 50/50 basis as well as the travel incentive schemes. Is this any different? Nevertheless, i did predict this on a thread on this forum as soon as the policy was announced.
  16. I can only reiterate what others have said. Always reliable, accurate ans quick to answer any visa related problems. I great info from Joe on several occasions. RIP Joe. You'll be missed.
  17. It seems quite possible that PT and MFP together could muster enough seats to get a house majority but not enough to elect a PM as the senate will likely vote en masse for one of those that "elected" them. The PM could have the power to elect a cabinet consisting of minority party members but would never get anything through Parliament. It sounds a ridiculous scenario. Am I misunderstanding something here?
  18. Couldn't they say between 13,000 and 18,000? Nobody does stats like the Thais!
  19. Let's hope that Thailand elects a Government that will get rid of ridiculous laws like these.
  20. How can he make a comeback? He's never gone away...........................unfortunately!
  21. I was back for three weeks and it was ridiculous. Yet I don't think I saw more than one person in all these shops together. One shop in a street would be plenty but it's like the watermelon sellers at the side of the road; one opens, that son becomes two until there are fifty people selling exactly the same thing, simply splitting the limited amount of business between them. Unless they are money laundering operations, I don't expect too many of them will last. I will add that the shops are possibly off-putting for family holidaymakers with kids.
  22. Any party with anti-corruption policies that then proceeds to offer cash for votes is lying from the outset.
  23. The gf's family have now got used to me wearing a seatbelt either as driver or passenger, regardless of the journey length. This time I had to remove a dummy buckle from the seatbelt socket; both driver and front passenger seats have these to stop the warning signal. I just don't get why there's a reluctance to embrace safety measures in Thailand.
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