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Everything posted by RupertIII

  1. Sherrings also mention the 190k on their website. The following, which I have copied from the RD's website (https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/english_form/220364guide91.pdf) for the tax year 2020, appears to confirm the 190K allowance regardless of employment status, at least for spouse so I assume also for the taxpayer. Page 1 of ภ.ง.ด.91 – Taxpayer’s Details Taxpayer’s Details In the Taxpayer Identification section, fill in the following information:  Your 13-digit Taxpayer Identification Number  Your date of birth.  Your title and first name (in capital letters)  Your surname (in capital letters)  Your trade name/company name  Your current mailing address  Your business web address (if applicable)  Check the ‘Regular Filing’ box if this form is your first filing in this tax year, or check the ‘Additional Filing’ box if this form is an adjustment or a supplement filing. Spouse’s Details If you have a spouse, please provide your spouse’s details in this part of the form:  Spouse’s 13-digit Taxpayer Identification Number  Spouse’s date of birth (If your spouse is 65 years of age or older, attach the “Income Exemption Entitlement Form” for income exemption up to 190,000 baht), title and first name (in capital letters)  Spouse’s surname (in capital letters)  Check the box that is applicable to your spouse under ‘Marital Status’  Check the box that is applicable to your spouse under ‘Filing Status’: 1. If your spouse has income and is filing jointly, check box (1). 2. If your spouse has income and is filing separately, check box (2). 3. If your spouse has no income, check box (3)
  2. The Inheritance Tax Act B.E. 2558 (2015) (“ITA”) took effect on 1st of February 2016. It stipulates the following: 1. Inheritance Tax a. Tax Base The inheritance tax base shall be calculated from the inheritance, which an inheritor received from each testator, whether it is received once or several times, above 100 Million THB. (Section 12, ITA). The value of the inheritance subject to tax means the value of the asset received as an inheritance offset by the liabilities inherited. The tax is levied on inheritors who are: 1. Thai individuals or Thai juristic persons or foreign individuals who are resident in Thailand according to the immigration law, which inheriting assets located in Thailand and outside the country. 2. Foreign individuals or foreign juristic persons, which inherit assets located in Thailand. (Section 11, ITA) The spouse of the testator is exempted from inheritance tax. (Section 3(2), ITA) Foreigners who are resident in Thailand, shall be liable to pay Inheritance Tax in the portion which exceed 100 million THB, calculated from the inherited assets in Thailand and foreign countries. Foreigner who are non-resident in Thailand, shall be liable to pay Inheritance Tax in the portion which exceed 100 million THB, calculated from only inheriting asset in Thailand. The inheritance tax applies to registered assets, including residential properties, land, vehicles, bonds, equities, and deposits at financial institutions. (Section 14, ITA) Source: https://franklegaltax.com/inheritance-tax-in-thailand/
  3. I was under the impression that only income/capital gains etc. were liable to tax if remitted into Thailand, as below. Order of the Revenue Department Number 161/2566 Subject: Payment of Income Tax under Section 41 (2) of the Revenue Code In order for revenue officers to use as a guideline in inspecting and advising persons residing in Thailand who have assessable income under Section 40 of the Revenue Code in the past tax year due to duties or business performed overseas or due to assets located overseas under Section 43 (2) of the Revenue Code, the Revenue Department hereby issues the following order: Section 1: A person who is a resident of Thailand under Section 41 (3) of the Revenue Code and has assessable income due to duties or business performed overseas or due to assets located overseas under Section 41 (2) of the Revenue Code in the said tax year and has brought such assessable income into Thailand in any tax year, shall be required to combine such assessable income for the purpose of paying income tax under Section 48 of the Revenue Code in the tax year in which such assessable income is brought into Thailand. Section 2: Any regulations, rules, orders, letters in response to inquiries, or practices that are inconsistent with this order shall be repealed. Section 3: This order shall come into force for assessable income brought into Thailand from 1 January 2024 onwards. Dated 15 September 2023 (Mr. Suwon Sangsanit) Director-General of the Revenue Department
  4. Thank you Dogmatix. In light of MartinL's comment below would you mind advising if your previous claim(s) were in respect of income from employment or otherwise? My interest in this is based on pension and offshore investment income. Thank you Martin, a handy booklet for reference.
  5. Can anyone confirm that the 190k tax exemption for those aged 65+ is in addition to the 60k personal allowance or is it instead of? Thanks.
  6. Don't know if this has already been posted but a useful site for tax info - https://sherrings.com/assessable-income-foreign-sources-thailand.html Sheryl - I believe you mentioned in an earlier post a Tax Ruling in 2003. The above also covers that.
  7. Inheritance tax rates If the inheritance received has a value exceeding THB 100 million, only the portion that exceeds THB 100 million will be taxed. The inheritance tax rates for the exceeding amount are: 5% inheritance tax for parents and descendants. 10% inheritance tax for other heirs. https://www.google.com/search?q=thai+inheritance+tax&oq=thai+inheritance+tax&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDcxMDNqMGoxqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  8. Today's update in the Thai Enquirer, seems not just us foreigners that are concerned about all this, in particular the lack of clarity surrounding it. https://www.thaienquirer.com/50755/opinion-thailands-ambitious-plan-to-tax-incoming-funds-risks-falling-flat-due-to-lack-of-clarity/
  9. I have to ask myself if Thai standards will then align with international standards when I am forced to pay up to 20x the normal rate for entry into national parks and many non-government parks etc., increased charges at both Government and private hospitals, having to pay several thousands of GBP each year for medical insurance because I am barred from being involved in the Thai Government social services system, even being quoted nearly double the price at Fortune IT centre for a laptop battery that my wife subsequently went on her own to purchase on my behalf, etc., etc,!
  10. Last I saw Wise wasn't issuing debit/ATM cards to those living in Thailand, or has that now changed?
  11. Bangkok. Can get several sites, Bangkok Post, Guardian, Sky, etc. but not Google (gmail, accounts, etc) or Yahoo.
  12. According to site below it's been down for over a week although I don't know how accurate that is. I logged in to submit on 7/08 , 8 days ago. https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/tm47.immigration.go.th.html
  13. I pay my UK health insurance in GBP from my Wise GBP a/c into the insurers UK GBP a/c, free of charge.
  14. My Uk state pension is paid into Wise and has been for a few years now.
  15. If you have fully comp insurance you could try contacting the insurer with a view to submitting a claim. It is in their interest to locate the pick-up and hold the driver liable. I am sure they have the know how and means to track from the licence plate info.
  16. As far as I am aware Wise are not currently offering any cards to people in Thailand. Most banks, certainly Bangkok Bank, will give you a VISA credit card provided you keep the credit limit amount in your a/c. e.g for a 100,000 Baht limit you will need an a/c with that amount in it. The amount you use each month will be automatically deducted from the bank a/c at the end of the month which doesn't suit all your requirements. Basically no better than a debit card but it will work online internationally.
  17. If you are in a financial position to do so have it paid into Wise and keep it there until the beginning of the next year and then transfer to your Thai a/c. Overseas income rec'd in Thailand in the same calendar year as earned/paid could be liable to Thai income tax.
  18. A very interesting read:- https://paularbair.wordpress.com/2023/04/27/china-is-the-reason-why-there-is-war-in-ukraine/ China is the reason why there is war in Ukraine Without China’s support, Vladimir Putin would not have been able to launch a full-scale war on Ukraine, and without China’s support he would not be able to pursue it. Far from being interested in brokering a peace deal between Moscow and Kyiv, as it seems to pretend, China knows that the continuation of Russia’s aggression and assault on the West-dominated international order is fundamentally in its interest.
  19. ‘My country has fallen out of time’: Russian author Mikhail Shishkin’s letter to an unknown Ukrainian A highly recommended read.
  20. https://shop.tonggarden.co.th/en//unsweetened-natural-peanut-butter Used to be at Villa but seem to have disappeared lately. I think you can order online for delivery but in BKK they have outlets at some of the Lotus supermarkets, sometimes discounted to 80 Baht. Their telephone number is in the footer of the website, ask for outlets in your area.
  21. Thanks to you both for clearing that up.
  22. Whilst Thai Baht deposit a/cs are covered up to 1 million per institution not sure if this covers many foreigners here. To quote:- "Foreigners with Thai baht deposit accounts at member financial institutions in Thailand are also protected under the Deposit Protection Agency Act. However, “Non-Resident Baht Accounts” as defined in the Exchange Control Act B.E. 2485 (1942) are not protected. A “Non-Resident Baht Account” is a special type of deposit account denominated in Thai baht that is used solely for transactions as specified in the Exchange Control Act. A “Non-Resident” means: 1) Corporations, institutions, funds, financial institutions or juristic persons located outside Thailand. 2) Entities of foreign governments located outside Thailand. 3) Branches and agents of domestic juristic persons located outside Thailand 4) Natural persons not of Thai nationalities and not having alien identity or residence permits." https://www.dpa.or.th/en/articles/view/who-is-protected Does anyone know if alien identity refers to a Thai ID card for foreigners, I think this is also called a Pink ID Card? If so I assume that the majority of foreigners here would not be covered in the event of a bank crash. Foreign currency a/cs are certainly not covered.
  23. My wife recently opened an a/c and used her VISA credit card to send the initial money. No problem. If you don't have a Thai credit card try with a debit card.
  24. Furniture sliders from Homepro - https://www.homepro.co.th/search?q=furniture+slider I bought the square shaped ones some years back for various cabinets and drawer units, work very well. They need to be applied to a flat area and it's possible your fridge will have feet extending downwards to allow air to flow underneath. However you may be able to use the small round ones on the base of the feet depending on the diameter of the feet.
  25. Did this by post to DWP maybe a couple of years back and no problem at all.
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