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  1. Maybe flick an email over to J.D.Vance?
  2. Can Mr Trump dump Vance and get Kennedy put on the ticket? He's rumored to be blaming his catastrophic drop in the polls on poor JD Vance. Due to recent events, Mr Trump now sees himself as Kennedy adjacent in a number of ways.
  3. Same weird skin tone tone as DJT too. What is it with that? Do they hate their whiteness???
  4. Easy to market too. The Eat Less Food Diet. You could make millions
  5. What a considered and thoughtful reply .... with useful and interesting information. I retract my snark and enjoy my read. Thank you.
  6. Influencing folks to be questioning, into having open minds and creative thinking? Is that your experience from AN posters? We're all such good examples of this after all!
  7. Just give it 12 months and Vance will be saying " I was wrong about him, I thought he was going to be a good candidate ... "
  8. You got it! "Free Markets" means I have (or demand) free unfettered access to your national market but put tariffs and trade barriers restricting your access to mine. Everyone plays this game and there's always an excuse for it. Some worse than others and some a little better. It's <deleted> anyway - if there was ever to be a free Market it would have to be free market in Capital AND Labor - you can't have a free market that allows the unrestricted movement of one whilst denying the movement of the other. Just as capital demands the right to move where it will receive the greatest return, so should labor be free to move to wherever it gets the greatest return.
  9. Move to Thailand and only cross the street to buy Khao Tom? Never bread, man, never bread.
  10. I don't reckon that's quite it either really. Could be because you're starting to come across kinda like Travis Bickle
  11. That unlikely to be be why she's laughing at you,
  12. You are of course right - I'll cop to not wanting to get into a discussion with you. I apologize. But I do find it a little difficult to do so with someone writing "no nothing" continually. That is to my shame and I should show more comity in that regard. Yours in Inanity, etc etc
  13. I find that very insulting. I'm most certainly a know-nothing, but more assuredly not a leftist. How could I be given that I'm a know-nothing?
  14. Well, that would have Trump and Putin in precisely the same predicament wouldn't it - no money and no idea.

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