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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Each week we see the RTP put on shows of security strength...marching down bar streets......but in reality...it's all meaningless nonsense.
  2. Why doesn't this young lady make headline news?
  3. "the factory owner accused the officers"....A brave lady! Surprisingly, her name has not been mentioned in this post.....but for sure she will be well known now.....take care lady! It has been said the "brave" and "stupid" are very close!
  4. Now that's a den of thieves.....photo of the day!!
  5. Another one burnt out....so much cheaper than trying to manage the waste....probably filed for bankruptcy at the same time!
  6. Who really knows what happened...looks to me speeding....anyway...the mental guy will take the wrap
  7. I've seen him and he doesn't look good.....
  8. Soft power?? Softer brain more likely....but really, where's the scam? These people never do anything for other people....without a reward!
  9. And right on cue after Songkran.....get you masks back on and keep the factories making them, profitable!
  10. Looks like the wheels won't retract....probably rusty!
  11. But Kao San took Thb 500K for Songkran.......anyway what the hell do they expect.....dopey BMA refuse to have garbage bins anywhere.....the road becomes the bin!
  12. Oh...here we go again! Footpaths ripped apart....never any rush to put them back together and my biggest gripes; The usually rip up a kilometer or something and after a while, manage to reduce workers and then only use 1 or 2 gangs.
  13. It's "different" here...don't you know that? Anyway....desals are usually electric and very often there is none:
  14. Skinny little rats with a caterpillar on their top lip.....the usual!
  15. And as usual.....water shortages have been talked about for generations.....but it's always only talk...they get a budget...it goes....no water till next year......and again no-one cares!
  16. The stupidity of wearing masks for ever....it suits crooks really well.....
  17. A bit of complaining from the fishermen, and "Parliament wants to relax stringent regulations on the protection of the sea" .... The government have no interest in the seas...conservation is far from their minds when influential groups, eg: Thai Union, have their say! Overfishing....dragging the bottom, that take everything, and mostly goes the farmed seafood products industry...no-one in Thailand cares!
  18. And yet one day before Songkran, Pollution levels in these regions were, miraculously, down. Now they'll to normal.....
  19. Read the "HUA HIN" news report....it's all there.
  20. Cops are not respected anywhere....even on an important mission of policing road safety, hi-so, loud mouthed people often get waved on.....
  21. Strettha cannot see the hatred Anutin has of foreigners.....he probably doesn't even know the rage this guy is displaying publicly towards this Swiss guy.....!
  22. Well damn! ASEAN are so up to date with the file photos.....good old multi squillionaire, Somyot back in the force after 7 years.....any wonder the kid escaped!
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