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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Getting rid of the possible problem before they have one...Thai style politics...bad guys in...good guys out!
  2. Makes us wonder just how many foreigners really are working in Phuket and Pattaya...
  3. Who ever is doing this dastardly deed of poisoning dogs.....we need him in my area badly!
  4. Moto GP riders claim the Buriram track is far too easy and not really a competitive race track....just in reading.
  5. No..it's not you. People don't like reading about Thais being in trouble.....much preferable reading if a foreigner is the target. This and the BP forums, show that very clearly.
  6. How about fake advertising also....junk being sold as quality products here is endless...We Care, being one!
  7. Actually...most street vendors do pay a fee....whether that fee makes it to the revenue department would be doubtful....and if someone encroaches on their site, look out as all hell will break loose!
  8. After decades....Thailand still has no modern way of detecting illegal businesses!
  9. They never stop....cheating and extortion prevail here
  10. Does anyone on this "forum" know this person...or is all the hate speech generated here, just from reading this forum, Phuket news and BP? Staggering the farangs living in Phuket can be so spiteful over what is 2nd hand news and innuendo!
  11. The 2 quickest way to die in Thailand....1: Getting out of your broken down car on an overhead expressway...and 2: Riding a bicycle on the roads....almost as though some drivers try to hit them! I was going to add pedestrian crossings..oh and of course.....wait...there's many more ways to die than 2:)
  12. Here we go again.....throwing good money after bad, except much more this time. They sure know how to scam here!
  13. There's likely no police still in service from the 70s and 80s...even early 90s, when Russians ran everything....Bangkok and Pattaya were full of them. Owning the cops...disappearing people, gambling and drugs etc. It finally took a concerted effort to get them out....but now with Ukraine.....and a stupid tourism minister, they're coming in droves...good luck this time getting them to shut them down!
  14. I think the airlines would just say yes to anything this government proposes....much easier than arguing....and anyway..they know governments dream and talk nonsense!
  15. It's hilarious that so many Thais flock to this place.....it's just another Thai restaurant in China Town. That someone gave them a Michelin Star is testament to the con of these awards.
  16. As mentioned above....this may well be a police scam and I seem to remember this happening before some time back.
  17. Some really excellent lawyers here in Thailand.....!
  18. How bloody stupid are some people?.....Letting such a small incident run their lives, and then go to court. Most people use 10% of their brain...these idiots used 100% and still failed!
  19. Property purchase advice??...That's simple..don't buy any types of housing....!
  20. Finishing just this first section of the highway by next year would be great....however, there are long sections where no work has started yet...some contractors have left the site having completed their allotment of work.....the site seems almost deserted during the day. The completed highway will eventually go to Petchaburi interchange......but then, maybe that's a pipe dream.
  21. Yea....viral....and there's only 300 million Indonesians...and agree, let it pass. But, Thais must have the last word!
  22. Strettha really must be a dope...how he managed to build a billion dollar business is beyond me....maybe corruption and graft gave a little assistance. But IMO, Thailand needs to clean up the air...pollution would drive people like Swift away.....then there's corruption...police incompetence....human rights abuses, eg:jailing young people for years for upsetting certain people...deporting Uyghur back to China to ascertain future..then never enquiring as to their health. There are so many reasons big names avoid Thailand, Cambodia and other despot nations. Security though, is the number one concern!
  23. Oh my...definately a misunderstanding.....I'm sure she'll sort it out.
  24. 2024 and still massive waits and queues at all international airports...a bit of talk about speeding it up...but really, Thailand just remains in development. The cops are not at all interested in streamlining their operations.....they will keep the system slow, almost it seems, out of spite!
  25. And not so far away in SE Asia, is Indonesia, the largest muslim population in the world, and Thailand' gonna be the hub?
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