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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. This person was allowed to do it....Thai license plate and all...
  2. And I thought only Thais had such immature mindset....so maybe it's SE Asia wide!
  3. These 5 drivers likely didn't have Thb 2000 in their pockets at the time:) The Pattaya boat mafia are another breed ......don't mess with them!
  4. 26 accidents? Quite unbelievable.....they are talking Phuket?? What about the 200 that weren't reported:)
  5. Cutting tax on HongThong, LaoKoh, Sangsong(?) will be a treat for Thais...and a real boost for the road toll.....Foreigners don't touch this crap...except dedicated faring pi** heads!
  6. Maybe he should have gone home earlier.....
  7. The entire "road safety" strategies released each year continually show to achieve nothing. Introducing huge fines, license withdrawal and etc doesn't work here....the people won't or can't pay...take their license...they still drive...taking their vehicles from them would simply create havoc. It all has to start in school, road sense, driving and motorcycle riding should start when the kids are 13 or so....but the authorities don't give a fig!
  8. But this also means there'll be no back-handers for Immigration officials.....this probably won't stay up for long!
  9. Thailand has thousands of laws to prevent just this issue.....but the entire population knows that a few hundred baht, means those laws are useless.
  10. So in your small mind, the Shinawatras are the most corrupt of all...far from that....they are almost at kids level compared to the RTP, the Military and government ministries
  11. Xmas came a little early for the cops....
  12. Brake fluid still works well.....maybe payback.
  13. Traveling in his night dress is so cool!!
  14. Like the old 2 stroke Tuk tuks ...and they took years to get rid of.
  15. No debt now....but jail ain't gonna be good!
  16. Like other telcos here...they don't give a rat's for their customers. We only use True for our phones.
  17. There's not much in this report, but to me, it seems the form fell while being lifted....not while in position. Lifting lug/s on the form may have failed. These form have very likely been used dozens of times.....
  18. They build really ugly houses here....architects seem to have no idea of modern trends!
  19. My bet is they're going to need a big budget for this.....it's all pi** and wind!
  20. The current laws are fine....however, there should be no further issuance of licenses to anyone..guns should be banned! The black market for guns is huge..driven by demand. The cops are part of that...so it'll never be stopped. No-one takes a knife to a fight nowadays...they all have hand guns!
  21. A power pole is about 10" square....not a large target....but so many on bikes, manage to hit them with great accuracy.
  22. You should have requested a thorough physical check up. Not knowing where you went, but all public hospitals conduct these tests...of course, they're not free.
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