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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Gents, RATISMA is just trying to help with realistic info, I can understand why instead of placing a large amount of info here that might not be useful he ask for a PM. This is pretty much "person specific" info. As far a paying maximum into social security and getting maximum back I bet it is pretty rare to see someone who payed the very maximum over a complete career of 20 plus years.

    All in all I still believe the SS scheme is a PONZI scheme that the US govt puts people in prison for doing but runs freely them selves. whistling.gif

  2. Does that window slide back and forth like many doors do? It appears that way to me. I have a house with this type of door and there is an adjustable roller assy in the bottom. I would guess this roller was mis-adjusted. Thats the reason it fell out. Has anyone worked on this window of late? Is it a new install? Maybe you should call the company who installed this if it is new or rather the condo owner contact them. It will be a hard go I am sure. I wonder if condo has insurance? We had a flood in our Condo in Nontaburi from the water pipes that damaged many condos. It has been more than 2 years but we were asked to fill out insurance papers 2 weeks ago so we might get payed back for 10,000 baht in damage it caused.

    I can see the "pane" this window has caused. (sorry I could not resist)wai2.gif

  3. My experiences over the last 20 years plus with Thai banks vs USA banks is that Thai banks in general are better. Now I admit most of the business with USA banks was commercial transfers to them from outside the country and it was to smaller US banks in small towns. I have seen more messes than I care to remember with USA banks that borders on incompetence in a fragmented banking system.

  4. Sounds to me, based upon your time line, that your building got caught in the fight between TOT, TT&T, and 3BB. When 3BB separated itself from TT&T they continued to use TOT's phone lines (which had been leased by TT&T) and finally TOT came in and had all the lines that were being used illegally by 3BB cut. In many cases 3BB came in and replaced the internal lines and all was well with the world, unfortunately in some cases the building would not allow 3BB to install new lines, so those customers were just out of luck

    Your problem is two fold, one of course is dealing with the condo management company for authorization and the second is dealing with TOT or TT&T to get them to provide a new external and, according to your post, new internal lines

    Unless you can get a large number of other tenants to demand a phone line into the building I think that you are out of luck. If you had made a complaint when the lines was originally cut you would have more leverage but as it stands now, I see an expensive lawyer in your immediate future

    I see mobile phones and wireless modems in his future. Who needs a land line now anyway?

  5. Tough love is best. Giving a 14 year old kid all these fancy expensive items ruins them. A kid will have no idea of the value if everything is given to them like that. Being able to afford it has nothing to do with anything. Teaching a child common sense and to be responsible has everything to do with this.

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  6. YES. About 15 years ago we were gone from home and they stole half the house in Khon Kaen. Stole my clothes, VDO machine, satellite receiver, notebook computer, gold ink pen, about 100 VDO tapes many new. Do not think you can move up country and not have a theft at home believe me. Worse than Bkk in my opinion.

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