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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Every foreigner i know, who lives in the provinces drinks alot. I think it is about boredom. There is nothing to do. Especially in the villages. No stimulation. They all get drunk or drink alot. How very boring in itself, if you ask me.

    don't u think these people were already drinking a lot before they came to the provinces. as a non-drinker i agree getting drunk is boring. people rarely come up with great ideas when drunk, in fact quite the opposite. drunk and stupid (behaviour) go hand in hand.

    I always thought I made my best decisions while drinking. Like most of my car purchases have been made while under the influence. And then there was that decision about changing all the living room tile because I did not like the colour one night and I pre-paid for the tile to wake up the next morning to remember my slate pool table had to be moved. Then there was the time I made the wise decision to build a swimming pool while having a bit of a drink at which time I arranged for the back hoe to be there bright and early the next morning. ha ha. All plans were followed through with but I did have second thoughts.tongue.png

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  2. Sorry to say but sounds like the start of trouble to me. Sinsod, big wedding that is high cost, her setting up a business to support both of you,etc. At best you might end up with her having full control over you, at worst well lets not think about that. I would give this a real good think before diving in.

  3. Kings have been known to abdicate thrones for a woman, why not a monk?

    I guess that's a personal decision on abdicating a throne for a women or making job changes for a woman. Everybody has to make their own decisions but I promise I do not let women sway my opinion. Both my ex-wife's will agree on that I am sure.w00t.gif

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  4. I used these guys to check my house before i signed contract: http://www.checkcon.com/

    The OP mentions "build permits" what, in Thailand. I had an extension built on to my big house, only really a room for myself with my computer etc cost 55000 Baht but no "build permits"

    Yep, I never heard of building permits and I have built 2 houses, renovated another house, added 160 sq ft storage room, and build on an extra room. Never had a permit for anything. I wish there was a permit system when I look at the mess eh I mean the building that is across the street from one of my houses.

  5. The wife and I are homeschooling her 12 y.o. She was concerned about his education (or lack thereof) in the 'affordable' private schools - here in Chiang Mai, Dara Academy and last year, The Vachiralai School.

    I was also concerned, since his best grades the past 2 years were in English (B+), yet he could neither speak, read, talk, write or spell in English. Which made us question his other subjects.

    There's an office of homeschooling (4th floor) in the government complex at Hwy 107 (why to Mae Rim) and Hwy 3029 - C.M. City Hall is located nearby. Bldg is same one where Thais go for passports (ground floor). We had to submit a proposal to this office, it got reviewed, we had to update, reviewed again, and we got 'accepted'. We had another proposal to use as a model to create our own. (It was in Thai, so I can't tell you what all it said).

    My wife has a b.a. degree from Payap U., I have a B.S. degree from a 'Big Ten Conference' University in the U.S. Some sort of credentials in this regard is required. (They requested wife's diploma/transcripts as proof of degree).

    Currently there are about 40 families in C.M. area doing the homeschool under this office (the C.M. area). There's other homeschool admin areas in the north, and they are trying to work out methodologies for screening and monitoring and appraising the kids learning.

    As to his schooling; we just started back in March, at the end of his 6th grade at Vichiralai. We are learning and adjust a lot from when we first started. Everything is English. He reads and listens to stories or movies or even cartoons in English. He watches U-tube grammar lessons, reads stories online. We study math in English - which was very confusing for him, since he had no idea what " 6 times 7 equals?" when spoken. He did understand the formula "6 X 7 = ", but this is the trivial case. Explaining fractions - numerators, denominators, etc. - all new terminology to him. He's enrolled in an online math ed. site where he does problems - they score, keep track of his lessons, provides reports on how he did, how much time he spent on each thing. (good for when the officials come around at eval. time).

    Some days I think I was crazy for consenting to doing this. I look on the calendar, and we are officially about 5 weeks into the school year. To me, I'm looking ahead with eager anticipation to summer vacation - only 8 more months!

    Have a look at a web site called BRAINPOP. They have free online stuff but also I see have a paid Home School program all in English. My child goes to school in the middle east, English is the 1st language, Thai is a strong second, and Arabic is a weak third language. BRAINPOP is all English and the kid loves it.

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  6. While I am not a smoker, and do like the laws that stop smoking in public places, these photos placed on packs of smokes appear to be doing no good. I say place a simple reasonable size warning. I think an increase in the warning size will have no affect.

    In fact it gets down to taking peoples freedoms away such as some of the silly laws in the USA

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