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Posts posted by rotary

  1. It's very widespread, not only with foreigners here part-time.

    The wife of full time foreigners can have a Thai husband tucked away, she visits when, funeral, go to see relatives, little holiday with her sister, etc.

    But what you neglect to add is that Thai men having a wife and a minor wife (even

    several minor wives) has been part of Thai culture for hundreds of years and continues today.

    In other words many Thai women (and men) see this whole scenario as 'normal'.

    My Thai daughter in law tells me that as a little girl she (and all her female school friends) were

    taught, mostly by numerous aunts, that:

    'men have special needs, when you get married you must understand and accept

    that your husband will need several women to satisfy his sexual desires'.

    And you can find some rich / successful Thai women who have several live in boys. I'm well

    aware of two such scenarios where;

    - The Thai women got married, knowing full well that the new husband had several minor wives

    in addition to the actual 'for status display and to father his children' bride.

    - The Thai women knew full well that they were marrying into, and knew full well that it was common

    and knowing full well would not change.

    - Eventually got bored with the situation, like many of their lady friends, had no

    desire to divorce, but did decide to copy the set up and have several live-in / live out

    hot young boyfriends.

    - In both of the cases that I'm aware of the actual Thai husbands are well aware that their

    'main' wives have an entourage of hot young men and well aware that there is plenty of regular

    action in bed, and in both cases the husbands are not concerned, not in the least.

    - In one case the rich wife (also a very successful business woman in her own right) has 5 live in boys.

    None of this is hidden, I've been to the house many times for business meetings and met all of 5

    young men several times. she takes care of them well, they all have a luxury personal suite in the

    very large house, she pays their university fees and a high salary, all have total access to the fleet

    of company cars, and more.

    - Also she likes threesomes and sometimes decides to have two boys sleep with her, and she also likes

    to watch masculine young men having oral and anal sex. Bottom line - all of the five young men in the

    entourage are bi-sexual.

    I think I like the "numerous aunts", ha ha well some of their ideas anyway.thumbsup.gif

  2. Sirchai, i would have no hesitation telling them.

    Im my experience however 99 percent wouldnt believe me.

    Ive never been in the village while they are there but if they are i will tell them over a beer, if they take the hump to problem.

    Correct Manxninja. I've told on a few and whether they believed me or not, they're still with their Teelaks.

    Yep seen that. I told one guy one time about something like this, got the guy to come over who was sleeping with his wife and the guy confessed he was sleeping with his wife. Then the only question, and I am not joking, the guy asked the other guy did you use a condom? ha ha. Serious he asked him that with me watching.

    • Like 2
  3. If you're an honest guy, please let the gentlemen know what their wives are doing when abroad.Guess you'd be more than happy, when somebody would "open your eyes."

    It's pretty much common here. I'd guess 80% of Thai women are doing the same shit.And you won't loose face telling it through let's say your wife.-wai2.gif

    80% might be on the high side but I would say 50% or more.

    • Like 1
  4. LIke NeverSure said I can't image someone wanting to give up their U.S. citizenship and the associated benefits unless they are trying to avoid something like taxes owed.

    I think taxes owed are not the problem, I think future taxation is the issue.

    Can't understand how a country can tax its citizens who live abroad without providing services in return.

    Well they do provide services in return. Just whether those services are worth 39% of my annual salary are another discussion.

    Services the U.S. government provides it's citizens who live abroad...

    Here's an example: Recently, I went to the U.S. Consulate to have 3 forms notarized. It took about 2 minutes of the guy's time.

    Cost: 1,500 baht (or $50) each. Total for 3 signatures = 4,500 baht (or $150).

    Years ago, I used to pay $1.50 to $2.50 for a notary in the U.S. Today, at $10 it might be called a service. At $50 a pop, it might

    be very aptly be called something else... sick.gif

    And now they have that Book online thing that is also terrible. The service gets worse and the prices get higher at the US Embassy.

  5. Be sure to take the $400 or something like that they charge at the Embassy, I had a friend who gave up US citizen and he had a heck of a time but finally got it done. They were on about him liable for tax for 7 years. I knew him when he got that citizenship and tried to warn him and many years later when he got rid of that US citizen he was telling me he wished he had listened to me. Getting a US passport is the worse thing anyone can do if they are a high wage earner. Much easier to get than to get rid of. There are many passports in the world much better than that US passport and taxes are terrible. All this is the view point from a high wage earner stand point. Nothing to do with anything else except taxes and problems with them

  6. I have always heard it is not good to place a battery on cement as the coolness can cause the plates to short out. not sure if thats true or not but many people always have a piece of wood under batteries

    I wish there was a way to convert Kwai droppings into electricity. We'd have free electric for life. tongue.png

    In regards to the Op's question. It seems he just wants to have electricity in case of black outs. Does anybody know anything about using batteries? I presume they would be trickle charged whilst power is on but I don't know what the outputs are, the length of time they last or the overall viability is of them.

    several threads exist on back-up power using inverters and batteries. yes, i am using three sets of inverters.

    -two power two pumps which supply water to our home,

    -two power my study (lights, computers, routers) and my TV-room (TV, HDD recorders, SAT receivers),

    -to power the study of the Mrs (computer, printer/scanner, TV, SAT receiver and HDD recorders).

    cost per system approximately 15-18,000 Baht depending on number of batteries. it looks like this:


  7. Giving up that US Citizenship is smart for many reasons not even thinking about the decline of the US over the last 25 years. Good to see him doing well. If it were easier to get other citizenships such as British or Aussie I think the Americans giving up US citizenships would be in the tens of thousands each year if not hundreds of thousands. The only thing holding back lots of people is the problem with getting a new citizenship. As far as the 700,000 coming to the US I notice, and this is true, we have immigrants driving trucks, working as janitors, etc. These are people from Asia or Africa not Mexico doing these jobs. I thought the reason they let people immigrant to the US was for skilled jobs like Doctors or Engineers. Another thing is many of these immigrants get that US passport then leave to work overseas on that US passport so really what good does that do the US as they let them immigrant to the US because they were doctors or engineers who skills are needed in the US. The US needs a work permit system that has nothing to do with a road to citizenship and they have to stop this anchor baby thing. Most countries in the world being born there has nothing to do with citizenship. Unless big changes are made the US will never stop this decline they have been in for many years. I think even the immigrants will see this decline soon and stop going to the US.

  8. the second school should be able to arrange extension of stay.

    I would be tempted to take the better job, just be subtle, and DO NOT let the first employer know where you are going.

    it is not unusual for an old employer to try to sabotage your new position

    i suppose the ultimate question is how many students are you screwing over by jumping ship?

    and are you ok with that?

    Right on, When you give your word and agree thats it.

  9. "I think the makers of the GT200 would have won a Nobel prize if the device had worked in the way they promised.".

    I think the makers of the GT200 have done as much to win that Noble Prize as Barack Obama done to win his, now just my humble opinion.

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